How Long After Taking A Suboxone Can You Take An Opiate? (Page 11)
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I have been on 8 mg/2mg Suboxone strips for 1 year. I am having a tooth (back molar) extraction in the morning. I used my Suboxone strip this morning & the tooth extraction is at 9:30 am tomorrow. If I don't use another Suboxone strip before the extraction, would I be able to take Hydrocodone after my surgery? I don't want to get sick, but I am terrified of going through this surgery with no pain meds. Please help.

237 Replies (12 Pages)

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I've been on suboxin for a year and I just had some dental work done, I took a half of a 8mg strip at 7 in the morning then after my dental work I took 25mg of Percocet and that was around 1:30 so a 5 and a half hour period I took my Percocet and it's working lovely! I haven't took Percocet in over 4 years that's probably why it worked for me!

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Im starting to detox off roxys I have a 8 mg suboxen script and ive already took 1/4 of it how soon can I take more because its been 8 hrs and im in extreme pain

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Yes...ive been on and off pain meds and subs for years due to back surgeries......if ya dont take a sub for 48 hrs the pain meds will work...period....whoever said 1 yr should be fined for that statement

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no hun, I did not feel the loratab. Which I didn't think I would either. I also never took more then two 7.5's at a time. But the loratabs did take away my pain and that was my main concern.

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So let's say I took a quarter of a 8|2 mg suboxone . at 9 am this morning & that's all I've done . I've been taking opiates for bout 6 months straight . I was gonna switch over til I seen the after affect of the suboxone . when could I take an opiate & feel it !!

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I have been on 2/.05 subs for 2 months. I am having surgery in 2 days and will be on opiates. Will I even feel anything?

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I took about 1/4 give or take of an 8mg strip about 8ç30 this morning. If I take a 30mg roxy at 11:00pm, will I feel it or will it be a waist.

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Suboxone is a partial opioid fills the receptors partial but at higher doses it fills the receptors completely..methadone is a full opioid agonist..not the other way around

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Definitely wrong about the tolerance. .48 hours you would be able to feel full effect of any other opiate, used for pain management. ...

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That is not true...i have been an addict for more then 17 years and on and off subs for takes 2 to 5 days to feel opioids again thats it.

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hey amber did you feel the loratab? because they tell me if I take my pain medicine because im on suboxone I will not feel the effects.

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Well I reply cause I know, I've been on suboxone for 7 years now 16 mg. I went into labor with my daughter on subutex( same thing) they had me off it a whole day before they can put me under for surgery. I asked the doctor if the wait was the same for suboxne and he said yes

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Do not comment if you don't know what you're talking about!

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I took 1 suboxone strip 8mg/2mg on wed and 1 more on Thursday night/ Friday at 3am. Today is Saturday and I cant feel the dilauded, I just took. I only took the suboxone for basically 2 days. How long until I can feel the dilauded again. I did this before and it was 36hrs, but now it seems to be taking longer to feel the dilauded. Plz help any advice is appreciated! Don't want to waste any more d's.

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This person is correct. you could take a whole sub an hour later do as many opiates as you want, you won't get dope sick but you won't feel the euphoria either.. Now if you do it the other way around you'll be super dope sick

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How many hours after taking like 2-4mg sub strip before you can take opiates? I usually take subutext and they were stolen (lucky me:( ...I take 2-4mg daily and have for a few years now I am having the hardest time getting off the last 2mg.. Any advise? I don't want to be on it :(

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If you are on suboxone you won't need or even feel the affects of Vicodin anyway..and if you were an honest person at the dentist office they would ask you what prescriptions you were on you when you told them about suboxon they would not give you Vicodin..and if you do not misuse drugs you would be asking the doctor who gave the subs and not a website..subs are given to keep people away from opiates anyways..taking both would be drug abuse.. man up and call your first doctor and hope he doesn't cut you off your suboxone addiction of over a year..

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Not even a little true. I've taken opiates the same day as I've taken an 8mg Suboxone, and I felt it. Not nearly as strong, but if you take enough, you will absolutely feel it.

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Ok guys, if you are on suboxone, and have a tooth pulled or any procedure which they give you an opiate for, like percocet or vicodin, you take it on top of your suboxone. You take your suboxone as prescribed AND take the new pain meds as prescribed. I do it all the time.Just ask the dr prescribing you. They'll tell you. I don't care what people say about ''blocking'' or getting ''sicker than dope sick''. It's not true. Tell the dr pulling your tooth. He'll tell ya!

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This is true. A year to get suboxone out ur system isn't accurate. 48 hours tops. Theres a hot line u can call and they will give u the answers u need. Look it up..I have a terrible toothache Right now but I had 16 mg of suboxone yesterday so I have to deal with the pain 2day till 2morow then I'll try taking a perc.

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