How Late Into Pregnancy Is It Safe To Stop Taking Suboxone? (Page 8) (Top voted first)


I am almost 14 weeks pregnant. I want to stop taking my Suboxone completely, but have heard it can cause premature labor if stopped too far into pregnancy. My doctor also said that withdrawals can not cause miscarriage or hurt the unborn baby in any lasting ways. I have been taking 2mg of subutex (now Suboxone) for the past week. Am I okay to cease all Suboxone use, or should I wait another week or so?

152 Replies (8 Pages)

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I was on 24 mg of suboxone a day and overt the last two months have got down to 1.5mg and soon to be off I know every one says it's dangerous but I'm doing ok and the baby is too, just wean according to your body I'm now 4 months pregnant and will be completely off in 2 weeks. Hope every thing turned out good for you.

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Re: Escaroe (# 148) Expand Referenced Message

Hey u found out I was pregnant and was on 24ng a day started weaning at 2 months in now 4 months and down to 1.5mg. I started off going to 8mg then to 4mg then to 2 mg now just 1.5mg then 1mg I'll b off in another week just listen to your body you'll feel some side effects but not to much.

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When I had my baby in May 2016 I was also using Suboxone (not prescribed) to remain off of opiates. I had plans to quit 2 weeks before his due date in case of the initial drug test hospitals give upon admission in my area. However, he was born 2 weeks early at 38 weeks. The initial drug test which was a urine test did not test for suboxone I believe because they had no idea and I was too scared to tell anybody. After my son was born he was sent to a bigger hospital nearby with a NICU unit (our hospital is small with no NICU) for breathing problems. I wanted to speak up but I was so scared. They ended up testing his umbilical cord to find the suboxone in his system. We had the whole roundabout of social workers calling and visiting us. The s***ty treatment from nurses and doctors. The pressure to take another drug test myself and my husband. The threats to take my baby away. As soon as I started getting the calls from social services I immediately signed up for a nearby addiction treatment program. I was lucky enough in the sense that I have a cousin who works at our social services and the head of social services is a good friend of my moms so we signed a contract with them and got to keep our baby as long as we followed their little treatment plan. Which didn't have much on it anyways.

My son was in the NICU for 2 weeks. He had withdrawals of course and they weaned him with morphine. I feel really bad about it and although I was told by a social worker that it was better for me to use that then other drugs or even opiates. I still wish i had spoke up before I had my son. I was scared of the exact judgement that I received anyways. However, now I firmly believe if I had spoke up when I first found out I was pregnant and gotten on a program then I believe the experience would have been much better than being looked down at for using something you were not but could have been prescribed. I do know they put you on subutex usually for pregnancy. I just encourage anybody who is pregnant and using anything to reach out and either get on a suboxone program or some type of treatment program. It will be better for you and your baby in the long run. It is much better for doctors and nurses to know beforehand and I really wish i had done things differently. My son is a healthy 2 year old now. No issues besides a little respiratory when he gets sick sometimes he needs to use a nebulizer. Another note is many hospitals are starting to use umbilical cord testing because they dont have to have consent to collect it and it goes as far back as the beginning of your third trimester so about 2-3 months. I just wanted to share my story.

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Re: big D (# 142) Expand Referenced Message

Be aware the hospital may call on your daughter. It also depends on whether the county you live in is medication-maintenance friendly or not. Do more research. Ask lots of questions!

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Now whenu say u were on 4-16 mg are u saying u were taking anywhere from a quarter to 2 pills a day. What about if u were only on 1/8th of a pill how would that effect the baby? Half of a qyarter..

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Hey im 33 weeks pregnant and ive beendoing opopanas off and on the whole time do u think if I got one subutex and quit everything my baby will be okay when I have her at 40 weeks

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Hi there I was also woundering what happened with your situation I also was taking Percocet before I found out I was pregnant I stopped completely as soon as I found out 5 weeks in and well at 36 weeks I was in pain and I guess relapsed I only used four or three a day a few times a week for week 36/37/and am now 38 weeks just going to suffer through any pain I am also concerned about CAS getting involved it was small doses and if tested placenta they'd see that it was also a short period of time babies fine and did not withdrawal really was less then what would be prescribed to take but I am now stressing about CAS I am a nursing student and already a esthetician and be a mechanic this is my first I am stable and cannot wait to hold my bundle of joy, however now I am worried I may have caused us problems, any related stories with there outcomes would be much appreciated and wat happen with you^^^^ god bless

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Hi Im 17 weeks ppregnant and im anxious to stop takimg subutex, this is my first pregnancy. Tha ive taking this.. im scared to stop and hurt tha baby but I want to stop taking them nor do I want to lower tha mg I justwant to be done completely with it! As anyone plz help

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From what I am reading,using it while pregnant is not advised, because it can cause withdrawal symptoms in the baby.

As to any other details, there really aren't any. It's used during pregnancy has never actually be studied.

As to whether or not you should stop taking it, I am afraid I have to defer to your doctor on this one, since they do know your medical history. Following their advice, since they have experience with it, is probably you best and safest option.


Does anyone else have anything to add about this issue?

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Im currently six months pregnant And have been taking only about .5_1mg of Suboxone through my entire pregnancy daily. They aren't prescribed to me so i haven't told my ob about them. Im at the point where i want to stop taking them but I'm terrified of withdrawals and what may happen to my baby if i countinue to do so. I know if i take them until birth she may have withdrawal symptoms and that would kill me! Also ive been told pain medication wont help during labor if your on Suboxone. That is the least of my concern though. Ijust want to be done taking anything and not hurt my poor innocent baby. Its my first child and im crying as i type this because I'm so upset and afraid of whats to come. Please respond with any information you may have on how to ease withdrawal or what to expect while doing so. I really need someone to talk to about this! Thanx

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@33 months: just curious, did they test you or babies at the hospital?

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I don't want to countinue taking the Suboxone,that's tree main issue and i haven't been taking any other pain pills during my pregnancy not even a cigarette. I just want to be done with everything. I'm 25 weeks, if i quit now or before my third trimester do you think the baby will be born with withdraw symptoms? Im on a small enough dose now that it'll be easy to quit pretty soon. I just don't think telling my Ob is an option becausei don't trust how they will respond and everything has been perfect thus far. Also I've heard that if the hospital staff knows you're on any type of pain pills or addiction treatment that look for something to be wrong with the baby and give them morphine and treat the mom like she's an addict,which Im not and will be devastated if any of that happen occurred.

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