Cyanide Where To Buy

9 Topics Found

I'd like to buy cyanide potassium in capsules. where can I find it avaiable for selling? ## Since this is an extremely dangerous substance, you will not find it that easy to purchase. It is controlled and only available to those licensed to use it, such as pharmaceutical companies and chemical companies. Why would you need a potent poison? ## Please contact me on my email id ## Necesitaria cianuro. Pongase en contacto conmigo en mi correo. Gracias. ## For personal use ## you did not post your email address. contact me. ## any one there to provide KCN in India, for personal use? pl tell mail ID. ## Rodriguez you have to put your email in order to people contact you!!! ## I need this potassium for person use. Thanks. ## Hi, I am type one diabetic, where can I buy cyanide for personal ...

149 REPLIES Filed under Diabetes

It took me about 1 hour to figure out how to purchase a sample of sodium cyanide and have it shipped. I went directly to manufactures that process in China. They will send a sample to the USA for approximately $80. A sample is 2 briquettes of 98% with each briquettes being approximately 14 grams. No need to test when it comes directly from the manufacture. Then I went to Amazon and purchased gel capsules and a capsules machine. I have been playing around with some of it and put some in water. It is too much to drink and this is why I purchased the capsules. ## Can you please tell me exactly how to do this as there are many manufacturers of this chemical and i don't see how to buy a sample ## Dave, Have you or anyone else an answer? many thanks and best of luck. ## I need sodium cyan...


Can one buy a small bottle of 300 mg - potassium cyanide capsules? ## i want to buy potasium cyanide capsules ## i require some quantity of potassium cyanide, anyone please let me know where to find. ## May I buy Potassium Cyanide capsules? ## May I buy 2 capsules Potassium Cyanide? Please give me an answer. Best regards ## I am looking for Cyanide capsule ## I am looking for 2 capsules Potassium Cyanide ## i m looking for a capsule of potassium cyanide. please help ## I would like to know where and how can i get potassuim cyanide capsule. ## any one please help where to get potassium cyanide capsule .I just need one capsule ## I wants to buy potacium cianide based capsule for some experiment.where & how can I get it? ## would like to know where can i get potacium cyanide from? ## I...


i want to buy a Cyanide potassium capsule or 2 capsules, my mail is azad. ## is an information-only site that does not sell medication. If you have any questions or concerns pertaining to the drug in description, please post back and I will be happy to assist you. ## i need 1 potassium cyanide capsule or any other poison pill , if anyone has i will buy it ## It is always questionable to try and obtain cyanide - it is obviously a highly toxic poison and is used either for suicide or murder. There is no legal means of obtaining it in a pill form within the United States, I am not sure about other countries. Certainly something I would not want to get mixed up in. Does anybody know whether other countries make this available in a pill form? ## Azadali, Hello my name is Crystal...


i would like to purchase a dose of potassium cyanide that, when taken, would kill me. what is the cost? ## I'm sorry, this site does not manufacture, nor sell any products or chemicals, this is an information only website. Suicide is not the answer to any problem and you are likely suffering from depression. Have you consulted a doctor or counselor for assistance? There are many treatment options available for people with your type of issues, some of which involve medications, which can help get you through the rough spots. ## Like others in this forum, I want to buy 1 Cyanide Capsule, so that I can go clean and quietly. ## i want to purchase cyanide. could you please tell me the criteria to buy it? reply me as soon as possible plsss its very urgent. ## Verwon, are you the moderator...

8 REPLIES Filed under Antidepressant

Hi I myself Dr.veena. I am involved in R and D organization. I want to buy Potassium cyanide either in powder from or watever form available for my research purpose. ## Sorry, this is an information only website that does not sell any medications or other substances. Have you tried any types of chemical suppliers? They are usually the types of places that carry research grade materials. ## can some one help me to provide the chemical suppliers details in INDIA. ## i would like to buy a cyanide pill, can anyone supply me? ## i would like to buy a cyanide pill, can anyone supply me? ## you, as an information website, are not able to indicate another web site that really sells cyanide potassium. An be in powder / small quantity. Only to kill some infectors animals that are destroying the p...


I am interested in purchasing some cyanide pills. Please leave some form of contact information. ## This website does not manufacture, nor sell any products of any type. In addition, Potassium Cyanide is a controlled substance in the U.S. and is not easily obtained by anyone, outside of certain laboratory settings. Learn more Cyanide details here. Are there any other questions or comments? ## Would like to buy cyanide tablet. ## go to fb and search for ... [removed for spam], u would get kcn there...its in powdered form,not capsules. ## Please note that we do not allow our discussion threads to be used for the buying and selling of products. This page is now locked from receiving additional replies.


I would like to buy any of these drugs. Does anyone sell any of these? ## I am a grad student in biochemistry by the way, but i can't order these through my PIs account. Would like to purchase with cash. thanks ## I'm sorry to inform you, but this is an information-only site and does not manufacture, sell, nor promote the illegal sales of prescription drugs among these forums. Any effort to contact individuals for their medications is promptly taken down upon notice and could possibly result in being banned if not adhered to. If you need help locating a doctor that will prescribe you the pills you might need, then please post back with that intention and I, along with other users, may be of help to you. ## This discussion thread is being locked from receiving additional replies ...


want to buy potassium cynide ## I'm sorry, but this is an information only website and do not manufacture nor sell any products. Depending on what country you are in, it may be hard to obtain, since Cyanide is such a dangerous substance. What do you need it for?


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