How Long Does Methadone Stay In Your System For A Urine Test (Page 3) (Top voted first)


I just took two ten mg methadone pills. Will they be out by Thursday? I drink a lot of water. Please let me know soon as possible.

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Methadone will stay in your urine for up to 3-4 weeks if youve been a user for a person who's been on M.maintenance. If your only using 25-30 mgs. once in a while, you will need 6 days, and consume lots of water, your urine should show clean. Good luck.

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She should find that dose good for back pain as long she isn't bedridden. But Methadone is the way to go if it is chronic pain only. It is strong and does the job with pain and helping addicts and others in no fault of their own. It works the best and when and if you have to get off of it. i have found that 5 mg a week reduction in dose work great and if I felt uncomfortable, I would stay at that dose for another week. That cleared up in the week and went back to 5 mg per week reduction until it was at 5 mg down from the original dose of 100 mg so i had a long way to go but did it. Last week stayed on 5 mg for two extra weeks (all in the mind now) and then my mother took my 3 young boys for a few days. She thought I might be irritable but i wasn't, but I did have something to help me sleep and eat. I consumed cannabis and when all said and done. I and the family are fine now, this was 30 years ago. So now the only stuff I take is for major chronic pain for years before to the rest of my life. but i do stop for a few days to make sure that i don't get addicted. At this point in my life, i hate taking any medicine. Pain meds are a chore that i gag when i do it. one of my problems is the narrowing of my throat, so it's very hard to swallow or keep things down. I don't know what high is since the only thing i get is pain relief if I am lucky. I tell my Dr that i don't understand what they are talking about, i don't feel any high and i don't get the well being they say they get.

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You should be ashamed of urself, I do agree if that people that do not need the medicine should not be taking it, but its people like u lying to doctors to get ur fix make it hard for people that truly need the meds to get it .. I'm 30 n woke up with a rare debilitating disease that's attacking my brain with excruciating nerve pain n because my age n people like u I have doctors looking at me like I'm pill seeking when I can't barely walk with a walker. But instead of going to a clinic keep lying to doctors to get ur fix so young people with cancer n chronic diseases can be turned down by doctors n insurance companies to get the treatment they need.

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Hi...If you have been going to a methadone clinic for three years and you are at 45 milligrams per day, ( I think thats what you said your dose was), you will have methadone in your system for a long time. In your urine for up to two weeks or longer...I'm not sure on the blood. My husband was on methadone for over ten years and his Dr. Slowly brought him down from 80 milligrams a day to 10 milligrams a day. He showed in his urine over two weeks later...and his withdrawals didn't even start really kicking in till he was off of methadone (pill form) for three days, then it only got worse and worse...he was deathy sick, worst thing we ever went through. I'm not trying to discourage or scare you, but I STRONGLY advise you NOT to jump off at 45 milligrams, (if that is your dose), you will regret it and your body can't handle that jump-off! Good luck to you...also, I'm not sure how many days old this question is but I hope it not been to long to give an answer.

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Look whoever you are. Apparently you're one of the lucky people who don't live with chronic pain. I've been on opioids for over 15 years. I raised three great children by myself, worked in the medical field, and went to school. I couldn't have done ANY of that with the pain I have endured and still deal with. Lucky you, you have no pain. What if you were in a really bad wreck and they didn't put you back together like you were? Well, then you would live with chronic pain and not say things you know NOTHING about. It's the people that ABUSE it that give it a bad name. Don't make blanket statements when you have no idea what you're talking about!

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Good luck, Itake 20 ml once a day for 5 days & its still showing up in my urine 14 days after I stop good luck!

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How long does methadone stay in your system if you were prescribed it for about 6 to 7 years? I haven't taken it in two weeks but it was still showing up in my system.

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U can piss hot for a couple months, everyone is different. S***s crazy, the answer is there is no answer!!! Good luck- mind over matter.

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Yes it will methadone stays in your system for a while. I took 60mg 1 time and failed a drug test 14 days later.

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Methadone usually takes 6 days, wait 7 to be safe.

Sorry if rebooting a old thread is against the rules, but this topic is coming up #1 on google for multiple related questions and that is simply more important that any forum rules are.

For anyone in chronic pain, where the chronic pain is lessening the quality of their life, taking a medication to treat that pain will increase the quality of life almost always while they are under the effects of the medication.

Unfortunately, in today's society, the war on drugs has been increased especially over the last year or two, sense most of the posts in this thread. Which means that until the demonization of opiates ends, their ability to rejuvenate and allow chronic pain sufferers to go from having lives that essentially some are better off dead to being able to live the life they used to before they suffered from chronic pain.

It's important to understand that the cost to stop 10 junkies from getting their next fix should NEVER be at the cost of stopping someone suffering from chronic pain for 10 years from ever receiving proper medical treatment for their chronic pain.

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Re: Maggie (# 160) Expand Referenced Message

From someone that was on methadone for the same amount of time as you it literally took several months for me to get out of my system. I was taking 50mgs a day and my doctor took me completely off in December of 2016 I just tested negative this month. But I have an extremely slow metabolism and I'm overweight, so each person is different.

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Re: me (# 5) Expand Referenced Message

I know this is old but yeah you can take them with it. I wouldn't really recommend it, especially because of the acetaminophen thinning your blood out; it'll really intensify the methadone, but word of advice, get off the methadone completely. That s***s bad news. It's worse than opioids, when you get it as a liquid the bottle says "Take orally. May be fatal." That's kind of messed up. I'm assuming yours are pills but same goes for those and don't drink alcohol with it at all. One beer and one methadone can kill you. I know because a friend died this way. I do understand the need for painkillers and also the addiction side of it too, but for real, try to get it out of your life. It will slowly ruin your life without you noticing and then it is too late and nothing will be the same ever. I wish you the best.

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I was on methadone for over a year it took months to lower my dose down to 2 mlgs when I decided to walk away it has been 2 weeks and I still can't sleep and I still have discomfort at work so believe me its very very tough to quit....don't start go to a recovery program I wish I had. ..

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Just what R U supposed to do if U have conic pain?

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There in lies the quandary. Never easy...find a good pain dr

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I've been on methadone 5 years taken any where between 20 to 60 m a day started oxyscodone been on 2 weeks took urine test today Dr said nothing about failed test could not get script field mess up took 30 m today go back in 19 days should I be ok

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Dont understand. U failed?

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I took methadone just 2 10mg over weekend i have to take drug test friday. I never take them just on occasion. I tested positive with surprise test monday. Im 110 so if I drink lots water and fluids it should be out by friday shouldnt it?? This is so important for my family that i pass. Please help.

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I I've been taking 90 milligrams of methadone now for 2 years and I hurt my back really bad I was in the hospital for a year I had to learn how to walk again and they were giving me oxycodone 30 s soma xanax and now I'm having a hard time finding a pain management in Phoenix Arizona and I'm getting ready to have back surgery on November 12th.and now they don't want to give me my oxy 30s.does anybody know a good pain management in Phoenix Arizona.or how long it would take for it to come out of my system.

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I just wanted to say and reiterate that everybody is different so you never know what affects who how so what I'm basically saying is in my experience I am able to take 48 milligrams of Suboxone one day and the next day 8 hours into that day I can take 2 30 milligram oxycodone pills and get the full effect of the 60mgs, my question is how do I differ so drastically with the typical loa of suboxoe. I get max 12 hrs out of 24+ mgs suboxone. And have even on occasion dose 24 mgs at 7 am and
60 mgs oxycodone at 3 pm and felt normal rush of euphoria and stayed lit for the normal 2-4 he's max I get out of oxy...even at my normal dose of 120mgs. Basically what are possible reasons for this. I do have a fast metabolism but seems like sub's don't hold me for any longer than 12 he's max and full ags I'll get 3-5 hrs max on a good day.

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