Norco Urine Smell
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Went from Vicodins 750's to Norco after knee replacement surgery. My Norco is the generic and my urine smells terrible. Anyone notice this side affect?

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It has more to do with hydration rather then the presence of norco specifically .Although opiates and opiods can cause this odor to occur,Increasing your fluid intake will mitigate this effect.Gatorade is an excellent choice.If this continues I'd suggest seeing a pcp for a eval. and lab work up. Best wishes...

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i have been taking norco for a week and my pee smell

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I've been on Norco for 3 months after a fractured calcaneus, I've asked my doctor why does my urine stink? He didn't know. But I've suspected it was Norco. I've cut way back on the drug. And now no stink lol. Have since informed my doctor about Norco.

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I have been on Norco and perk tramadol for a year now and since I cut myself back no I smell like pee why is that

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It's a fairly common occurrence, due to the fact that you're adding a chemical to your body, plus the tablets can also contain some fillers and your body uses your urine and feces to process them out.

Learn more Norco details here.

However, you should keep an eye on it and if it gets really severe, or if you start to see signs of pus in your urine or experience pain or burning, then it may be a UTI and you should seek medical assistance.

How long have you been taking the Norco?

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