How Long Will Suboxone And Heroin Stay In Your Urine? (Top voted first)


I have taken Heroin for a few months. Quit and took a few strips of 8 mg subs. Got BACK on Heroin for a few days like an idiot. I have a voluntary drug test I want to take at a clinic to present to my lawyer for a court case. My question is, I smoked a small amount of Heroin for the past few days and I know Heroin leaves your urine in 4 days. But if I take 16mg of Suboxone how long does it stay in your system? Will it show up on my test? I do not use sub's daily. This has just been an on and off thing. If I smoked tonight and take subs ( just 2 strips ) tomorrow or next week, will it show up in my system in under a month? Anyone with any information please let me know your opinion. Thanks!

40 Replies (2 Pages)

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No place usually just test for only one drug. They usually test for AT LEAST the big five (pot, coke, heroin, amphetamine and PCP) using whats called a 5 panel test. It's like a pregnancy test that has a couple strips of paper they dip in the urine (one for each substance and little line come up on whatever your positive for. *PS no place tests for Suboxone. It has to be SPECIFICALLY tested for and usually only Suboxone clinics do that to make sure your taking it when they prescribe it.

A half life is the amount of time it take Half of a drug to leave you system. Suboxone's half life is I believe 72 hours, so half the drug is out of ur system in 72 hours. So If you took 1 mg then in 3 days only .5 mg would be present in your system then in 3 more days only .25mg and so on. Heroin is very short. That's why addicts can only go about 8 hours before withdrawal kicks in.

I'm male, in my late 20's, 5'11" and about 160 lbs. I sniffed one bag (about .1 gram) on a Friday night at around 7pm. Took a 5 panel urine drug test at court that following Monday at around 11am. Came up clean on the spot. I did drink a lot of water during the weekend and peed a lot but made sure I didn't drink too much on that Monday because if you pee clear they will give it a closer look. Usually it takes 2-4 days to get out of your system. I have a fast metabolism so I'm usually on the short end for drug tests.

Drinking a lot of water and exercise do help flush your system out quicker because opium is water soluble and exercise speeds up your metabolism and helps flush out toxins from your body. If your not a heavy and/or daily user and in decent shape then you'll probably be good in about 2-3 days.

You can always go and buy a self drug test from Walgreens or CVS if you want to check yourself.

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Suboxone is a very expensive test they won't test for that on a standard drug test... To test for suboxone it is a separate test they have to specifically test for suboxone... So u can take suboxone up to the day u take ur test... I took suboxone b4 prescribed n passed every drug test even through my PO.. they test for drugs not suboxone... I promise u this one... N suboxone even pushes opiates out of ur system... Hope I helped

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My son tested positive for H 6 days after quitting. He almost got kicked out of the sub program but they also tested his sub levels and they could see that he was taking them as RX'd. So, ya, give yourself a good 7 days to clean up just to be safe. And good luck everyone. You can do this. You really really can. There is no future in heroine. None.

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How long does suboene stay in your urine I've been takin it for aweek and a half but might have a drug test Monday (maybe)I go to a pain clinic and I've seen they test for bup on my last drug screen can someone help me I got my purse stolen with my narcs in it so I got the subs I'm scared if they test me

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Billy thanks man ...your reply helped the most. I just keep doing little bits at a time for the last couple weeks. Little 20 bags. Just smokin. Im heavy set. Like 6'1, 250
But i do ride bikes and drink alot of water and fluid.
All i really needed was someone to tell me a similar experience. Im not even getting tested by court. This is a volunteer test so my lawyer can present to the judge a clean urine test. Mainly for marijuana ...which ive stayed away from. But the H is just too easy to slip up on. Ill just stop for 4 days excersize and flush if i go to a clinic. I might just take a walgreens MJ test only and present that. Just wasnt sute what to do.
Thanks again man. U da man!!

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I haven't done anything In a week I slipped up today an did less than a 20 I'm 4"11 & weigh 100 lbs... How long will this take to leave my system an is there a sure thing I can do?!

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I think, considering your addiction and relapse from trying to go cold turkey without any medical help you should probably look into getting into a sub program legitimately. You already have the only requirements needed, being an addict and wanting to stay clean. It took me two+ years to finally do it and I can honestly say that I had NO withdrawal symptoms other then s migraine and even then I didn't feel like dying from cleaning the house or walking across the room. I got high Friday and started subs Saturday. Been clean ever since and seriously feel great, my old self before meeting my weakness.
Good luck babe. It sucks but if your serious about it, subs can be a miracle.

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Used 18 mg of subs and i was cool. Subs are a lifesaver .. Thanks ash!

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Sweet man! Keep it up :)

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Bossofme just curious how big is ur son i kno they say these things also depend on ur size 6 days seems like a long time for H i kno MANY ppl who use and have passed po tests in mostly 3day's most of them r also regular users n don't eat much so they r
smaller ppl so i was just curious if the reason it was in ur sons system for so long is bc he is bigger or if i should just b on the safer side like u said bc u kno ppl aren't always truthful either wen they say things esp wen discussing the last time they really used if they passed or failed a test i get it its an embarassment thing i just want to kno truthful ly so i can look out for myself ...thanks

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why do u say opium is water soluable??? herion is a opiate not opium so unclear why u keep saying that???? opiates are pain meds opium is a completely DIFFERENT DRUG!!!!!

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Jen who are you talking to? I don't see anything on the thread saying that...and if it's far back it's from months ago.

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Ok iv been on norco 7.5 got them filled on Feb.20 and i took about 40 of them since the 20th today is the 27th..and i take a half of sub. Here and there..i have an appt. On March 13 if i continue to take a half of a 2mg just say everyday until the 10th will the sub. Be out of my system? And also will i still have vics in my system..considering i took so many in such a short amount of time?

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No vics in your system, takes 72 hrs for opiates to get out, might wanna find a cpl before your appt. And unless your doc tests for subs, which is becoming more common now, you wont test positive for anything. Bupe is ingredient tested in Suboxone. It dies test as an opiate.

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How long will .5 mg of suboxone stay in my system? If I don't take it very often.

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(Not the Ash from below) yes all to common NOW that subs are being tested for in common panel urine tests. And the other Ash below states suboxone tests as an opiate, this is false as well. It only tests for bupe, you will never have a positive screen for opiates due to suboxone.

To answer to the previous post, the presence of substances in your system are measured in ng, suboxone has a mean half life. Please Google this as I have a hard time explaining in an accurate way we can understand lol.

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The drug detection time chart from "alwaystestclean" reportedly shows that Buprenor­phine can be detected in your urine for 7 days.

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It's been a year. How are you doing with your drug problem?

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Dude if you take 16mgs of Sub you're going to be pissing dirty for like a week. Let's do the math. Sub has a mean half life of between ~20-24 hours. You take 16mg today, tomorrow you'll have 8mgs, next day 4mgs, next day 2mgs, next day 1mgs, next day .5mg, ect ect. Sub tests are getting much more common btw.

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