Vyvanse Aggression (Page 2) (Top voted first)


Adult daughter showing signs of agression on vyvanse

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My husband is on vyvance vegans and is also showing aggression and acts like everyone is out to get him. He used to be very loving caring conciterate etc but now he's showing physical aggression, he is becoming violent towards myself and his mom. What can I do? I can't take it anymore! I want my husband back and not this person he has become on these pills. I don't recommend vyvance to anyone after seeing the effects first hand with him. I nor his mom can deal with the physical violence, he did pit his hands on me I stopped him from putting his hands on his mom.

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I have been on Vyvanse for several years. In the beginning I took my meds in a diciplined manner and VY seemed to be really helping with my focus, my energy, my weight, my motivation improve. Good things were happening a
and it felt like

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My son 14 years old started out taking vyvanse 20 mg then eventually to 40 mg. He hasn't been on the 40 mg long.All together he has been on the medicine for 2 months. Well the scary part is it gave him full blown tourette syndrome.He has been suffering terrible tics and muscle body jerking. He is biting at the air and has a few vocal tics.He is highly irritable.I never seen anything like this with my son. I am so disgusted with this medication and I don't recommend it at all. This has done my son a lot of suffering.I have to take him off cold turkey and I am worried on how he will feel.Any suggestions. I am very upset for what this has done to him. I had him in the emergency room tonight.

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Vynase is a stimulant commonly used to treat ADHD and Naroclepsy.

Unfortunately, the irriatbility and agression can be common side effects of thse types of medications, however, there is not way to know, beforehand, who is going to get hit by them.

I am very sorry to hear of everyone's experiences, especially your son Shea and I hope things improve for him.


Does anyone else have information on these types of reactions?

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Try to read up on this blog:


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I was taking Vyvanse, and could not bear the terrible side effects of the drug. Never again will I trust my Friend, who is a drug rep for Shire. What a bad suggestion he made. Agression, irritability, sensativity to light and sound Etc , Etc...

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I feel your pain. My 20 year old has been on vyvanse for about 3 weeks, 70mg. It has caused much aggression and saying terrible things and hates everyone especially his family. He is verbally abusive and we are at our wits end. We thought it would help and it did at first and then the side effects started.

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please take him off slowly. I've never had such feelings of aggression in my life until I stopped taking Vyvanse. In one day I felt like I lost my mind. I kept saying to my husband its the vyvanse. My Dr. says I did not have withdrawal from the drug. Bull. I hope once your son is off the medicine for a while he will feel better. Best of luck.

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My 12 yo son started taking Vyvanse about a year ago. His ADHD is severe and the Adderall he was taking killed his appetite so badly that he became life-threatening thin. The Vyvanse has brought back his appetite and he is back into the ' normal' range. However- my intelligent, funny, sensitive, loving, and gentle son has turned into a person I don't want to know. He is extremely hostile and negative, and hates 'everything'. He lies like a cheap carpet and he is stealing. He's been suspended from school for more than thirty days so far this year (he's in Grade 7) His ODD has gotten much worse and absolutely everything is an argument now. He's started skipping school and/or running away from it, he's getting into fights. I never had these problems when he was taking Adderall, and I believe it's the Vyvanse that has turned my wonderful son into a monster.
As an aside, I also have severe ADHD and I am taking dexedrine, without any of those side effects. That being said, at the beginning when we were trying to figure out which drug was for me, I tried Concerta. Within 24 hours of starting the Concerta my heart was pounding and I had the shakes. Within 48 hours I became the nastiest, most hostile, aggressive, rude woman on the planet. I wanted to kill anybody that so much as looked at me. I've told you this because I know from experience that some ADHD drugs do cause aggression. This is why I'm so sure that the Vyvanse is having the same effect on my son. Cheers.

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My 10 year old son is taking Vyvanse and has been on it for nearly 2 years. At first we saw some inprovement in his attitude, ability to focus and his behavior. Now he is becoming a little monster. Always angry, disrespectful, negative thinking, and a host of other bad traits. I stumbled upon this site trying to see if there is a connection between Vyvanse and the aggression we are seeing in our son. From reading the posted messages, I'd say yes, there is a connection especially in younger children. About to call the doc and schedule an appt and look into an alternative medication. Thanks for sharing your information.

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My son is 14 and he is vyvanse ,his attitude has change a great deal and I dont know what is wrong with him he is angry all the time and he is still getting in trouble in school. He is mean to his brothers and always is irritable you cant ask him anything without him getting upset. I dont know if I need to change medicine. He has been on concerta before, but the medication was not working I want to take him off but he needs to be on something cause he is off task in school and constantly is up and down out of his seat where is he is making it hard for the teacher to teach

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Anthony: You're mistaken about the medications. They are NOT narcotics; in fact they're the exact opposite. ADHD medications-- with the exception of Strattera -- are amphetamines.

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Hello, my name is Marshall. I am a junior at Creekside High. I used to be on vyvanse for A.D.D. 2 years ago. When I was on it, I was on it for 4 years. I NEVER experienced these symptoms. No addiction (quite frankly I hated taken the stupid pill), no tics, no tourettes, no irritability or aggressiveness. When I went off the drug, I did it because I thought I didn't need it anymore. I experienced no withdrawal symptoms. I have gone back on it for academic purposes and am succeeding in school. I think some of the accusations against vyvanse are a bit outlandish. However it is a very powerful drug and should be given the utmost care when taken. Part of the reason I don't experience some of these effects COULD be because of my tolerance to amphetamine from years of taking it, although I never experienced any of those symptoms when I started. I am healthy and very happy the only thing that could explain my resilience to the drugs side effects is my strong norwegian blood, although I highly doubt it. Ha!

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I've been taking 70 mg vyvanse for 4 years now. I like it for about 4 hours, but after that, I feel nothing like myself. I have a difficult time expressing any emotions. Its terrible. I become the opposite of myself and I can't sleep even after 14 hours of taking it. I take it to get through days of work and little sleep, but its merely an addiction and I hate it. I wish I never took it.

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It Is Not Your Child Or Your Imagination!!! It IS the Vyvanse!!! I have adult ADHD and I took the dose prescribed by my doctor. The first month not much changed except I experienced tics and a total loss of focus..
My doctor claimed the tics were already there(I wanted to tic inside-and just didn't know it), the meds just "uncovered" them, or brought them out.
Not True, but ok- manageable... He upped it 10 mg after that first month when I complained about the tics, and odd feelings of OCD which I've never had before...
Again- he said I already had these, the drug just "uncovered" the OCD...
Totally Not True...
One Day at the higher dosage and I experienced Rage and feelings that the world was against me... And crushing depression... That has lasted for 4 days with no more meds- just that one first dose...
I am very patient and loving, and solid as a person. These Outrageous Feelings were Caused by The Vyvanse...
Do Not Let Your Doctor Override Your Own Good Sense. It Is Not Your Son...
Advocate for him...
I am Avocating for you both Right Now, and anyone else who reads this- By Telling You:
Take him to another doctor to see how to get him off the meds safely...
Do not just take him off cold turkey- this drug has terrible emotional side effects...
Adderall or Concerta usually do not.
Try one of those for your son with a different doctor, I lost my insurance and was trying to find something cheaper...
This was free for me- But Still Not Worth The Cost...
It Is Not Your Child- Get him a Doctor That Will Listen To YOU BOTH!
Thanks, I do care, because a long time ago, I had parents that were faced with what your faced with, Thank God they Found me the Right Help...
I am fabulous today! I'm a writer, a mother of two, and a wife. Still have ADHD. But I am creative and Working to make the world a better place! Good Luck! Stay Strong!
Your Son will be amazing, just Trust Yourself To Know Your Child. He's In There And He Needs Your Parenting To Get Him The Help He Needs... I Hope you read this...

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Yes- this drug made me feel insane. I was quitting smoking at the time and attributed the aggression to that. Then the psychosis. When I stopped taking vyvanse it became clear I could be myself again. I was so frightened that was the new me. This drug works for some and doesn't for others. For an unfortunate few, the side effects are WHOA horrible.

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I agree with u on every level u just described my 10 yr old son while on medicine, he hates school his classmates and says he want to kill them, he feels no-one wants to be around him, he's paranoid, when I talk to him in public he acts as though he's embarrassed by saying Mama be quiet u talking to loud they can hear u then he ducks and start looking as if everyone is paying us attention, he lgoes me, but while on meds he says I don't love u when I ask him, then he realize what he's said or did then he continusly apologizes I'm taking him off the meds

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I am an adult with ADD. I just started using Vyvanse about a year ago. It was working great and the only side effect I had was dry mouth, but now I feel Angry all the time! I had no Idea why until I did a web search and found many other has similar problems. I am only on 30MG. it has helped me in the other parts of my life where I needed it but this anger is not helping my marriage at all. I just have no Idea what to do.

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Honey I know, it is the worst thing for relationships ever, you've got to stop taking it and get a replacement medication- it didn't get any better until I stopped taking them.
Almost lost my amazing boyfriend by being so unpleasant- we hadn't identified where the aggression was coming from until I saw this thread. Thank goodness. Trust me, it will get better.

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