Methamphetamine Withdrawals
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I've been taking methamphetamine for several years and have tried tapering several times but fail.. Last week I almost lasted for 3 days but here I am alone, crying and not even 12 hours since my last dose! My only option is to beat this all alone.... HOW???

12 Replies

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Is there a drug used to wean off methamphetamine? I thought Ritalin might work? What are my options?

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I took methamphetamine for a period of 5 days, but had a drink and slept well after taking .5mg xanax in the evening. However, tomorrow I have to take six 18 year olds out for the day. How sick will I feel (i.e. how severe will withdrawals be)?

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Mind over matter. You like everyone have a tendency to have an addictive personality. Look at your life and focus on something other than methamphetamine that means a lot to you (i.e: computers, sports etc). Make a choice to go with methamphetamine or your drug of choice. With your drug of choice you will live longer without all the ups and downs from using methamphetamine. Yes you will eventually turn back to methamphetamine but when you do you will see how stupid doing so is.

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Is it ok to take atenolol and lisinopril for high blood pressure/pulse when withdrawing from methamphetamine?

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Well I can say that I've been battling methamphetamine addiction for 13 years now ! The first time I went thru withdrawals was absolutely horrible , I didn't think I was going to make it ! I had went to jail & they had to put me in the padded cell which is where I stayed for over a month ! I kept having really bad seizures and and constant vomiting shakes couldn't eat or drink with out getting sick fevers chills real bad sweats , they almost had to put a n g tube in cause I was so sick !! I swore that if I made it thru withdrawals that I wouldn't touch it again & I remained clean for 7 years & I relapsed !! I've accidentally overdosed & died three times ! I'm still using but no where close to what I was doing ! It affects everybody differently !

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The fda and medical institutions just give generic views and usually not wrong but very different from real life. I have have quit methamphetamine twice and there is no withdrawal as such unlike coming off opiates or Benzos. Both times I came off while in custody and it's mainly just a lethargic feeling. All you want to do is sleep and eat occasionally and having been locked up twice and spoken with other users that is about as bad as it gets. It's a 7-10 day time frame but the quicker you get motivated and moving around and exercising instead of lying around the quicker it is, then it's all will power and staying away from the drug. You feel good initaly which lures you into false sense of being able to control it but it's almost impossible. It's a drug that makes you feel great to start with then becomes the norm. Learning to sleep and eat helps but you have to have a strong mind to control. As for withdrals don't fear it just allow yourself a week of sleep then another couple of days getting motivated. No pains or cramps, sickness or other worries which is a bad thing as you don't fear withdrawal like you do coming off opiates which is a week to ten days of he'll. First couple aren't bad but after that it's the worst experience you can imagine and is why I can use opiates from time to time but always as a treat because I done withdrawal once and never again.

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I had methamphetamine last night and I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow morning at 9am. I'm an older person, close to 60.

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A friend asked me how long it took for methamphetamines to clear out of body. I couldn't give her a clear answer. They said last dose was Friday at 12 am. We are into Wednesday today.

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I've quit before. I am a lifetime user. I'm also 55 years old. I didn't have seizures, but I slept for weeks. Ate a lot of sugary foods and felt like hell. I don't know the medical down sides to using, I do know the every day effects. It ages you, mentally and physically. Everybody knows your using, you just don't think they do. As a lifetime user my best advice is to just stop. Life is good clean, you don't have ugly dark secrets, you don't over react to stupid stuff and you wont avoid friends and family. choose life or let methamphetamine choose.

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Thank you very much for the suggestions and help.. Medical and professional help is not an option for me due to several reasons. That's sort of why I came here for help or advice but I do appreciate your reply.

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As a doctor (I'm a shrink), please get medical help. Since I started practicing about 25 years ago, we didn't think there were ANY physical withdrawal symptoms from amphetamine abuse. We've learned differently. Bear in mind that Addiction Medicine is NOT a real medical specialty. Depending on how much you've been taking, I"d probably order Valium or Klonopin to prevent seizures. I'd order the proper nutrition for you and, I hate to be a buzz-kill, but methamphetamine can mess up a number of organs. That's why you need a full-work up. I wuld NOT recommend methamphetamine withdrawal at home or supervised by unlicensed personnel. (An NP-AS can probably do this; some RNs or Advanced Practice Nurses, Psych or ED Residents also can. I'm not one of those guys who feels ONLY an MD can perform ANY med procedure.)

Editor's note: We do not verify the credentials of our users and nothing stated in our forums is intended to be taken as medical advice.

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Hello, Lamb! How are you?

How much have you been taking?

The only good and safe solution is going to be for you to get medical help with this, I know that's not likely what you want to hear, but it is the truth of the matter.

The FDA lists the possible withdrawal symptoms as including nausea, fever, chills, diarrhea, vomiting, anxiety and seizures.

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