Call Purdue Pharma About New Oxycontin 80mg Op (Page 3)
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This is the number to Purdue when calling select Opt # 2 and explain the adverse reaction that you are having from the new reformulated Oxycontin. The number is 888-726-7535. If the new type is working for you then great. I and several people I spoke with said it gets stuck in your throat even with food. Plus it does not last 12 hour. I understand why they re-made it kids should not take it and as far as how people take it snort, inject or chew its their business. Nobody should tell another ADULT how to live his or her life. It sucks to live in pain it really does. Good Luck All

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Good post 'jsl'- good info and helpful~ask your Dr, make the switch! Gracias'

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I have not been back here in a month or so; a thank you to those who understand or are open-minded & actually provide usable info. The 'generic' form of Oxy, when it came out several years back gave me and I gather many others adverse reactions-enough so they yanked it completely. As this new formula infiltrates the US-the information that the Suits, test-tube twiddlers and reps are really hungry for (IMO) -- is being oh-so-coyly bourne out on the shoulders of the general public; be they in dire need of true pain relief or abusers in various forms.
Apologies to the young lady who has S4 cancer; I am glad you are getting good results-I am tempted to call 'bulls**t!' on your "9 yr study, etc..." info. Look, I would like to make it clear that I don't judge what people do with their drugs-people are gonna take it because they need it and people get "high" from it - this won't change and I am not judging anyone , I don't know their situations, etc....
I do know this; for those of us who were using it for true chronic pain - when we feel "backed into a corner, bruised, bloodied and sicker at the hands of this change"-it's like fight or flight-and as the pain increases
we want to 'defend' our stance of non-abuse~~because we FEEL as if we are under the sights of the abuser's MO gun. Our proclaimations of non-abuse only raise the eyebrows of Drs., pharmacists, even loved ones.....Why? Because they sound exactly like the ones that abusers are giving
to get 'the old ones back' etc... here is a basic human truth-ALL change is met with resistance..good or bad. Comes a time when we adapt, accept or move on.

The problem as I see it is that Purdue is using the public at large to obtain the DATA that should have been obtained through clinical trials. A P.Pharma rep was slinking around my Dr's complex...I heard the guy, "got anyone on Oxy that is complaining? Getting sick, saying it does not work as well?" My doc is a goodun and sent him away with tail tucked~I could hear his ass on the way out, "tell them to call the 800 line and let us know all". Please excuse the reference-I know the horrors were so great........though the nazi's used to get their info by experimenting on people, too. To me, same technique, milder form, yet still has wrought much devestation and pain.

To the several who suggested -Opana +oxy IR's are doing the trick for me. To wtarin1~kid, it seems like you have anger and resentment that transend this topic. Stop hanging here looking for your answer. Think about this. Would be glad to somehow discuss w/you in another forum~I am a counselor and a warrior(on several fronts) ~but I have to realize I can't take on every issue with the same gear and weapons-ya know? Trust me, I believe your fight is elsewhere. God speed, babe.

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this new op does not work as well as the original oc!! I have multiple sclerosis & I gotta take more of these nasty slimy thing's that don't work, would love to have my original oc's back! asap!!WFUWF

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WarWalker - do you think Brucy Baby finally got it? Between you and I he better run if you and I find him huh? But of course that won't happen but I am like you, I came here to find if someone, anyone could set me on a course for some relief. That hasn't happen yet and I don't believe it will. Thanks for your support and putting Brucy Baby in his place.

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opana is way better than oxy and get oxycodone 30mg for breakthrough pain youll be fine, 40mg opana like 2 80mg 0xys no s**t

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they do have generics but just letting you know its all whhat was left in stock in warehouses, before purdue pulled them they sent out alot of them under 3 different generic names, activis, ethec and ativex or something i think, walmart aand walgreens had them i know but they are steadily going away and when theyre gone its for good, not to bust your bubble but ive gotten em the last 8 months and theyre running out cause now i cant find them and i know this is fact, canada and europe didnt approve the new formula so thats the only places you can get them for sure.

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Dear brucy;
You make dangerous assumptions when bluring out things like 'you all' and 'no symp here', 'dope heads'. I came across these threads looking for info. about something that after 3 yrs of not being able to walk due to my cyatic & left side of my spine being crushed under 1/2 ton - because I was pushing the guys in front of me out of harms way and just could not quite get out myself- finally helped me on the way to some mobility again. WTF are you doing here? Sympathy? Do not want it, did not ask for it-especially from some nancyboy like you. I can tell by your post that you are one of those who dottle through life, never doing anything for anyone-save for your own ass. Then you have the sickness to come on here and pronounce 'all' to be dopers. You F**K.

I try to be a God fearing person; I may have a 'disability' now, though that does not mean I should SUFFER as much as is humanly posssible-you would not understand that. I moved to a different product-all at great length and pain. I hate to admit it, though when I hear people spouting off about things they know nothing of, kinda makes me want to give them a lesson~GET IT? Shut your hole and go back to mama's basement. Yeah, some are abusers, more than you may think just want to have some living in for whatever reason has become a shattered life.

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HEY BRUCE - It's a-holes like you that make me want to vomit! I never GOT high. It's the f***ing Doctors that will write out oxy's to anyone that walks in their f***** door!!! Not checking to make sure they are IN PAIN! I hope you never have to live on disability (look that word up in the dictionary, cause I'm sure you don't know what that word is) then preach to me about getting high. I hope to hell you never have to live 24/7 like I do.

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All you people who want the old formula for the Oxycontin back get no symphathy from me. Oxycontin was the best high available until the abusers gave it the bad Rep. it got. You all just wanted it to get high. There are several other schedule II narcotics that provide the same or better relief that the Oxy's. I hope you never get the original formula back. The same crap will happen over and over again. Dope Heads.

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AMAN!!! Rubber, Thats it. I caint believe the fomula. What does anyone recommend? Opana?

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Everysince Ive swallowed the new formula I'am in severe stomach distress. I wonder if it replicates chewing gum, sticking in your intestines forever, swelling! I'am going to change I have to. I'am more constipated and stomach swollen. I'd like to know how our bodies break it down? My whole body feels like that medication sticks in my blood veins. I'am really scared there will be alot of deaths caused by the way this glueing,sticky, chewing gum stays forever in your GUTS!!!!Please if anyone has good news to share with me regarding this SHARE!!!!!!

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Curt, you are soooooo right! Because some morons chose to abuse/misuse OxyContin, the patient who I assume it was made for, suffers for the minority of dipwads who snort, inject or stick up their butts, or wherever 'avenue' they can find! It is not fair and I am sick and tired as well over all of this crap! We sure are not teaching accountability and responsibility--for God's sake--keep your kids in sight and watch them and for all of the 'recreational' snorters, etc.--punish them. First, tamper proof bottles even I cannot open, then this s**t. You simply cannot protect everyone from the pitfalls of Life--you either learn to be responsible as an adult or suffer if you screw up--simple. Punish the abusers and illegal dealers of this med and stop punishing us, the innocent patient. It is not Purdue-Pharma's fault--they were forced by this nanny-state Government of ours and have been sued and sued. They finally make a long-lasting med to help us pain sufferers and these a-holes, once again, mess it all up and cost Perdue a s***load of money in legal as well as research dollars. I hope the government reimbursed Perdue-Pharma for this 'reformulation' which they were forced to implement. What's next, forcing banana growers to come up with a "peelless" version so no one accidentally slips on one? This country is going down the tubes with all of this nonsense and I've frankly just about had it! S**t!

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stage 4 for 10 yrs, please give us a break, and no, changing the formulation was not the thing to do, only in this joke of a country do you make the majority pay for the actions of the moronic few

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There is a report posted on the internet that outlines the study and it was tested on several control groups. The new formula was in the works for 9 years before they were satisfied that they had a product that would both meet the needs of the patient: most importantly and be tamper proof for abuse ordered by a federal court judge Purdue was obligated to take this action. Do you think they are happy with the results, I wouldn't think so but it was the right thing to do and as a stage 4 terminal cancer patient for the past ten years, I know the true effects on me and they are good!

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Faaa-king- A-Rite. See, I really would Never slurr post like that, but I am near suicidal. I guess call Pharma + Fearfrozen Dumbazz Admin.[FDA] I am bitter. Severe pain will do that to a person, Especially when you R not addict, have some relief, and the carpet is yanked. Whoopee, back to cringing in pain and now with MORE side effects and less efficiency. Nice.
ANY Dr. worth his or her salt should be able to tell if patient is abusing by exam & signs, blood test. I am not a dolt-have 2 degrees + Master's and even I can discern when someone is abusing if I have access, time and opportunity with them. 'Big Pharma pushed FDA into killer OK' wait & see=headline.

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I feel like you said most of what I am feeling, so MAN, do I feel you on this one, Babe. 10 yrs. , same dose, NEVER asked 4 more, at X took less.
I am embarrased to say that along with you're stated side effects, I must add suicidal feelings. Never before, they do not work same. For nay-sayers, not an addict, OK? My Dr. did not inform me before, nor pharm.- so my symptoms were not psychosomatic- I never smushed or IV etc... so I was unaware until my progress was gone and I was in bed 22 hrs. day. I guess flood W/ calls? Pray?

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Sure you can take the IR's but if you want any sleep or overnight relief, these new pills do nothing, and the MD is limited in how many IR's he can write for in my State. The Drug does not work and changes you and makes you sick.

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in reply to the person that posted:
The reason Purdue Pharma changed the formular for Oxycontin is quite clear not only by the respondence on this page but also the increased illegal activity and its drain on police resources over the last 10 years. They knew that if they did nothing it would only be a short time before The FDA took it off the market altogether (a power which they have). The reason most people on this page are complaining is because the people their selling them to don't like them so their not making $50-$60 a pill. Well I for one don't feel sorry for you. I take the new ones like you suppose to and find they work as well if not better than the old ones. Shame on you people!

My reply to you:

I cannot believe you just made that wild and inaccurate generalization. You dont even know me!! I never even took the original oxycontin and took this new medication for the first time last week. It has made me violently ill!! Please dont refer to me as a drug dealer, I have never in my life sold a drug of any sorts.I have to have my thyroid medication compounded because I am extremely sensitive to ingredients most people have no problem with. I guess that makes me some sort of druggie or have nefarious reasons for my thyroid medication as well, huh? Go blow somewhere else you rejected piece of ass.

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I cannot believe you just made that wild and inaccurate generalization. You dont even know me!! I never even took the original oxycontin and took this new medication for the first time last week. It has made me violently ill!! Please dont refer to me as a drug dealer, I have never in my life sold a drug of any sorts.I have to have my thyroid medication compounded because I am extremely sensitive to ingredients most people have no problem with. I guess that makes me some sort of druggie or have nefarious reasons for my thyroid medication as well, huh? Go blow somewhere else you rejected piece of ass.

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taking 15 mg for spinal cord tumor and noticed the pill hangs in throat even with full glass of water which is causing esophageal problems and isn't effective at killing pain in legs, this all started around the last 4 months of 2010. The medicine is a reformulation and obviously doesn't work.

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