Viral Fever And Took Ceftas 200mg (Top voted first)


I have viral fever, and i took 2 doses of ceftas 200mg tablet, but later i found that it would be not any helpful so i did not take any further dose of ceftas 200mg .Now my fever has gone , but i could not eat or drink much anything,
is it any kind of bad affects for not completing the antibiotic course?

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Ceftas contains the active ingredient Cefixime and there is always a slight associated with using antibiotics inappropriately and/or not finishing a full course of them.

The possible risk is due to the chance of your developing antibiotic resistant bacteria, which could cause problems later if you get an infection that requires antibiotic treatment.

Learn more Cefixime details here.

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there are different types of bacterial infections possible. A viral fever doesnt mean you should take ceftas 200 only. Consult your doctor and he may suggest other antibiotic or tablets like zoxan 500mg , levom 500... consult the doctor ..Its not bad affects, you may chose the wrong antibiotics. you ll recover soon. have more fluids.

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