White Round Pill 54 411 How To Take (Page 5)
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How do u take a subutex? Is it the same as taking as taking a suboxone?

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So true all your doing is switching drugs trading one drug for another your not clean

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You can use opioids after you take a sub, no problem. Might not feel the best though..However, Never take a sub right after the use of opiods. Please, please, from personal experience, it sucks.

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Actually Dirk I think you are mistaken. Suboxone has an opiate blocker in it so taking methadone or any other drug at the same time is not a good idea at all!

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If you intend to ingest methadone after suboxone you will be fine, it does not cause precipitated withdrawal.

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No! the film dissolves under ur tongue, if u throw it out u won't get ur full dosage.

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I totally agree with you. Whenever you rely on any controlled substance you are addicted. I am currently on Sub's and I have a hell of a time finding them because I don't have health insurance. At 20.00 a pop my budget is rather slim! I take 1/2 a sub a day. I take them for the energy and of coarse, they lighten my mood!! Denial has never been my problem. I use them because they make me feel good. If I was really CLEAN, I would rely on God for my happy place, not some stupid drug. This is January, a good time to work the steps. I want to do the right thing, but it is hard to ween MYSELF off. I't shouldn't be to hard with my small daily intake. (should it??)

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Here is another one of these people that do not know what their talking about. Not everyone is the same. That is what makes the world go around. Some people need to be on a maintenance program, some not. So if you are on a maintenance program and are staying clean from ANY illicit drug use, you are clean. Your life will change beyond your wildest dreams. Keep up the good work and stay clean, sober is the only way to live!


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Well Tom...
I believe in informing the ones who asks for help and informing the ones who are misinformed. I don't believe in answering in a condescending Smartass way 'Goofy'. Everyone came here for for the same reason...Answers. Not to be called names and talked down to. If anyone's is an I....It would be Y.

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I need to get a pain doc does anyone know that answer. I am in a lot of pain in my back and arm i cut all day i used to take pills like perks but i didnt like the withdraws . Thanks

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I am currently cleaning up after 3-4 months of drug abuse. I have 8mg tablets of suboxone. It is my understanding you're supposed to wait 24 hours before taking them. As you can imagine I am currently suffering from some not so fun withdrawals and wanted to know when I could start taking them. I was told I should start with half a tablet and then gradually increase until I am taking two a day. Anyone have any advice, corrections, etc? Other than not being an i**** in the first place...

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This is not always true. I was on 120 mg of methadone, my doc said to not take my methadone for 3 days and then start my Suboxone. I did that and in 10 minutes I was in complete withdrawal. If you taper to almost no methadone (1-2 mg) , you then can wait the 3 days for first dose of Suboxone. You need to be in withdrawals before taking the Suboxone. I am warning anyone to be very careful. It took 11 days for me to be ok after I started the Suboxone, and I ended up back on methadone. Methadone has a 24 hour HALF life, it remains in your body for a very long time and the naloxone that is in Suboxone will knock the methadone out of the way while putting you in withdrawals. The point I'm stressing is TAPER DOWN ON THE METHADONE FIRST.

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taking 110 mg methadone will definitely not cause opiate withdrawls.

If you've been relatively clean and have not taken methadone recently, then I am concerned.

It mat cause an OD and death by respiratory depression.

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Subutex puts me into withdrawal when i take it to early. I think its because i have been doing massive amounts of dope for a very long time. Subs used to work for me, they would get me well right away, But now on the first day to 3 days kicking dope, the sub doesnt help. And i take 2 of them. i know it does not have naloxone in it but it definitely blocks it still somehow because i have done dope after doing a subutex and i dont feel s***, not even get well. You guys do know that this has everything to do with each individual person. Yes most of us are the same for the most part but a lot of us are very different. Like my friend, when he is sick, subs get him groovin! But me, nope! Throws me into WORSE withdrawals. I usually have to wait until day 2 to take a sub without it f***ing me up bad.... I have no idea what happen to me because i remember when sub first came around, them good ole octagon pills! the originals!!! and i would take one and be groovin! i know from experience that it varies from person to person!

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Actually you're not "clean" you're just off the illicit drugs. To be CLEAN means you are free from all mind or mood altering drugs. And Subs are mood altering. So NO you are absolutely NOT clean. You will be clean the day you never need a pill/drug to get through the day. End of story. Be you like you were as a child or before drugs or alcohol were in your life then you can consider yourself clean. Until then you are still on drugs.

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Is it harmful to use Xanax with subutex?

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Yeah it is addictive but if used correctly it's pretty harmless. It's not like popping percs, I never took it to feel high.. there's a big difference between taking a drug to get f***ed up versus what's prescribed. Not popping pills is clean. Especially if your taking suboxone that has an opiate blocker. How can you say that person is not clean, what are they cheating? I'd rather not even take a substitute, But if it keeps me off opiates it's doing the job. Subs are very addicting but it's only meant to be temporary. Not doing drugs is not doing drugs. You can't say that someone who is dope free for a year isn't sober because they were taking subs.

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Well, there is a HUGE amount of misinform here. First, Subutex AND Suboxone block the receptors in your brain that perceive opiates. It's not naloxone. Buprenorphine has a higher affinity to those receptors than pain meds and naloxone. Do some research or ask your doctor and you'll find out for yourself. Also, getting put into immediate withdrawal, or, "precipitated withdrawals" can happen while taking Suboxone (with Buprenorphine & Naloxone) or Subutex (Just Buprenorphine). The point of the Naloxone is to make it more difficult to abuse. I highly recommend people doing in depth research about these medications before following the advice of people who can't even spell the name of the medication they're trying to explain.

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Yes it tastes bad....but under the tongue is correct....

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Yes stopping subutex will cause withdrawal. It like methadone must be tappered down. You must wait 3 days after last methadone before taking suboxone or subutex.

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