Accutane Long Term Side Effects (Page 17)


I have a son that took accutane 60 mg a day for six months in a row three years ago. Now after many trips to doctors over strange medical problems, it seems accuatne is the culprit medication that has caused servere joint and muscle pain, severe dry lips, redness in face, eye infections of own immune system attacking itself, systems of osteoarthritis in both shoulders, both wrist and right hand, blood in stool, possible hair loss, abnormal liver function test results in AST and ALT. My son went from being a high school football and track athlete while taking this medication three years ago to someone that is in constant pain just washing a car. After I have researched this drug extensively, I can't believe that the FDA allows this drug originally made for cancer patients to be marketed for teenagers with acne. All one has to do is look online what vitamin A overdose does to someone and then you have the results of what this medication has done to my son. This drug needs to be taken off them market ASAP and the drug companies that make it need to compensate all teenagers that they have possible ruined their future. Shame on them! What is going on here?

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Pennsylvania Crude Oil should help your hair.

Edgar Cayce's stuff is amazing.

My hair fell out too I had bald spots all over my head, I have lots of hair and most of it covered the bald spots. It did grow back, but not in all cases does it. But I believe yours will, with some good help.

There is also by Hyland's Homeopathic #12 Silicea 6x I am using for my skin and's says Skin Eruptions, Brittle Hair and Nails. What I have noticed with this is my nails are growing. I need to keep up with this product. I am bad about taking stuff everyday. Found at health food stores. Not GNC...

Keep me informed if you do try it...

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To the person who posted about diverticulitisis(sp)

Yes Accutane can cause this. I have diverticulosis which could turn worse to what you have and many have had thier colons out w/ or wout taking accutane. I have read up on fourms of pts suffering from this and try to do some of the things they do. I wish you luck

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Oli Girl..Thanks for commenting back..I have not yet went back to the doctor for my follow up so I'm still a bit confused as to what I can eat. Hopefully I'll get it all straightened out. Anyone have suggestions as to what to eat when I have a flair up of the diverticulitis?

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I took Accutane for 9 months when I was 22. I am now almost 36. I always thought accutane was the best thing I ever took. It cleared my skin when nothing else would, it was amazing and even though I was very dry and incomfotable for those 9 months, it was still so worth it to me. However, 2 years after taking the pill, the tendons in my right knee pulled and stretched causing tendon/joint issues...that seemed fine until a year later when my right shoulder for no reason at all stopped working (torn rotator cuuf/tendonitis?) for about a month for no reason at all, now in 2010 my left shoulder has done the same thing. I seem to have these joint or tendon issues for no apparent reason and I'm wondering if it has anything to do with taking accutane....BUT it might not be the accutane, like I said up until now I never regretted taking that medication..?

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Hi, I was here a few months ago to talk about some problems I was going through while taking accutane (I got it as Isotretenoin).

I went to the doctor and told him of all the problems I have had since the last month I was on the medication to now (about 3-4 months ago to now).

I told him about how I constantly have cold hands and feet; how I started seeing grey hair on my head, and how I had a throat problem of a feeling that something is stuck in my throat.

He took my blood test and said there wasn't anything wrong with it, and that it was unlikely that accutane was the cause of what I am having now because having cold hands and feet, greying hair and throat problems had NO RELATION to accutane I was thinking in my head BULLS**T. So I told him, that it must've been accutane because I never had ANY of these problems before I took accutane and now suddenly after taking the drugs I have these problems.

The damn doctor just laughed and told me that the drug was out of me for a few months already and all the side effects you have are gone.... and I was thinking what a load of bull.... and I'm only 16...... and I'm having these problems....? WTF.... No matter what I told him he still insisted that accutane had NOTHING to do with what I was having now.... which is totally BULLS**T because I NEVER had ANY health problems before accutane except acne. - and you know what is worse? Accutane NEVER even got rid of my acne.

The doctor is a piece of s**t for giving me accutane and not warning me about these problems and then insisting that accutane was definitely not the cause of these problems. I'm really p*ssed off right now... because not only did it not cure my acne, and not only do I now have more problems, and not only did it NOT cure my acne, but it gave me MORE skin problems and MORE problems that I shouldn't even have to go through at 16...... I feel so suicidal..... because I don't want to live through a life full of problems caused by some other person. - and if you're gonna tell me that it was MY fault for wanting to take it in the first place, I just looked back at the thing I signed and the side effects I'm having are NOT on the list. I did have dry skin, but I STILL DO... and it was supposed to be a temporary side effect, and I've got f***ed up lips.....

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Hello all,

I've read several of your posts about having problems several years and even directly after taking Accutane. I took Accutane at two different times in high school, once for 6 months and another stint for 4 months. My health/skin problems before Accutane were limited to strictly acne, nothing worse. The only immediate side effect I've felt that still persists today is perpetual dry skin. I never had the problem before, but I can't go a day without globbing a pound of lotion on my face and arms, otherwise I'm faced some serious flaky skin. Not pretty, but at the time, I thought it was a fair trade-off for having clear skin, which is still mostly clear today.

Exactly 4 years after taking Accutane, I can even pinpoint the day in college when it started, I started experiencing extreme irritable bowel problems, literally everything I ate upset my stomach and came out of me like fire water. Pretty gross, but the truth. Nothing dramatic had changed in my life, I was healthy, worked out 4-5 times a week, had a mostly poor diet but not awful, (I was in college) but only drank in moderation. Then one day, I can't sit through one class without having to run to the bathroom.

That was 6-7 years ago, and somehow I've gotten the problem to a very manageable point. The things I have done to help the problem, but not get rid of it completely, are to most importantly and obviously stay healthy. Try and eat a decent diet, take vitamins! The one that has worked the best for me is the GNC mega men multi vitamin, just be sure to take it once a day. The other life saver has been a religious regimine of Metamucil. It sounds stupid, but as long as I take 4 pills as soon as I wake up, again around lunch and once more late in the evening, I manage to stay healthy feeling without that constant stomach pain and without the fire water. Again, a healthy diet is also key. Without fail, every time I stray and start eating fried foods/fast food for extended periods of time, it starts flairing up again and I feel awful for a few days until I start eating like a decent human being. I'm not saying I don't enjoy some garbage food here and there, but be sure to eat some fruit/vegetables every day, whole grain breads and pastas, things like that.

I'm sorry for all of you that have had problems related to Accutane, I feel for you and I wish you the best.

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This thread is completely shocking for me. Over the past 3 years, I have experienced terrible health issues. I went from being a healthy extremely athletic college student to a sickly unhealthy adult. I started taking accutane during my senior year of college in the Fall of 2005 for only moderate acne. I repeated a course in the Summer of 2006. I was amazed with the results and felt extremely pleased. Starting in the Fall of 2007, I started noticing that my skin was drier then usually and took longer to heal. Nonetheless, I disregarded this and kept moving. This problem continued going into 2008 and by the Summer, I was completely ill. Not only was I experiencing dry skin, I was experiencing various immune issues,bloody stool, headaches, low WBC, and blurry visions.Twice, I had to go to the ER because I felt as if I could breath. While at the ER, I was referred to the oncologist because of my WBC. These problems continued to get worst and by the Fall of 2008 I was dealing with joint and bone pain in my legs. My teeth, which I have taken VERY good care of, began developing cavities at an amazing rate. After visiting several doctors and specialist, I brought I the fact that I had taken accutane several years ago and the Dr. simply responded by saying you wouldn't still be experiencing those side-effects. and brushed it off as they continued to search of the cause of my illnesses. Now at 27, I feel like an old man and get more depressed by the day. Nonetheless, I refused to give up and mainly keep my health problems to myself. However, I am now convinced that accutane has caused permanent damage to my body, which I regret wholeheartedly.

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Hello all,

I just wantd to give a breif update on my sons long term side effects from Amnesteem ( Accutane.) If you read the original post you will see some of the problems he has had.

Like most of us here, we seem to have been there did that when it comes to trying to find a so called Medical Doctor to even establish the fact Accutane has cause any medical conditions that will not go away after you have taken the due course. Bottom line, I have not found a human being to explain why a chemo theraphy drug is givin' to our youth as acne cure. So my search continues looking for ways, vitamins, exercises etc that can help.

We have recentley tried something new that is helping my son's brain fog and overall well-being.

I am not saying this may work for anyone else, but it has help Ryan. He seen a nutritionist and stated him on a Candida diet. You can read more here..... Our hopeful thinking is that candida is not his major health issue, but may be something his auto-immue system has picked up being weak from a 6 months course of Accutane.

Ryan has been on this diet for about 7 weeks and claims his energy level has picked up and he general has better days. The diet hasn't taken away his joint pain and some other complications he deals with, BUT he is feeling better.

He has surprised me by staying on this diet religiously giving up all carbs and basically anything white in color.

I just wanted to pass some good news on. He takes a pro-biotic called Threelac once a day and stays on the diet, which hasn't always been easy for a collage student trying to eat hambugers without bread etc.

I am claiming no cure here, but we believe he has found a way for his bowels and stomach to have less flare ups and a better over all feeling of his health.

Best Wishes,

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I took Accutane for approx 6 months my sophomore year in college. It did it's job, i experienced most of the common side effects, but my acne cleared. However, i feel as if my personality was altered due to this drug. I remember being very angry while on the drug, and having outbursts, usually directed at family. I don't remember ever having suicidal thoughts, but that would be the farthest thing from my nature. I can say that I was always a very kind and happy person before taking this drug. I'm un-happy to report that i've never seemed to have lost this anger. Recently i've been pondering why i have such an anger issue, because it just doesn't feel like a natural thing. I have a great upbringing and good overall life. I'm not depressed, but I just seemed to loose my temper. Has anyone felt as if their mental state was permanently altered by this drug, or do i just need to talk this issue out. I should point out that i'm an extremely healthy person, athlete, I work out 4-5 days a week. Oh, and i'm the only guy on either side of my family to have a receding hair line. Please let me know if anyone else has experienced this lasting issue. Thanks.

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I started taking Accutane in 1998 after trying everything to clear up my skin. I never had severe acne. My problem was my facial hair would grow underneath my skin and would cause ingrown hairs that would cause painful bumps. I am now 35 and have been experiencing severe problems. I have constant peeling of my skin around my eyes. I have use lotion on my face every day or I will sores that open up. I am having problems with sleeping and joint pain. I also have developed diarrhea and mucus in my bowel movements. Lower back pain and can no longer sleep on my back. I have trouble sleeping at night. And no matter how may hrs of sleep I get I am always tired. I am 6'0 175lbs and my wife and I exercise to stay fit. I find it harder now to exercise due to the fatigue and sometimes joint pain. I would recommend anyone thinking of using Accutane to not use it. I have recently started to see my doctor about these problems. He has run a number of tests and has diagnosed me with IBS. I am scheduled to see my gastroenterologist about my chronic stomach pain and bowel problems.

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Vince az...I can save you a lot of time, money and headache (stress) and tell you that I too have IBS. I was diagnosed in 1988, and since I have many other health problems. The journal of research on glutens has connected many health problems back to the Celiac Disease and other sensitivities of the glutens. I think that the Accutane destroys the gut and then we have problems with sensitivity with our foods and with that we become malnourished and then other health problems come to Fibromyalgia, Lupus, Diabetes, Cancer..etc..because the journal talks about this connection and I am hearing it else where now too. Accutane and it's under names it's under is chemo medicine a high dose of vitamin's that bad! If they would of been honest about what we were taking in the first place many of us would of questioned it and maybe not taken it! No wonder there is the health problems out there from this. Chemo destroys the body and it's never the same!

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Hello, Sorry to hear about some of the cases going on with Accutane users. I first started taking Accutane to control acne when I was 23. I had it pretty bad and had tried every other prescribed drug available. I am still taking it and I just turned 40. I have had no side effects or any health issues what so ever and in fact am the healthiest person I know. I never get sick, colds or anything let alone any of the issues mentioned here. Let m share why I think this is the case. I had very bad Acne, but even though i was prescribed to take one pill twice daily (morning and night) I only did this for the first two weeks ONLY. By this time it was working and I scaled it back to 1 pill daily for another two weeks. The Acne was finaly gone for the first time in my life since puberty. I then and currently only take a pill when I feel I need it. This is approx 1 pill per week or even up to 1 pill in two weeks depending on the weather. Acne is worse for oily skin people when the seasons change between humid and dry and vs. versa.I have been doing this for the last 2 decades. One prescription is two boxes with 30 caplets in each, I fill this once per year. I was also only prescribed 10mg pills, not the 20 or 40mg mentioned here by some. I think this is way too much. Like I said I had Acne very bad but my system of managing my doses to an as needed basis seems to have been very successful and the acne stays away . I do get yearly blood tests done for the potential liver side effects and I have the cleanest blood my doctor has ever seen (like I said I have an immune system like no other ) It has worked very well for me and I still use it as needed. Took one this morning in fact. Sorry to hear some of the stories on here and I hope it works out for you people. Just thought I would share mine and how I managed the doses and strength of dose prescribed.

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Gotta admit, I'm torn on the Accutane debate. I started a 6mth course aged 18, with severe acne that wouldn't respond to anything else. I'd heard the horror stories, but went through with it anyway. During the course itself, I had very few issues (bar a few minor side effects, which were relatively easy to live with), and it cleared up my skin well. I've now been off the course for around 6weeks or so, and I'm starting to notice things that are worrying me.

For starters, I'm always tired. I can sleep 12hrs+ a day, and still feel like I haven't slept for a week. Then, there's how absent-minded/forgetful I've been. This time a couple of years ago, I was priding myself on best in school on maths challenges and my great exam results, right now I can barely concentrate long enough to get through a 30min TV programme. Of course, there's also the constant stiff joins, eye infections, ulcers, headaches, sickness, etc (baring in mind it's very rare I'm ill). Starting to wonder if I've made a bit of a mistake, and whether it's going to get worse...

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Just got a call a few days ago on possible lawyer taking my Accutane case, sorry to sound negative here, but I will believe it when it happens, it's many years in the making. So I was told by the lady taking down the information that Accutane was first used for treating Fibromyalgia! I SAID YOUR KIDDING? The reason I mention it here is I never had Fibromyalgia before taking Accutane, and now I just got diagnosed by three RA doctors. Strange! She said I will make note of that for the lawyer.

PLEASE PEOPLE avoid this medicine and it's other names it's under it will do damage to you too it's all just a matter of time!

More later on this subject...

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I have an 18 year old son that was on Accutane for his acne and has been off of it now for over a year. He has had many of the same symptoms that Scott and some of the others have listed on here. He was recently in the hospital for 4 days due to having severe abdominal pain and was diagnosed with Colitis. It is frustrating because he is not sick all of the time but he says he feels wierd and he has had all kinds of stomach issues with nausea and cramping. He, too says that he is achy...I do know that it is not necessarily proven but it sure seem strange that all of the same symptoms come to SOME of the people who take this medication. I wish I would have know before he took it. And to those that don't have problems, I am very happy that you don't because the alternative is not fun!

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I was alarmed to discover while reading the Sept. 2010 (page 116) of Allure Magazine they were recommending Accutane(name brand) under their Skin Care Special for college students. They too called it mildly, A MEDICATION, but added it can cause side effects. Doesn't this media outlet know it was recalled in June 2009? Nothing like sugar-coating this dangerous drug and the dangerous, long term side effects this has! On the same page it tells everyone to stay out of the sun. ???

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@Idaho Mom...Please get your son on a gluten free diet and see if this doesn't help him. It is recommended for those of us that have Colitis too.

Follow what Dr. Osborne recommends on his site I think it's so far the best site I have found It's helped me a lot.

Sorry to repeat myself on this site, but it's nice to help people if we can too.

Thanks for allowing this :)

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Hey Everyone,
I am a 17 year old just finishing up my treatment using accutane. I started out with 40mg a day for two months then every two months increased the dose by 20 mg. I have been on it for almost 6 months and my acne has improved tremendously. I have noticed some side effects such as dry eyes and skin, mood swings, and being fatigued; nothing that my derm didnt warn me about.
I worked out hard regularly before starting the treatment and still do while on it. The only side effect I noticed while on it, was that I would be sore for much longer than if i wasn't on it.
I stubbled on this site and have read many of these post. I feel sorry for everyone who has had problems while on or off the drug, but am afraid of becoming one of them as well. I only have 2 more weeks of my perscription and then I am done with my treatment. What can I do to help ensure that i dont get any life changing side effects, or catch them early and get them treated?

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Hi Mike B.

Thanks for leaving a thread on here. Glad to hear all is well during your treatment. My suggestion would be is to follow up with your doctor Derm or PCP after you quit treatment of Accutane. These drugs seem to help some out without any side effects. So be positive and just keep a heads up with any aches and pains or just maybe feeling blue without any reason.

Best Wishes,

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I took accutaine 10 years ago. I was on a very high dose, 3 times the regularily recommended amount. I believe it was 3x30mg capsules every morning noon and night. While I was on it, it was absolute hell, dry lips, eyes, my skin was so fragile and split so easily and my moods were all over the place. I had such severe nodular acne that if I didn't take it I would end up with painful festering pockets under my skin all over my shoulders and chest. Despite the side effects of the accutaine, it cleared me up within 4 months at which point I discontinued using it. Since then I've had no big issues and it's 10 years later. I have found that my eyes are constantly dry and easily irritated, but aside from that this drug did wonders for me. Everyone responds differently and are more or less susceptible to side effects. From the stories ive heard here I consider myself lucky. For those of you not as fortunate don't waste another second seeking compensation, just make sure you have all the facts, timelines, names, places, dates, etc all in a row. Corporations fight dirty in a lawsuit so don't expect a fast track to easy street. Good luck guys.

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