How Long Does Methadone Stay In Your System? (Page 14)
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Is Methadone completely out of your system in 72 hours, or does it take longer? Since Methadone seems to last longer that 4 - 6 hours, I was just wondering?

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I took two 10 mg methodone 7 days ago. I will have a urine test in the morning. Will it show up?

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Just got a call from my dr. I've been discharged. So yes it did show up. Ill be going to the methadone clinic I guess. I'm so tired of being on this s***. I'm a drug addict because of these drs to begin with. I hate being sick so oh course I'm gonna take something. I'm a functional user because I have ligit problems but regardless, getting on opiods is the stupidest thing I've ever done. Its worse when you really need pain relief.

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I took half a methadome on july 4 and a quarter of one on the 5th. I took a urine test today july 12. Should i have anything to worry about.

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what milligram were the 5 you took? I have taken about 4 int h last 4 days and have a urine test in one week. They were 10 mg. Does anyone know if i will be positive...?

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I'm on my 3rd day off Methadone and it's the first day I'm fine..... It worked excellent for me!!!!!!

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I had the test done 2 weeks AFTER I took 5 during a 3 day time period. I had ran out of my normal medication and took these to help with my chronic pain. Needless to say I was kicked out of the treatment plan because I showed positve for methodone.

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From what I know u will not b clean in just a week after u take that many methadones

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I took 15mg of methadone on Monday and I was popped with a urine test that gets sent out today. Which is Monday. So exactly 72hrs. I never take methadone but I was having severe kidney pain and took it to try to get some relief. I'm so scared its going to show up. Does anyone know if I will show positive? Please help

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I would say yes it will,if they test for it.Some employers don't guess some feel if its there it would be because of possible rehab.program.also the more items tested for the more $$$ they pay.So its maybe a chance it won't be looked at.Good luck

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Will methadone show up different than hydrocodone in a drug test. At my work they send it off to a doctors office! PLEASE HELP SHOULD I BE WORRIED?
I have a rx for the Hydos. Also how long does methadone stay in your system

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For blood testing....

Methadone and Oxycodone are usually detectable for approximately 6 hours.



This information, however, is only relevant for blood testing, the times are different for urine, hair and saliva.

This is also not the same as the time it takes to process completely out of your body.

Are there any other questions or comments?

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how long does it take for oxycodone and methadone to leave your blood stream???? need the answer asap if anyone is on and knows it.... thank you i have read that it takes 12hrs for opiates to leave your blood stream is there any truth to that???

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I took one 10 mg tablet of methadone for 3 days and have a urine test in 3 weeks will those 3 tablets be out of my system by then. I havent taken anymore since then.

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i took 7 methodone\10mg/ on friday dec.9 i will be taking a urine test wed. the 14th of dec. wil i be clean by then?

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yes i on subtext help alot but you dont get pain but without them u still feel bad yes methadone hard to kick the habit you dont feel normal i get up enjoy my day work i enjoying getting up now save money

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Thats not exactly true. I take 10mg methadone 3x daily and I took 2 blood test and showed no methadone in my system. Which made my doctor wonder but when I did a U/A it was positive for meth,

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You have accepted an Answer!
From DrDLoveSaturday, August 20, 2011 6:45 PM EST

Although the metabolism of drugs will vary somewhat from one individual to another, the usual period of detection of methadone by a urine drug screen is 5-7 days. Therefore, you should be fine for a test performed in 2 weeks. (This was the reply I just received online and asked this question to a dr. and that was his response to my question?Here is my question to him. I had taken 40 mgs of methadone today. This was the only day I took the methadone. Tomorrow I start back on my oxy's 40 mgs that I have been taking for years but ran out, thats why I took the methadone. I have a urine test in 2 weeks.

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I took one and a half 10 mg methadone tabs on friday three days ago is it going to b out of my system

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Excellent advice! I hope others listen to you and save themselves some of the pain you have experienced. God bless you Kurt, you have overcome an obstacle that most cant. Keep up the good work!

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It took me 3 months to kick methodone. After that, I had paws for another 4 months. Don't get started on that evil stuff unless you plan to stay on it for life. It's by far the worst withdrawl ever. Beware, you have been warned. Take Suboxone or subutex instead. I can't stress this enough. I wouldn't wish methodone withdrawl on my worst enemy. I went to treatment for one month to kick it. I was twice as sick after my 30 days were up. I had to go straight to a halfway house. Don't, Don't, Don't, Don't, add infintinum

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