Feeling Weird X 10 Days!
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Went to the ER twice in one night 10 days ago for an all of a sudden feeling of flushing from head to toe and just generally feeling weird. First visit resulted in a TSH of 18.5. I was told I was experiencing hypothyroidism. I've been on levothyroxine for approximately 8+ years. Had my thyroid removed for a goiter that turned out to be thyroid cancer about 9 years ago. Dose of levothyroxine has been adjusted over the years, but I've never experienced anything like I was feeling that night. Second visit to ER, the doctor increased my levothyroxine to 150mcg and gave me a prescription for xanax. I have not been able to sleep since that night. Severe, severe insomnia. This morning was my 9th day on the increased dose if levothyroxine. I'm just starting to feel like myself to a point. Still experiencing insomnia and flushing feeling. Will these feelings go away? And how long will it take for all symptoms to subside? My doctor says I should feel better in about a week or two.

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Yesterday, I had an episode of severe throat soreness. I took an 800mg IBU and in about an hour my throat felt much better. OMG, I pray daily that these symptoms improve.

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I will be 40 in 2weeks and I had a partial hysterectomy in 2007.

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Hello, Renee! How are you feeling?

How old are you?

On top of the thyroid issue, if you're over 35, you may be starting to experience some perimenopause symptoms.

Have you had any symptoms of PMS? Irregular menstrual cycles? Irritability?

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