My Pills Were Dropped In Water


My Oxycodone 30 mg blue pills got wet, they dried out & now are twice the size they should be & no writing is on them. My question is of they are still as effective as before they got wet?

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as long as it was water, you are fine. There might be a shorter time release bc the membrane might be worn or more porous.

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They also may not be effective, if the water started causing some of the Oxycodone to be released.

The FDA classifies this medication as a narcotic analgesic, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation.

In the future, it is always best to store your pills away from liquid sources to prevent this from occurring. They should be stored in a cool, dark, dry location.

Is there anything else I can help with?

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