Fosamax- Vertigo (Top voted first)


My mother takes Fosamax;and had forgotten not to drink coffee after taking.All of a sudden she is very dizzy and nausea.She claims she is not dizzy but feels very drunk and has no balance.Was in ER and in observation over night.The Dr. called it Vertigo.I read on Vertigo and it said dizziness.Nothing is spinning.She feels drunk and has loss of balance very badly.Had given her Adavert upon releasing from hosital.There has been no change at all.Head cat scan,blood work and carotid arteries checked and no signs of anything.I don't know what else to do for her.Any suggestions?PLEASE! Thanks

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I have been on Fosamax for 11 Vertigo started shortly after I started my first week of Fosamax...I have some good days, toward the end of the week, not totally, but better...then the Vertigo starts all over again...I have had a brain scan and other tests, everything is good. Just can't get over the Vertigo...I have had many Epley Manuevers to no avail. I think maybe my whole issue is the Fosamax. Anyone else experiencing this?

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My mother had been on Fosamax a while and takes it once a week.Was not having any problems prior.Her bone density test was a #4 which is so serious that if she really fell hard she could shatter her bones.Well she took the pill every Tuesday.She had forgotten and took it on Wednesday.Then you are not to eat or drink for 30 minutes,especially caffiene. Well my mother was not thinking and had 3 cups of coffee and that is when she starting feeling bad.Well I read about Vertigo and that is a dizzy sensation..not a drunk feeling.My mother stated she was not dizzy at all.Off balance mostly.Well I thought she would get better and after 2 days in the hospital and about a week later I took her grocery shopping.She said things were looking funny.She fell on the floor..An ambulance was called ...they would not move her as she would not make any sound,her eyes would not blink and her pupils were very dialated.They had me get down and keep talking to her.She finally made a moaning sound so they put her in the ambulance and back to the hospital for another 2 days.They did a brain wave test,blood work,MRI of the head..everything ws normal yet put her on Dilantin for seizures.Said she had a mild seizure.I'm not buying that either.It's really weird.Then I took her and had her eyes re-examined.She was having double vision.They added the prizm back into her lenses.2 weeks now she is walking a bit more normal.But now I can't get her back on Foxsamax, as she said it now scared her and is afraid all that feeling will come back.I just don't know..Hope this information helps some since more happened since my post.This is the recent update.If you can think of anything..please don't hesitate and I thank you for your concern.Makes me feel I am not alone.My mom is all I have left and am soo scared for anything to go wrong with her.She is 70 years old but so active and looks like she is about 60.She is small and only 4'11.Thanks again Patti for your posting back.God Bless MDF.

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My dr. has recently prescribed Foszmax for me, but I wanted to do some research before taking it. Did your mom take it once and started feeling this way, or was this her first time taking it? Is she still having the feeling of being drunk? I hope that she is OK, but I would like to know more info about your mom.

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vertigo..weird thing it is. I was diagnosed right after I had my first child. Not many people understand as I have seen. Listen to her and stick around. It doesn't always make any sense, if ever. Mine went away. I am 36 now. Good luck and keep asking questions, you will find her answer.

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I read some info on fosamax and they seem to say that coffee is bad because it lowers absorption of the medicine but they don't say anything about feeling unbalanced.

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Dear Carolyn,
Your Momma is not alone in having problems with taking Fosamax. I invite you to visit two web sites, one has several posts on their message boards with a Defective Drug list at: The next site is ran by attorneys who are looking into Fosamax at: http:/­/­

Many Blessings for you & your Momma.

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This is a side effect listed as an 'allergic reaction' to Fosamax Here is what I found on 'RXLIST':

A very serious allergic reaction to this drug is rare. However, get medical help right away if you notice any symptoms of a serious allergic reaction, including: rash, itching/swelling (especially of the face/tongue/throat), dizziness, trouble breathing.

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Until just recently, I had been on Fosamax for 5 years. With my recent Bone Density coming back as decreased, my Dr. wanted to put me on Prolia a drug that you take twice a year by injection. I ck'd this out on this website and so glad. DO NOT let anyone talk your Mother into this. My alternative pharacist, told me to get off of Fosamax immediately. Truthfully, I never had any issues with it accept it has not worked to improve Bone Density. I am now taking vitamin supplement of Bio Citrate Strontium once a day and twice a day (2) capsules I take Calcium - Magnesium. Both are for bone health. As soon as I get back all my blood results, he wants to review all stats dealing with bones. I'll keep all posted as to what he says. I am not on ANY rx. drugs and when taking Fosamax, that was the only RX I took. I am going on 68 and so thankful to God that I am not on drugs that generally all have side effects and most are not good for you.

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My doctor has just started me on Fosamax ,after reading about the side effects I feel I should not take it . Not sure now what to do as I am mid sixty and very healthy apart from low bone count which has never been a problem .
Thank you

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I took my weekly fosamax 2 days eRly by mistake missed out my next dose. Will this be alright I'm very worried

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I had a bone density test and I was put on Alendronate Fosamax , I felt everything was spinning. When I stood up felt dizzy. So I read the medication instruction in the box and one of the side effects is vetigo. I decided to stop taking this medication. Start eating the right foods to build up my calcuim.

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Thank you Carolyn for answering my email. I can certainly understand your Mom's hesitance to take the Fosamax again. It is so scary when you are older. I know how you feel, I lost my Mother 4 years ago. Most difficult time of my life. I will pray for you both.

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