Medicines For Fibromyalgia

5 Topics Found

im being prescribed this course for having costochondritis and fibromyalgia what are its side effects, are they severe? nuroday p 75mg- 2times a day( 10days) enzoflex-8.....2times(7days) nexpro 40.....bbf (7d) ## and can i reduce these medicines. im not fond of taking it. will it not give sufficient results, if i do so...?? which of these 3 can be abstained from, i.e, if not that necessary! ## My age is 21 years. ## Have you consulted your doctor? You should do so, before making any changes to your medication regimen. Nuroday-P contains the active ingredients Methylcobalamin and Pregabalin, it is used to treat certain types of nerve pain. Side effects may include: nausea, dizziness, dry mouth and appetite changes. Learn more: Nexpro contains the active ingredient Esomeprazole, it is a...

3 REPLIES Filed under Pregabalin

I am taking Nuvigil (250) and Qysmia (75) and have been for about a year off and on. Today our pharmacist questioned my husband about it when he picked up our medicines. Is there a problem? I have fibromyalgia, depression, disc issues, degenerative arthritis in back, shoulders, hands, wrists, knees - have had surgery in each of those places except back. Almost lost leg to infection (from pedicure), gout, diabetes since childbirth of tins at 40, HBP, hyperlipidemia, thyroid issues, hyperparathyroid disorder, kidney disease, sinus problems & surgery, sleep apnea, and am totally disabled. I lost 95 lbs. and am controlling diabetes much better all normal A1C's w/ one 500 mg Metformin a day, lipids best in years, etc. However, the fiber stills keeps me exhausted and among other issue...

1 REPLY Filed under Nuvigil

I have been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia. Initially I was given muscle relaxants and other pain reliever drugs such as Felxura 400, Aceproxyvon, Epry 50, etc. along with stringent physical exercise. Now, my doctor advised me to stop all medicines and take only Shine 10 mg along with physical exercise to continue very religiously. What is this Shine 10 mg meant for ? Does it have any side effect ? I hope, I am under right way of treatment. ## Doctor prescribed me Shine 10mg. and I am taking regularly. Does it have any side effect? ## All medications carry the risk of causing side effects, even over the counter products. According to what I've found, this contains Etoricoxib, which is a Cox-@ selective inhibitor that's used to treat the pain and swelling associated with arthritic c...

2 REPLIES Filed under Etoricoxib

I have Ankylosing Spondylitus, fibromyalgia, degenerative disk desease with two herniated disk and 3 bulging. Facet joint damage etc.. Im a mess. I have been on Norco (1-2 pills a day as needed) for about 8 years. I need a new doctor who will prescribe this without thinking I am a drug addict!! I have never asked for more and it is pretty much the only way I can function as a mom and normal human being without being housebound. It is so depressing that people who NEED these medicines are now being punished for all the recreational users. I live in Alpharetta Ga. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!!!!! ## My name is Anthony and I just moved here from Chicago IL aid I take 2mg zanx and 10/325 Norco for pain I really need to find a doctor ASAP please

1 REPLY Filed under Norco

Would this medication make my lips numb and tingly, and make me feel very sluggish? ## This is a diuretic used to help treat high blood pressure and fluid retention. These aren't normal side effects listed for this class of medications. Are you on any others? Have you spoken to your doctor about this? ## Yes, I have spoken with my primary care physician, she says the tingling is a result of fibromyalgia systoms and has given me an anti-depressant to take. The only other medicines I take are calcuim supplements and vitamin D.

2 REPLIES Filed under Diuretic

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