Nucynta, Side Effects (Top voted first)


I was just prescribed nucynta after being on percocet for over 3 years. Im very nervous about taking the first dose after reading the side effects. I work in the public eye and do ALOT of face to face contact and am nervous about not being able to think straight or put out a coherent thought. Should i be concerned about this side effect as much as i am.

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I just received my prescription for nucynta 50 milligrams. I was born with rheumatoid arthritis and also have Lupus, I had my right knee replaced in 2013, and have been on some kind of opioid or other pain medicine for at least 30 year's, so my tolerance is pretty high, but with all the people abusing their med's it makes it harder for people who are genuinely in chronic pain to get medicine that actually works. Now I know the nucynta is barely going to take the edge off my pain but I figured it's better than nothing because I get flare-ups some days that are so bad that I literally am stuck in bed. I also have an 8 year old son who has been diagnosed with turrets syndrome and I have to be there for him and keep up with him and there are days when I just cry because I feel so bad for him when he wants me to play soccer or just hide and seek. My heart aches for him. Isn't there anything I can ask for from my pain management doctor that will help me? I also have chronic fatigue due to the Lupus. I'm also taking xanax 1mg and lunesta for sleep because even though I have fatigue I can't sleep. It's horrible. Can anyone please help me? I feel like someone is literally sucking the life right out of me both physically and mentally. I would appreciate any help you can offer.

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Re: Verwon (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

I just started too. I began on Fri night but my pain that day had been awful. I was awaiting the ins approval and had no relief that day. I also took a tizinidine as I always do about same time 7 pm. Trazadone 300 mg for sleep. It didn't seem to help much at the time but I RESTED. REALLY RESTED. no super hot flashes , no itching, ..I'm not singing praises yet but it's promising

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Hello, Tinkerbell! How are you?

If you are already opiate tolerant, you likely won't have as much of a problem with it as someone that hasn't taken them before. However, the only way to find out how it will affect you is by trying it.

Is there a chance that you could start it on a day off, when you won't have to worry about it, so much?

The FDA classifies this medication as being a narcotic analgesic, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation.

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