Pass Etg In 30 Hours (Top voted first)


I've been clean from alcohol for 30 hours. I've had a gallon of water yesterday and one before testing. I also drank a creatine mixture to raise my levels. Do you think I'd pass an EtG?

326 Replies (17 Pages)

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If I drank liquor and vodka for about 8 hours within 2 days would I pass an EtG test 30 hours later?

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I drank last night 2 1/2 drinks of like half a shot of Buchanan mixed with pineapple juice very slow after that I started drinking water. I have a fast metabolism and I peed like 10 times after that. Ima do a urinalysis test on Tuesday. Will I pass it.

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I drank 2 beers Saturday for supper I have a etg test Monday at about 6:00 will I pass

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I drank four tall boys (24 ounces) Tues night and have to take a U/A which is labed Thursday at noon. Will I pass the test?

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Ok I drank one wine cooler on Wednesday and I went l go drop a ua on Friday at like 6 p.m will I pass my ua they got me on drug panel8 with etg will I pass ??? Some one help me

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I had 4 beers on Sunday stopped at 6pm." Ate all day then drank water plus ate a lot again.... still drank water til my pee test on Tuesday Morning" ate and did tons of water,, all day Sunday & Monday morning..". will I be ok for a no tolerance test? Test was done Tuesday morning 9:30am

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Yeah, so I am on bail, and I'm ordered to abstain from alcohol. I dose randomly (2-3x/week) and always before 9am. Because my life is kinda crazy I totally blanked one morning about going in. Called two hours late in a panic and told them I'd come in. They told me I would be taking an etg test that can detect alcohol consumption for up to 3-5 days. I didn't even think about it and went in and took the test around 1pm.

After the test I realized I had a 12 oz 8% can around 1-2pm the exact day before (so 24 hrs before my etg test).

Then I realized the night before that (14 hrs before my last drink) I had a 211 Pineapple.

11 hours before the 211 I had 12 oz 8%.

Chart below:
Today (Sunday)
Tested at 1pm

Yesterday (Saturday)
Drank 1pm 24 hrs before (-2hrs = 22hrs before)

Night before (Friday)
Drank at 11pm
- 14hrs before next drink
- 38 hours before test

Drank at noon (12pm) let's say
- 11hrs before next drink
- 49hrs before test

I was panicking winding my etg levels and everything cuz I never tried to dilute or exercise. Barely drank liquids and ate little cuz I was on that rick flair.

Anyway, I passed the etg (less than 24hrs). Guessing it was an initial 500ng/l test strip. Guessing if my levels were detectable they would have sent it to a lab that had a 100ng/l cutoff and maybe just maybe my levels were between 300ng/l. I know I was cutting it close and that is why I'm not drinking through this s***. Not worth the way it makes me feel about myself.

Hope this helps.

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Depends on how much you drank, when you stopped and how many hours after the test, plus your metabolism factors in. There is no way to speed up the clearance from the body and dilution of the urine is your best bet. Eat a lot of red meat which will keep the creatinine level up and be a little over-hydrated when you go in. some places will consider a too dilute urine a positive, FYI. Many people have passed in less than 24 hours with 1-2 drinks. normal drinking would very often pass in 48 hours. also depends on what you would call a "drink", lol. but if you drank a pint of vodka and testing today or tomorrow then the chance of passing is much less. if you are having trouble not drinking despite these tests then you are probably alcoholic. normal people will have no problem not drinking for a test but alcoholics will find it very difficult, if not impossible to do this. I hope this helps you and I hope you get help if this is an issue for you. i am sorry you have to worry so much about it. CC

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I drank 2 beers yesterday and have a etg test Wednesday at 7pm!! Will I fail??

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Re: Scaredkitty (# 128) Expand Referenced Message

Yes, you should definitely pass. Here's my experience. I get tested randomly once a week and I never get tested on the weekends. One week I drank 9 beers on Wednesday night, Thursday night I had way too much to drink probably 12 drinks and Friday I drank around 10 drinks. The next day, Saturday, I had three drinks after work which was around 11 pm. That's four nights in a row I drank. I was tested that Monday at 5:30 pm, roughly 42 hours later and I passed. Also in the past i've had two 12 ounce craft IPA's and have passed in 19 hours.

For months I didn't drink out of fear of failing the tests. However after reading multiple studies on etg testing I figured I'd take the chance, the test isn't as sensitive as people make it out to be.

What I've found is that each drink produces about 5000-8000 etg metabolites depending on alcohol concentration. The etg half-life is about 2 or 3 hours and peaks in your system about 6 to 12 hours after your last sip of alcohol depending on how much you drank. If you had a couple of beers its probably on the lower end, if you got wasted its probably up towards the higher end of 10-12 hours. So if you want to get a rough estimate of your current etg count you first need to add up the amount drinks you had and figure out when your last sip was. Then add 9 to 12 hours from the time of your last sip and begin to divide the amount of etg metabolites in half for every 2-3 hours that have passed since that time. I usually do every 3 hours to get an idea what the highest amount could possibly be.

Example- you had 12 drinks on Friday and stopped drinking at 12 am and you test Monday at 5:00 pm. I'll say each drink was 6000 etg metabolites. 12 (drinks) x 6000= 72,000 etg's roughly which will be in your system at peak which is at 9:00 am Saturday. Start dividing. 12:00pm- 36,000 etg, 3:00pm - 18,000 etg, 6:00pm - 9,000 etg , 9:00pm - 4,500 etg, 12am (Sunday) - 2,250 etg, 3:00am (Sunday) - 1,125, 6:00am (Sunday)- 562 etg, 9:00am (Sunday)- 281.25 etg, 12pm (Sunday) - 140.62 etg and finally 3:00pm (Sunday) - Undetectable. The most sensitive test can detect 100 ng/ml of etg in urine. So theoretically 12 drinks should be eliminated in 39 hours or so.

Last thing, etg doesnt accumulate in your system. They metabolize at a constant rate. Meaning your etg metabolites from Wednesday nights drinking session will be gone by by Friday even if you drank on Thursday they won't stop metabolizing. However, they will overlap for a certain period of time. If you drink Wednesday and Thursday both etg's produced from those drinking sessions will overlap for some time until Wednesdays etgs are gone at some point on Friday, after that Thursday nights etg will be the only metabolites remaining in your system.

Hopefully this post helps and wasn't too confusing. I've never failed a test and I always follow those calculations. Overall, etg production varies from person to person. Im a 22 year old college student, so drinking is hard to avoid. If you're smart about it you can pass the tests. Record the days you get tested, build a chart. You'll get a good idea when its going to happen. Don't drink on holidays. However, if you find that you can't take a week or more off from drinking then you probably have an issue, and I recommend you stay loyal to the program you're on.


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I passed etg test after 36 hours , I drank heavly Fri,sat,sun,Mon,Tues took test Thursday @3pm, drinks lots & lots of water + over 6 hours of exercise

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I recently did a self study with my own ETG test's i've bought online.

I've done plenty of research and have seen many results from other people... but I want to see it for myself. I am a male and I weigh about 175 pounds.

During this experiment, I took four 300 ng/ml ETG Urine test's over the course of 48 hours. I did not exercise other than walking my dogs for 15-30 minutes 4 times a day. I ate normally... not very healthy, not very unhealthy. I drank on average 5-7 twelve-ounce bottles of water a day which is normal for me. My urine was not very clear and not yellow, it looked healthy.

Friday night I drank 5 beers at 6.7% alcohol per beer. Each beer was 12 Fl Oz... Since a 'Standard drink' for beer is 5% alcohol in a 12 Fl Oz beer; mathematically speaking I had a total of 6.7 standard drinks over the course of 3 hours (7-10 pm). After 10 pm Friday night I have not consumed any more alcohol.

-16 hours after my last sip of alcohol of 6.7 drinks, only one line showed up on my test... I tested positive for the 300 ng/ml urine test.

-36 hours after drinking, the second line on my test was faint, which is considered a Negative in the eyes of testing agencies. Even though I technically passed the test I wanted to see how two more tests would do. I also wanted to make the second line more solid of a color.

-42 hours after drinking I was Negative for ETG again. But the line was still pretty faint.

-48 hours after my last drink I was still Negative for ETG and the line was more solid than the previous test's, but it was still kind of faint. Now I know a faint line does not mean anything specifically, it can be from the test itself, from the specimen, from different water levels in the urine, etc... but a faint line is still a negative in the eyes of every testing agency/drug court/probation.

I drink on average 4-6 beers a week, usually in one night so I am not a chronic drinker or an alcoholic. EVERY body is different and anything can happen to anyone, but this is my experience and I know it can be helpful to many others out there. DRINK WATER AND DON'T EAT JUNK FOOD. Stay relatively healthy and hydrated and your urine will look healthy and your body will process the ETG at a faster rate. GOOD LUCK!

ALSO: I posted some calculations previously on this site (POST 201). Those calculations were very close, if not spot on, with this experiment of testing I have done. I learned those calculations from hours of research.

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Did you pass? I'm curious if ppl can pass after 30h

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I wanted to come back and give my experience since often people don't. I'm 5'9, male, 145 pounds & 25 years old. I drink roughly 4-5 beers a day during the week and 10-11 weekends. I drink a lot and i know this. I sometimes will go months not drinking & others i go months drinking, anyways...

Friday night I had 2 12oz 5% beers and a half pint of Jameson.

Next day (Saturday) is my buddy's birthday and we binged...

Between 1:30pm - 4pm I drank four 22oz beers @ 5% and 1 Shot 40%. (8-9 standard drinks)

Between 5pm - 8pm I had two Doubles of 40% (4 Standard Drinks)

Between 9:30pm - 2am three 22oz beers, one double 40%, one shot 40%, couple bombs and anything else i don't remember but could be another beer or shot in there. (another 9+ drinks).

Sunday I didn't check my mail (bad mistake) and laid around all day really beat up from the night before. I didn't eat or drink anything all day. Next day (monday) at 9am i see a letter from the state that I must report for an ETG by Wednesday 8pm due to an issue with my license (had a previous dui, not on probation currently). I start freaking out and reading this website and multiple others. Also the amount i drank didn't have me at ease either.

Monday I didn't eat all day due to anxiety but I drank a gallon of water and ran 3 miles.

Tuesday I barely ate again due to loss of appetite over losing my license but also drank another gallon of water.

Wednesday I woke up and had a 5 hour energy, drank two "Clean and Green Teas" basically a juice with fruits and vegetables, had a cup of coffee and a sub from jimmy johns about 3 hours before, tested at 6:30pm.

That's roughly 20+ standard drinks. 88 hours from my last drink. Could not tell you when i reached .000 BAC but passed on 500 cut off and had normal creatinine levels.

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I have passed a few tests. Try your best to stay clean for 2 days. So for example I test on Tueday
I don't drink alcohol on Sunday and Monday. Instead on each day I drink 1 gallon of water. Every morning I take Vitamin B-12 1000mg,Vitamin C 1000mg,Niacin 1 tablet,Tumeric 2 tablets, and milk thistle 3 tablets,2 teaspoons of vinegar. Do your best to do this sparingly during the day. The day of testing drink little water maybe some coffee. Try not to drink alcohol for 2 days. On Moday I take 40 mg Lasix. Fluids fluids fluids . Drink wine and vodka other days !

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Re: Student05 (# 79) Expand Referenced Message

I had a negative came in today...THANK GOD...

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came across this thread and figured I'd post my experience.

I recently took an ETG test. Had roughly 3 shots (150 oz) of Jack Daniels and passed 25 hours later.

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Re: Ieffedup (# 247) Expand Referenced Message

Most if not all answering this question are wrong. I have taken two ETG tests weekly for the past 10 months. And I am telling you from experience you can spend Thursday, Friday, and even Saturday morning getting BLASTED and still pass an ETG test with flying colors Monday morning. If you do not want to worry, allow yourself 48 hours. I’ve done this before many times with well over 5 drinks, probably 8–12. And again, multiple nights in a row. The only times I’ve EVER failed have been when I drank the night prior. Again, for peace of mind allow 48–55 hours. Anything over is wasting your time getting wasted.

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@CC - "Normal" people? Lol. Is an alcoholic not normal? If someone is sober but does other bad things, are they normal?

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I have a question how much do you pay for your test? Im trying to figure out what test I get I would really appreciate it...

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