Redotex Nf (Top voted first)


Weight loss

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I recently just purchased redotex nf and started taking it monday.. I can honestly say that it has totally taken my appetite away. I have to make myself eat. I have ADD, and was prescribed adderall but that decreased my appetite to the point where just smelling food made me queasy.. so I was scared to try something like redotex. On adderall I went from a size 14 to a size 00, and weighed under 99lbs at 5'4 in less than a year, and I was very unhealthy... I just had a baby 3 months ago and i am back up to a size 12 and really just want to get to a size 8. I can tell I have lost something already in 4 days.. (i don't have a scale, but things are getting baggy on me) I am just curious if there is anyone out there still trying redotex NF.. and any advice to lose weight faster?

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I want to start taking this redotext....were do i get it????

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I read the post from the 80's-90's. I took them anyhow and lost the weight. After taking the pill I was active and started eating healthy. I let myself go and regained the weight, there were other factors involved in my personal life as well. I was however able to maintain my weight for almost 2 years before I went back to my poor eating habits and stopped going to the gym. Since I live in a border town Redotex is extremely popular on both sides of the border for weight loss. Verwon are you a customs or INS agent? I only ask because you keep stressing what is legal and illegal.

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IT IS NOT ILLEGAL, because it is a MEXICAN diet drug. Like all prescribed drugs a prescription is required, which is what Redotox is. If you have a prescription you are fine. If you don't have a prescription that makes it illegal to possess, just like possessing a 800mg tablet of Motrin.

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I live in the Rio Grande Valley in south Texas. Anyone know where I can find Redotex and what the difference is between Redotex and Redotex NF is?

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When you go to a Mexican doctor and s/he prescribes a drug to you, otherwise known as medicine, it is not illegal. Make sure you have a prescription when you cross the boarder, and have no more than a 90 day supply. Be sure to see a doctor over there.

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hmm if it is illegal you might want to report ins agents in san diego! friends and wife have been getting it over here and tell the ins agent! no problems!

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Redotex NF or Redotex are rarely prescribed here in Mexico because we doctors are aware of the side effects. It is not sold in hte US, but it is not illegal to cross the border with it either. Here is a list from the US gov website of what is illegal ( You need a prescription to buy it in Mexico, and obviously, the pharmacy will keep it, so make a copy for your records. Redotex NF costs about 600 Mexican pesos. Redotex by itself is plain poison. I actually too Redotex NF several years ago while in medical school, and lost a whole lot of weight. It was foolish. I do not recommend it. I do not want to get technical here, you can look up the side effects yourselves. That is the reason it was taken out of the market in the US. The newest weight-loss drug being marketed in the US has Topiramate in it, which is an anticonvulsant. My mom takes that to control her epilepsy, so as you can see, the side effect is that she is losing weight. Topiramate is relatively safe and will make you lose weight. Ask your doctor in hte US about it.

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Do you know where I can find some

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Not true, even if you have a prescription they are not allowed in the US. Redotex is also controlled in Mexico. You need a special prescription for it.

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I have a question does anyone know where to get redotex in nuevo laredo or piedras if so how many can you get per prescribtion

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I was prescribed this in 1990 with great success.

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I am in need of Redotex NF. I am in Southern California, and in need of help finding a store that carries it. PLEASE get back to me ASAP!!

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I am looking to take the redotex NF because I was taking the regular redotex and I failed a drug panel for the diazepam that is in it, which is valium, and I want to make sure redotex NF is safe for future drug panels.

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Re: Andres (# 20) Expand Referenced Message

Redotex NF doesn't have valium in it. I've never had anyone tell me they failed a drug panel on nf, but they do say it isn't as effective as regular redotex.

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Re: eyereen (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

How many months did you take them for? I am currently on my 3 weeks and am seeing AWESOME results. But I still have about 60 more pounds to go! How long can I take them for until I have to give my body a break. I know for each month it is 3 weeks on and 1 week off and then on again? But for how long can I do that for. I am on a 90 day program now!?!

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Re: doll (# 21) Expand Referenced Message

How many months did you take them for? I am currently on my 3 weeks and am seeing AWESOME results. But I still have about 60 more pounds to go! How long can I take them for until I have to give my body a break. I know for each month it is 3 weeks on and 1 week off and then on again? But for how long can I do that for. I am on a 90 day program now!?!

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Re: Kat (# 23) Expand Referenced Message

Are you still using them?

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How do.I get. These pills I am in Denver co

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This is a Mexican diet drug, thus illegal to have in the U.S.

The U.S has issued warnings about it and are severely cracking down on its import.

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