How Long Does Heroin Stay In Your Urine - Answer (Page 17)
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What you need to do to pass your urine test is -
-have enough sleep(8 hours)
-consume laxative tablets
-drink plenty of water and if possible white carrot juice is good
-after the 8 hour sleep urinate at least 20 times and defecate least 2 times....Good Luck

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I used on a thursday night 2 bags and I had to take a urine monday around 1130 I weigh 110 and im like 5'2 and I always drink alot of gaterade and that weekend I was moving so I was very active do u think it will show up k did the same thing one before used on a sunday and had a ua on weds came out clean and they sent it to the lab do u guys think im good??

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k so i have been using h and oxy for about six months now. have scrip for oxy but the h obviously i do not. can you tell me if i have been using about .1-.3 grams of h a day (.3 on the heavy weekends) how long will it take to be clean. i hate withdrawals. so any help on that would be very nice. i have to stop. i should have never started obviously. but looking forward not back, i have to go throw withdrawals. if my friend gives me some subox and i just taper for the next two and then take the subox then nothing when will i be good to go? a week? how long can they detect suboxone? please help. got the most amazing job interview coming up and I will pass my test i will but how long do i have to taper my self down so i don't go threw the flue? i have done it before but it is like no sleep and hot cold hot cold sweating freezing, no sleep so tiered no sleep. anxiety to the max. lets say it is in a two weeks. what would some of you that have experience do? thank you so much! and for not judging. so to summarize, two week time frame, tapper the next two-three days? always feel the pain but not to the point where im sick right? no pain no gain, then after the two/three days go off totally,(dump rest in garbage...the pull is tooooo strong) then when withdrals are at the worst take subox, full dose at first then the next day half then half then half then half then nothing. do you think that is a good plan? after 8 days i should take not a thing, that will give me six days to be clean. I think that is a good plan, but for those with experiance please let me know some thing i am missing. THANK YOU

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if i dont use regurlarly but have a test the next day can i pass if i drink enough water and piss alot the night and mornig b4 along wit the b12??

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I'm 5'7" and just over a 100 lbs. I try to gain weight but cant guessin cuz my metabolism is pretty quick. Anyways, I slipped last week after not using for almost a year. Did maybe .1 of heroin a day for about a week. Didn't use Sunday or Monday then gave in on Tue (4pm) cuz I felt like s***. Now I have to do a urine test tom (Fri) around 3pm. Been drinking a crap load of water and already peeing clear. Very worried about pissin dirty. Also been taking midol to help me pee more. Anyone think I'll be ok??? Thanks!

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Yes drinking water is essential. Go to the ymca run or jog for an hr or 2 a day afterwards sit in the sauna. Then the day of the test take vitamin b12 pills sold anywhere and drink a lot of water the b vitamin will make your urine yellow while the water will dilute your sample to the point that any drugs aren't detectable. I'm on federal parole and I'm tested weekly. I smoke marijuana and sometimes do heroin and cocaine recreationally. I've never gave a hot urine and sometimes I've used the day my p.o. called me in for a random urine

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I did a very small of herion on mon, tue and wed then a small amount on sat, I have a urine test in 6 days if I drink alot of water and crenberry juice will I pee clean

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I don't use regularly, maybe once or twice a week but I used a half gram late Friday night and had a UA Tuesday morning. That gave me about 80hrs of not using. I have a very physically demanding job and drink water and Gatorade constantly. I passed my UA. What I have read is it can be as little as 2 days and as many as 5 days depending on a lot of factors, height, weight, age, activity, metabolism, diet, frequency of use, amount used etc etc My point to all this is...if you don't use regularly and use in small amounts and then do all the necessary things to flush your system I think your Urine should be clean in 2 days. Three days MAX.

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I'm male, in my late 20's, 5'11" and about 160 lbs. I took one bag (about .1 gram) on a Friday night at around 7pm. Took a 5 panel urine drug test at court that following Monday at around 11am. Came up clean on the spot. I did drink a lot of water during the weekend and peed a lot but made sure I didn't drink too much on that Monday because if you pee clear they will give it a closer look. Usually it takes 2-4 days to get out of your system. I have a fast metabolism so I'm usually on the short end for drug tests.

Drinking a lot of water and exercise do help flush your system out quicker because opium is water soluble and exercise speeds up your metabolism and helps flush out toxins from your body. If your not a heavy and/or daily user and in decent shape then you'll probably be good in about 2-3 days.

You can always go and buy a self drug test from Walgreens or CVS if you want to check yourself.

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I am curious too how long heroin stays in your system...
if i give myself 6-7 days of no using will i be ok for a urine drug test?
any feed back please

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Hi Sha,

I've read on a number of webpages that Heroin can be detected in your urine for up to 2-4 days after your last dose.

Would you say this is accurate, based on your own personal experience?

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