Prozac Vistaril And Methadone Cause A Positive On Urine Test


I am in a recovery clinic and I recently had a urine test come back positve for benzodiapines. I have taken none. I am going from DR to the lab and even the pharmacy trying to get answers as to why. But I have gotten no help. I am on methadone, prozac,vistatil, trazodone and I recently had a really bad touch of bronchitis and I took over the counter meds. Can someone help? Or tell me where to get my answers!!

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Go to the website below, it will prove by a pharmacist that yes you can test positive for benzo's from Vistaril.

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No, none of the medications you've listed have been known to cause false positives for Benzodiazepines.

Learn more Benzodiazepine details here.

Do you remember what over the counter medication(s) it was that you took?

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Well I know there was Benadryl for the cold and sinus infection and several goody powders for my toothache. And I also took some kind of cold and flu medicine. And I am on a breathing machine that i use sometimes daily. The issue is that I have not used any benzodiapines at all since I have been in my recovery program. And my test still came back positive. If I can prove something I am taking or have taken caused this then thats all I want to do. Because this makes know sense and I am really hurt over it all.

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Can vistrail make u feel as good as xanax

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That is strange I am on suboxone and trazadone and recently came back positive for benzos. Even being in recovery i never took them. I hated them. Im waiting on a confirmation from labcorp but the only thing i ever took was 100mg trazadone and three suboxone. I asked my doctor if the trazadone could cause a fake pos but he said absolutley not. Any info would be grand

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A nurse at the methadone clinic I go to told me that trazodone has been causing me yo have false positives for benzos for the last six months!

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I have been doing a lot of research on this and trazadone is the one thing that we all have in common for a false positive for benzos. While my doctor says its not possible I talked to another doctor in the office as well she said there are alot of factors combined with the trazadone aand your body that could cause this to happen. Also depending on the type of test they use in your clinic or doctors office tbey can be very touchy and theres a lot of factors with your body that can make the test harder to read, ecspecially if you have a medical assitant or nurse that is new to them or dosent quite know how to read them. I also had a hard time finding any info myself on this and pharmacys arent the place to go. There was a website I found where you can ask a liscened pharmacist or doctor about these things. Ill go into my history and post the website if needed.

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Visteral, trazidone, latuda,Benadryl,lythium,ibprophren can any of these cause false possitives in urine tests..

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Can vistaril and Zoloft test positive on a urin drug test?

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My ex is on Visitril and just tested positive for guess is that Visitril is what caused it.

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I am in a halfway house / sober living residence. I am taking prescriptions of Celexa and Latuda as well as OTC Benadryl. I keep indicating a positive presence for Methadone when using a "Discover" brand 12 panel urine dip type drug screen. I am then required to pay for a Gas Chromatograph analysis to prove my innocence. What is causing this false positive result and how can I correct this without having to pay $65.00 - $85.00 each time? Please Help. Please

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There's no way that the Trazodone is causing a false positive for benzos... I also go to a methadone clinic and I take 200-300 mg of Trazodone every night and I have NEVER tested positive for benzos.... I've been in the clinic for 2 years. Trazodone can cause a false positive for LSD or ecstasy but not benzos. I've done my research on it so I was prepared just in case there was an issue because I'm on a few meds.

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I just take vistaril and I tested positive for benzoyl at the prole office

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Hi. I've been taking vistaril for bladder issues. I went to the suboxone Dr for my induction and tested positive for ecstasy! I've never taken that ever! The only thing I had taken the past 7 days before the induction was Norco (stopped it 36 hours before induction) and the vistiril 25mg twice daily. My doc was very cool about it as he had warned me before my drug screen it may show up as something. Everything ended up fine. But vistaril can definitely show up as ecstasy but it didn't show up as benzodiazepines in me, just ecstasy.

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I recently received a positive on a UA at my methadone clinic and it was caused by trazodone.

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