White Xanax Bar G3722 (Page 3)
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The two G's are different. 1 is more angular and 1 is rounded. just FYI

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This is the most perfect description I've ever read. Never seen the G's with the curvature and always been satisfied. Not sure the strength tho. Took 3 last night and I weigh in at about 145 and I'm sure as balls I'm still feeling them.

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are both Xanax pills with rounded G and angular G really Xanax?

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My bars from Sandoz have 2 round G's, GG249. They're not fake. It's as federal law for a pharmacy to dispense fake RX.
On the street however, you take your own chances. Might be fake. That's why you should get a good Dr.

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I was the same way with the docs they cut me off cold turkey just because other people were overdosing taking different meds together which has nothing to do with me and it was the worst feeling n the world I've been on them for yrs I just wish when a doc saw you they always laid all meds on the table unless of med reasons but as long as your drug free and of descent health anyways they shouldn't not prescribe a certain medicine because others abuse them our docs in the US are going downhill very fast it's scary. But I haven't tried it you'd probably have a better chance going to like a therapist or smthin I'm about to go I'll let you know how that turns out.

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What you are saying is WRONG. Sandoz USA makes a VERY HIGH QUALITY 2 Mg Alprazolam bar. Greenstone & Sandoz were the two best manufacturers of generic Xanax. But as of the last few years many have noticed a difference in the Greenstone brand being less effective. It's all over the Internet. It has to do with the "fillers" & " binders" used. Greenstone may seem to hit you faster, but does not stay with you as long as the 2 mg bars from Sandoz. I have been prescribed Alprazolam since 2001 for Panic attacks and GAD and have had literally every generic made. Sandoz is the HIGHEST quality I have found Dava, Qualitest & Mylan being the worst IMO. Some binders release fast, some slower, hence the fast initial relief but that fades quickly. I just refilled my Alprazolam yesterday, took a half of a bar, drove home, and in about an hour I was so tired I took a 4 hr nap. Keep in mind you build up tolerance very quickly, so to get the most effective use you should take the prescriby dose or less, never more. Then when you have a panic attack from hell that is killing you, take your full dose and hopefully you'll get it under control. Never exceed your recommend dose. This is not meant as medical advice, this is just what works for me and I have a GREAT doctor who understands me, I also sufffer from PTSD so sometimes my life is a living hell and he has adjusted my dosages accordingly. Right now I'm on 4 mg/ day but have at times been on 6 mg/day. If you fell like your generic is not working as well, try another brand generic, talk to your pharmacist and ask his opinion. FDA law states ALL generic MUST have the same amount of the active medication, ie: Alprazolam, but the mfgs are allowed to use any fillers or binders. So the cheapest generic will probably be using the cheapest fillers & binders. So stay away from "cheap" chain stores like Walmart etc... I've used the same Hy-Vee pharmacy for 15 years, so they know me and know I'm not just looking for a quick high. If I tell them something isn't working as well they will take me seriously. Once they even called my doc and asked him to fax a new RX so they could change the brand I was on to a new brand. That was when I changed from Mylan to Sandoz. Mylan was the worst ever, gave me upset stomach and wasn't effective at all. I am a US Military Vet, so I feel like I need what works for me, not what's the most popular or wanted 2mg bars wanted on the street. For me, Sandoz is without question THE BEST. Just look at the pill, it is perfectly formed, smooth, no rough edges, it just looks like a high quality made medication, and believe me, I've had every generic made of this drug. Hope this is helpful to all of you. This is my opinion and should not be used as medical advice.

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Idk care if they fill them, you're getting ripped! I haven't taken Xanax for 12 plus years and until the last five I had to have it filled on the South Side and guess what they're fake. I don't care if they came from the pharmacy. I just bit into one that my brother asked me about with the same g3722 and a little tiny bit of taste doesn't make no difference. They are not freaking the regular white bar that y'all are wanting is my point.

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so my buddy orderers alprazolam powder off the net and presses his own bars and the G3722 is the press that he got so I'm assuming if you keep seeing the G3722 bars and there thicker it means they were pressed at someone's house not at a pill manufacturing place and I'm my experience it can be good or bad because sometimes you may get more then 2 mgs so when I think you taking just a bar but it turns out to have 6 mgs in it well then your gonna be in for a suprises but anyway it don't mean there fake just means there homemade

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I just filled a prescription for 8 of these bars and they are different from last time. Whereas they are as soluble and the taste is more immediate rather than an aftertaste they still are not right. They had an almost sweet clonazepam taste as well. The more info we pass along the better. It is for all who take their meds as needed. Thank you for the updates.

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These G3722 don't taste right, but they are rounded and look real. What are they supposed to taste like?

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I weaned myself off them the best I could with what I had. But when they were gone, forget it I didn't wanna move to even try to find them. I had someone checking on me. It was finally on the fifth night I did fall asleep for about 11 hours straight. I can't even explain the numerous hallucinations I had in those 11 hours or if they were just dreams because I can describe them like I was right there. I actually called 4 different people that morning telling them how incredible a night I had and where were the places we went? I didn't want the pills anymore and had someone throw them over the fence and I watched him do it enough to call him the next morning to ask if he faked throwing them over the fence cause it was at night so I couldn't really see!!! Tell me that ain't some messed up s***? No word of a lie. I will never try to detox at home again. I leaned my lesson on benzos detoxing at home. DON'T DO IT.

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Did you ween yourself off little by little over time or did you go off your dose cold turkey?

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I tried to detox myself at home after being on them for 17 years on and off due to different doctors that would prescribe them and a real lot that won't for their own reasons. I went 5 days without eating or drinking, then started to hallucinate to the point of thinking I did really mean things to people etc. Don't ever do it at home cause you could die I almost did. Go to a detox. For real

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No your wrong. One is fake. One is made by greenstone. You can't have two brands with the same logo.

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I have the same thing and i took two of them and felt nothing from the ones that have G3277 and nothing on the other side. Then 45 minutes later took two blue footballs and felt awesome took all my anxiety away and felt much better.

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These are the worst ones of all especially 2247 & 249 but also pain pills n reg pills from a foreign supplier pharmaceutical brand.

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You would be more than a happy camper if you had been baited and switched with diazepam. What i am thinking you had ingested is either 1) Ativan and or 2) Butalbital. Look into those 2 benzo/barbiturates and see if find any similarly experienced side effects listed.

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I am currently dosing on a "2Milligram" tablet of "alprazolam". Like yourself im extremely aware of this entire can of worms surrounding the production of Xanax. The tablets im in possession of and eating right now, meet the criteria of a run of the mill generic white ladder 2MG xanax bar, However! It's taste is faint if at all existent, and the way the tablet breaks down is beyond suspicious in texture and solubility rate, the fact of the matter is that my tolerance is beyond naive and I'll keep you posted in depth on the effects i experience when first hand testing this batch of tablets. Of course, the experience with any effects are entirely subjective and almost always unique to those experiencing said effects. That being said, the solid information i provide will probably yield little to know immediate answers concerning your experience in this large scale counterfeit operation, However, I do believe sharing this information, (considering the vast upset and outreach due to such varied experiences concerning the use of a single f***ing substance) is of utmost importance for the greater good of all those who benefit from legitimate alprazolam, and perhaps for the good of those who benefit from quality counterfeit substances.

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I have these now I bought bc I ran out of my script. They are not working. I usually take 2.5 bars a day but after buying these exact ones u described and taking 4 in the last couple hours I feel like I'm withdrawaling and not sleepy at all. This is in Michigan. I've seen and had other fakes too.

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Thanks for the response. They were definitely fake smd actually very harmful. The imprint of 'xanax' was pressed in by hand. Thankfully I did not consume them and was able to discourage anyone else from consuming them as well.

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They told me it was a new law.Do I go to a physician or mental health Doctor to get my xanax?I am not good with this at all.I mean how do just stop someones meds.

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