Quitting Cymbalta
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Has anyone stopped feeling withdrawal symptoms after quitting Cymbalta?

If you're considering starting this medication, don't! It's a narcotic. There are better non-narcotic meds.

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No...Cymbalta is not a narcotic. However, it does have a lot of the same affects as Amphetamines and severe withdrawal symptoms.

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Cymbalta is not a narcotic.

Cymbalta contains the active ingredient Duloxetine, which is an SNRI antidepressant and if you've been taking it for awhile, it is normal to feel some withdrawal effects if you stop abruptly, because of the way it acts on brain chemicals.

Learn more Cymbalta details here.

Normally, these medications should be stopped via a slow taper to prevent the worst of these effects.

But if you do stop suddenly and have been taking it for a year or more, then it can take over a month for your brain chemicals to balance back out and for those effects to taper off.

Are there any other questions or comments?

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How long have you been withdrawing after 60 hours last dose?

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