Small Round White Pill M15
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oxy 15, they are really tiny, m15 same side

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Re: Andyman (# 18) Expand Referenced Message

Do they make counterfeit m box 15s now?

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Super light green with a M in a box on one side and the other side is scored with a little 15 on the top score.. them are oxy 15s. Made by mallinckrodt pharmaceuticals.. If its straight will pull with 15 on it, I'd do some more research. I've been on Oxy for going on 11 years. Be safe.

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Re: Roy (# 5) Expand Referenced Message

Thank you Roy. My Mom had some in an anti-diarreah bottle. I googled it and do not believe it's the Oxy. It has a capital M with an underscore and 15 under that and it's all on the same side. Thank you much for clarifying that.

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Re: paul (# 14) Expand Referenced Message

It's a roxicodone 15 if the m is on one side and the 15 on the other

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Lmfao @ the people taking anti diarrhea pills and swearing they're getting high.

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I have a pill that has a m in front and a 15 in the back what kind of pill is it

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IMPORTANT: Always look at the color along with the imprint before making a decision on posting information if he is white m15 ITS NOT OXY It is the antidiarrhea pill it's important to fully describe the size color and markings

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These small white pills with an M above and 15 under, unscored are generic lomotil, which is for the runs. Diarrhea. Not Oxys, not Roxis, not anything to do with opiates. I have IBS w/diarrhea & I was prescribed these by my GI doc because immodium no longer works for me. Research thoroughly before you take anything. I don't care if it did come from the pharmacy...they make mistakes too, human error.

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Small green pill m15 on one side only no box what is it

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These are NOT oxy. The most and the 15 are on the same side, the pills are white, not greenish. These are generic Lomotil, used for severe diarrhea (think I immodium on steroids).

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Little white round pill with m and15 on the same side

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These are great 2 are better than the k-9's very good I recommend these there great

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My mother has a prescription for these and what this is FOR A FACT is 15mg of Diphenoxylate/Atropine MFG by Mylan which is a Generic for Lomotil.

These ARE NOT Oxys so don't Insufflate it or anything expecting these to do anything to because it won't.

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Roxi are what these are, some people call them oxycontin. But oxycontins are the pills that have an op on on side, and mg on other, and turn to gel when you chew them. They're both oxycodone, but oxycontin is the company and it's own brand of oxycodone. These are okay, but I like my blue Roxi 30s better. xD

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Hi everyone - I actually don't think these are oxy's. It seems like you're mistaking the pill being described here, because there are Oxycodone 15mgs which also have M 15 as the imprint ... HOWEVER ... the pills are a very very light green (almost white), the M is by itself in a box on one side, and the 15 is above a score mark on the other.

Based on the original descriptions from the original poster "Small Round White Pill M15" and "tiny m15 same side" ... these could actually be generic Lomotil, containing Atropine 0.025 mg + Diphenoxylate 2.5 mg, which is an antidiarrheal drug. Additionally, it might also be Northyx (Methimazole) 15 mg, which is used to treat the thyroid.

I would recommend double checking the specific pill(s) being discussed here - Can someone post back with a more comprehensive description of the pills in question? There are several possibilities here, so it would be best to try and narrow down the proper answer. Hope this helps!

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yeah there oxys

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They are tiny and there is a m and a 15 on the same side and they're white. That's what i get from my doctor, oxy 15 mg

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They are the 15mg tablets of oxycontin

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