Had A Urine Test Today And The Doctor Said It Came Back Positive For Oxycontin.
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Had a urine test today and the doctor said it came back positive for Oxycontin. I've never taken that drug nor even know what it does. He said I failed the test. How can this be?

Current Medications:
Methotrexate 15 mg weekly
Folic Acid 6 mg daily
Hydrocodone 5/325 every 8 hours
Ventolin HFA inhaler every 6 hrs PRN
Albuterol Sulfate Solution as needed
Symbicort 4.5 mcg twice daily
furosemide 40 mg once a day
metforminER 500 mg twice a day
Montelukeast 10 mg one a day
Glipizide 5 mg one a day
Protonix 40 mg one a day
Levothyroxine .125 mg one a day
Baclofen 10 mg twice a day
Magnesium Citrate OTC twice a day
Simvastatin 20 mg twice a day
Potassium Chlor 10% liquid PRN

I absolutely don't understand why the test came out that way and I'm still in disbelief. Thanks.

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You take hydrocodone, this will metabolise and the tests which are not 100% accurate when other medications are taken so your hydrocodone is the culprit

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Was called today after the failed test was sent off for confirmation. It was negative or false-positive. So if you're looking for this information, Hydrocodone does give false-positives for Oxycotin.

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