Prolia & Hair Loss (Page 24)
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I've just recently had my second Prolia shot. So far so good...a little back pain. I continually have stress fractures on my feet and have also taken fosamax. My current problem is hair loss & I wondered if anyone else was having that problem?

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I have had my 2nd Prolia shot. Someone recommended an antihistimine the morning of the injection and drinking a lot of water. This may have helped because I did not have all the itching I had with the first injection nor did I get the headaches. I still have some hair loss but I am very careful when I wash it, trying not to pull on the hair as I wash. So far, so good!

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Are you feeling better in the 5th month? Amgen told me that I should start feeling a lot better at the end of the 5th month which is Sept. 22 for me. I can tolerate this with a lot of narcotics for 6 months but at the end of six months I want my life back. I don't know if it is possible as some people here are still having immune system problems 18 months after.

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Hi Gracie, I had my Prolia injection April 23rd 2014, three years later I'm still experiencing hair loss, terrible jaw pain with infection in my gums. Unfortunately I spent alot of time getting to know my dentist and now my periodontist. I now have to invest in invisaligns to correct my teeth so as to eat without pain. I lost approx. 45 lbs. I wish you and everyone on this forum all the best.

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I am starting the 5th month after my first injection, wont do it again. Loosing lots of hair, glad to know I'm not the only one. Wonder how long it will take to leave my system.

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I am shedding like a dog. I hate to shampoo my hair because it looks like I am a chemo patient with what comes out. I did have lovely hair before Prolia but not now. Not listed as a side effect but it is true.

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I have had my first Prolia injection about 6 weeks ago. I am 60. I also have some hair loss but I attributed it to a new hair dye I used. But thinking about it, it may well be from the Prolia. I also have chronic minor headaches each day. I will be weighing all the pluses and minuses to determine if I will take my 2nd dose in January.

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I'm going to start Forteo in November because I'm having so many fractures. I'm a little worried about side effects. Anybody have any input??

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Yes, after my second shot of Prolea, I had two UTIs, fatigue, huge bumps under the skin on my face and all over my scalp, an array of unexplained symptoms like peripheral neuropathy (not diabetic), and my hair is falling out to the point where I am getting bald spots. Horrendous drug-never again. Can 'to wait for it to leave my system!

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I'm 57. On no other meds except evista and a pill for reflux. A friend sent me a website that stated that there was a study with some hair loss

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Hello, Gracie! How are you?

No, this isn't listed from what I can find, but I'll check a couple more sources to be sure and post back.

Are you on any other medications? How old are you?

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