On Fentanyl - How Long To Wait To Take Suboxone (Page 3) (Top voted first)


i am on 100 mcg fentanyl patch every 48 and given the certain amount of waste each month with one or more galling off and whatnot i keep a couple suboxone from an old script on hand. how long should i wait to take a half an eight mg sub.??? thank you in advance

46 Replies (3 Pages)

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Thank you...the tegaderm i have tried but are a bit expensive for my budget. I have decided if one comes off i will just where the next one for 72 hours instead of 48. I don't want to have to go thru a whole ordeal...plus it wasn't given to me by doc so drug interactions are a favor. A friend gave me 7 and said they were good for pain but i am not onto taking chances and defined.ity not into withdrawl. However after 2 and a half months on the fentanyl i am beginning to experience extreme fatigue...was on methadone and oxycodone/oxymorphone for eight years and never had this before. Not sure if this med is for me. Do you have personal experience w this medication?

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Why in gods name would you only take 1mg? Take the whole thing and feel better. You deserve it. You've suffered long and hard I'll bet.

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Been on oxy Ir, mscontin, allthose,but nowi'mon my 3rd day of fentynol 50mgsand I have hd times wher I cannot cannot keep y eyes open. Im thinking my body is just getting used to them..

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To prevent them falling off, you might want to try using some waterproof medical tape to help keep them on, they also sell a clear sticky patch that can be used over them and it is fine to do so, unless your doctor has given you specific instructions not to.

Learn more Fentanyl details here.

Learn more Suboxone details here.

As to the Suboxone, along with the narcotic Buprenorphine, it also contains Naloxone, which is used to help prevent the abuse of other opiates, while someone is under treatment with it, thus you have to be in full withdrawal, before you take it, or it can throw you into severe, dangerous withdrawals.

So, you'd have to wait a few days, until you are in miserable withdrawals from the Fentanyl, before you can take Suboxone and then, to return to the Fentanyl, you'd have to wait several days after taking the Suboxone, which means that doing this is probably going to cause more trouble than it's worth.

Are there any other questions or comments?

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can i take 2mg seboxine after i took off 100mcg fentynol patch 8hrs ago starting to feel withdrawel

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My last fentanyl patch was 24 hours how long until I can take subboxin please reply thanks .

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