Switching From Diazepam To Amitriptyline - What Will Happen? (Top voted first)


I have studied this tablet which is pale blue with a "c" on one side and "aa" on the other. Has anyone else switched from Diazepam to Amitriptyline with good results?

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If I switch from Diazepam to Amitriptyline...worried about withdrawal. ..what will happen..I sick with worry

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The National Institutes of Drug Abuse do warn that withdrawal symptoms are possible, if you abruptly stop taking the Diazepam, which is a CNS depressant of the Benzodiazepine class, that includes the risk of seizures, severe drowsiness, headache, and rebound anxiety.

However, the severity is usually does dependent. How much were you taking?

Why are you switching? Has your doctor instructed you to do so?

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