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Weight loss pill

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I used Redotex from March 28 til June 28 and from 165 lbs, size 12 and 26% body fat, I went to 128 lbs, size 4 may be 6 at time and 18% body fat.

I did combined it with excercise and tried my best to eat very healthy.

I think it actually depends on each person. More than the amount you weight...In my case I can't say that Redotex doesn't work. People look at me and I look at me and I look so much different.

I am 40 and the mother of an almost 4 year old & a 21 mos old baby.

It worked for me. I am taking a break and planning to take it again. My goal was 130 lbs, but 120 or 115 lbs will be amazingly better that was my weihgt at 24 year until I was 28....

Redotex rocks!

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When I was doing research to start using this pill I found enormous amount of commercial information and cheap ads online. I struggled to find real documented experiences, so I decided to document mine.

Previous week: I started a diet on my own. Eat very little, and very healthy, exercise 30 min every other day. Drink little water. Lost almost 10 pounds. No pill yet. Lots of weight loss should be water.

Second week: Got a bad heartburn for a couple of days. Eat slightly more, still very little, drink some water, exercise 30 min on the treadmill every other day. Lost barely 2 pounds and decided to start taking the pill.

I don’t drink alcohol, I don’t smoke. I have never done drugs. I am not allergic to any medication. I have never been under medication for long periods, anti-depressants or anything. I have never had any surgery. I am in my early 30’s and well above my healthy weight.

I had a chemical blood test a few months ago and nothing wrong came back. Blood pressure is ok, thyroid is ok, cholesterol is ok. I was only advised that sugar levels were toward the high level of normal, but normal though. I even had my annual visit to the obg and everything came normal.

Despite I don’t have any allergy I know I am sensible to caffeine, to taking pills on an empty stomach and to mosquito bites. I also feel bloated when eating certain vegetables (cruciferous).

My plan is to eat three meals a day with two snack in the middle. 3-4 quarts of water a day. That is much more water that I usually drink.
Pill 8:00 a.m.
Breakfast 8:30 a.m. (Frozen strawberries and ff milk, whole wheat cereal)
Snack 10:30 a.m. (Any fruit)
Lunch 1:00 p.m. (Salad and Turkey sandwich/grilled lean meat/wrap)
Snack 3:00 p.m. (Granola Bar, cheese, 100 calorie packets)
Dinner 7:00 p.m. (Stir fry with any meat, steam veggies and meat)
Exercise 9:00 pm. 30 min every other day (Treadmill,elliptical)

Day 1: Tue Had smoothie 30 min after pill.
Lots of energy, Drink lots of water, Pee a lot, No hungry at all , had to make myself eat. Felt throat dilating momentarily. I could not stop doing tasks at home. Cleaning, organizing. 3-4 quarts of water. Multiple visits to the restroom in a couple of hours. Good bm. Dry mouth. 15 min on elliptical.

Day 2: Wed Had smoothie and cereal 30 min after pill.
A little fast heart rhythm 30 min after pill, it disappears after I drank plenty of water. A little pain in the stomach right after pill, disappeared after water. Lots of water, lots of visits to the restroom. No hungry. Lousy at micro tasks (cutting), energetic at decisions, awake mind. 3-4 quarts of water. Good bm. Dry mouth, bad breath. A mosquito bite me and can’t stop scratching the mark. 30 min on elliptical at night, max hearth rate 176. it usually rises to 172.

Day 3: Thurs Had smoothie and cereal 30 min after pill.
Again, a little fast heart rhythm before drinking water. 3-4 quarts of water. Multiple visits to the restroom, good bm. Bad breath. Dry mouth. Slightly more hungry, but food tastes less savory or tempting. Sleepy after lunch. Not hungry after lunch for several hours. 30 min on treadmill at night.

Day 4: Fri Had smoothie and cereal 30 min after pill.
Had a little sensation to throw up but I avoided it. I am very sensible to taking centrum vitamins on an empty stomach, I always throw up when I take them with no food on my stomach. It hasn’t happened with this pill yet. I am weighing myself everyday but my scale is a little odd these days. However I feel I fit in my clothes better. I also see my hair and skin better with all the water. Mosquito bites last longer. 3-4 quarts of water. Pee 8-10 times a day. Sleepy after lunch. A little back pain but water seems to fix everything. Bad breath.

Day 5: Sat Had a banana and half peach 30 min after pill
Still the sensation to throw up but little less. A little restless or with more energy than usual. Not hungry at all. Food taste ok. A little less water. Dry mouth, bad breath. Mosquito bites marks still there. Little less water. Walk a lot today during the day running errands.

Day 6: Sun Cereal, milk and smoothie.
Went hiking, strenuous terrain, my heart rate was borderline all the time due to the high altitude. Feel a little hungry late at night. Drank 3-4 quarts of water. Not tired, just restless. Mosquito bites still there, less painful, but still red and big. Dry mouth, First bm after two days. Bad breath. I feel my clothes fitting better.

Day 7: Mon Had Smoothie and Cereal 30 min after pill
Dry mouth all day. Harder to drink water, but it is really needed, otherwise I don’t feel ok, besides, I think it is helping with my skin, my hair and bm. I did 40 minutes in the treadmill. It has been only three weeks and I already can run three minutes nonstop, my hr went 165 but it was only momentarily. Not hungry at all. Sleep very well. Mosquito bites still there, don’t feel them but easily noticeable.

Day 8 Tue Had smoothie and cereal 30 min after pill
Lots of water, a little sleepy, but it has to do more with going to bed too late. Regarding the energy levels, I don’t feel hyperactive, but I don’t feel tired either. I am not an hyperactive person, I am usually very calm, so any tiresome effect is just normal for me. I feel more energy in the sense that I don’t lack the energy to perform mundane tasks. I feel a little restless but with no problems to sleep or sudden rapid heart rate. 3-4 quarts of water. Lots of visit to the restroom.

I weighted myself at the beginning of the week and everyday. I am sure I was retaining water at the beginning of my week and my scale it odds sometimes but I almost lost 1 or 2 pounds per day. 2 pounds each of the last three days for a total of almost 10 pounds this week. I know it is not healthy to loose too much so fast, but I lost almost the same amount this week that I lost the first week without pills. I am also well above my weight (3 digits), and know heavier persons loose more rapidly.

I am sorry if it is too long but this is the type of information I wanted to read before starting taking this pill. I am not recommending it or encouraging anyone to take it, I have never had any healthy issue in my life, other than being overweight and I am seriously above my healthy weight. I am just telling my story. Thanks

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Hello everyone! I don't know if people still check this thread but, I live in California and I et Redotex in TJ. On 3rd and Revolution. It's a pharmacy with huge red letters in the front, you can't miss it. I pay $60 per bottle. For get weirded out if they send you down the block to this weird little doctors office. They've sent me there too and I didn't pay anything or consul, although I heard that they've charged like $15 before. Anyhow, I started using redotex 3 months before my wedding. I weighed 190 when I started, on my wedding day I weighed 159. But that's because I would screw up and stuff my face now and then lol.

The pills work. I'm actually posting here because I'm on my way to buy some more sine I gained weight after my honeymoon and the holidays!

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Is the shiny seal that says medix which is fake i have seen 2 different seals one has medix going straight across, and one has it going on a angle like maybe post a pic of real box and seal please

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My relative used this pills, really effective on weigth lost, from a size 9 to a size 4, but few days ago she passed out while driving.... too much water for her dry mount was the reason her sodium levels went low and shut down her brain while driving... thanks god she still alive...

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Re: Dixieboy111 (# 1429) Expand Referenced Message

Where can I get this over the counter for that price please? Everyone is trying to charge and arm and a leg.

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Re: martha (# 120) Expand Referenced Message

Garcia's pharmacy in Matamoros Mexico. 60 bucks per 30 month supply, but they will make a lab test positive, so good luck if you take them.

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Dyanne, what pharmacy? Where?

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Is there a stronger version of redotex? I heard there are the black and yellow pills, they are stronger than the pink,black, and white? Also are the drops and tea woeth getting?

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Hey Mike - what is ur e-mail?

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Oh I forgot to add that the Redotex I bought were the original.

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Well the Redotex that I purchased was like the one Jennie described. But like I said, it didn't suppress my appetite the way Axcion would. With Axcion I can actually go all day without eating! The reason I wanted to try out the Redotex was because the rapid weight loss but it's okay, I'll just stick with my diet pill Axcion. Good luck!!!

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I have to agree with Living n Loving Life! Being on the diet pill that I've been on the past couple of months, I'm a total BITCH! I'm cranky 24/7, I'm easily annoyed by anyone, my husband hates it! I told myself that this month would be my last month but being off them scares me of gaining weight quick!!!

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Oh you know what, the only time that I felt my heart rate pumping so fast was when I had gotten sick. So in the morning I had taken my diet pill, then through out the day I think I took a total of 4 dayquil cold pills, and then at night took again another 2. I woke up in the middle of the night sweating and feeling all jittery! I was scared of going back to sleep and not waking up! Gosh it was an ugly scary experience! So now I really do limit myself with the cold medicines when I'm sick!

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Well I know that Axcion won't be as hard to get. Gosh I remember when I used to get them for $25 for a month supply but the price went up, but the pharmacy I always get them from leave it at $30, not bad since they do work for me.
Where did you say your from again Tanias?

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Yea I get drowsy off it as well! I have tried a few things with it, Adipex and Phendimetrazine only because those are what I have. I am thinking of combining it with 1 Axcion/day or one Meridia/Reductil/Delganex (all the same) a day so that I can have more energy and I think the results are better. I know that Meridia/Reductil/Delganex are very inexpensive so I am hoping that this combo works. I am going to try it next week.

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I am interested to see how people are doing on Redotex and weight loss. I will start posting stats, anyone want to join me? I'm 5'7, age 33, started Redotex on March 14 at 171 lbs. Today scale said 173, however, eating and drinking wine yesterday surely didn't help I'm sure.... : ) Does anyone follow a specific diet to get better results? I started Weight Watchers plan today to try and get the first 10 pounds off in 2 weeks. Hope I can do it! :) Have a great day everyone!

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thanx ladies.. i will try the name given b/c i don't want to get fake one's or anything bad for me. i don't want to pay out the awzoo either =)

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Hi Sara, I hope I do not affend you in any way, shape or form, but don't you think that trying all these different diet pills might affect you in some way? Since they all have some type of drug you might just stick with one for a couple of months and if it doesn't work then maybe change to another but just be careful, our bodies can only take so much. I am on Redotex right now and I am losing weight not as fast as I want but slowly. Take care and good luck!

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