Drug Classification Of Nubain (Page 2)
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Years ago Nubain used to be a popular and effective drup for pain. It was the only thin that relieved my mom's back pain or my migrain headaches. I am a nurse and haven't heard of anyone getting Nubain in years so I asked an MD recently. He couldn't give me an answer. If it's not classified as a narcotic and relieves pain, why aren't more doctors prescribing it?

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Good information Keith, ex H user my self

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This is why people don't know what to believe about a medication. Nubain is a partial opioid agonist & partial antagonist - meaning it both binds to opioid receptors AND partially blocks their activation. There IS much debate over whether Nubain is addictive &/or whether it causes euphoria (the lack of noticeable euphoria for most is because of its antagonizing effect on the mu-opioid receptor, in particular. Even the last person that said it isn't an opioid turned around & said it binds to kappa-opioid receptors. This makes it an opioid, at least partially - not whether or not it is euphoria-enducing &/or addictive!) The general consensus among the FDA & DEA is that the euphoria is minimal & addiction is almost non-existent. Thus, it is not scheduled in the Controlled Substances Act list anymore since the mid-70's. Please note: If you have any concern over the information I have provided & its accuracy, merely go to the DEA website & read for yourself: deadiversion.usdoj.gov/drug_chem_info/nalbuphine.pdf).

People really need to know what they're talking about a little more before advising others about a drug that may or may not be harmful to them, as ANY drug can, since all of them have side-effects that vary from person-to-person. Sheesh!

And for the OP, it's also worthy of note that the brand-name is no longer produced in the USA. Only generic remains. But also what the next post-er said - it is not effective in men & can increase pain, according to studies. This latter fact alone makes it not a good candidate for giving out in the ER & such. It has fallen out of favor in many cases but not all, along with Demerol, Darvocet (which is now off-the-market but had fallen out before being banned with many docs), pentazocine, & to some extent, Stadol & buprenorphine, though the latter is used in addiction treatment & is making some new waves for pain with the newer formulation called Butrans, though the 2 use different formulations entirely b/c of dose level differences & method of administration. But for the other post-er who asked, there are no similar ingredients between Stadol & Nubain, though the drugs are related distantly in structure. Both are semi-synthetics that are derived from the morphine structure, beginning usually with the non-euphoria-causing chemical thebaine, derived from opium poppies for producing these & other semi-synthetics such as oxy- & hydro-codones, oxy- & hydro-morphones, as well as 1 or 2 others. Hopefully, this information I have provided will help some future reader, though the post is old.

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Nubain is NOT a narcotic nor is it addictive nor is it an opioid. It is not prescribed because of those facts. People like to get high and doctors like you addicted.

It is the best pain drug on the market. But people cant do shots. Also it works on the Kappa opioid receptors and not the MU. So if you take Nubain it blocks your ability to use opiates. So if you take Nubain any opiate will not work for you. So doctors feel it limits what they can prescribe for your pain. Also it is generic and there is little money to be made. Doctors, nurses and pharmacist know very little about this drug as the reps dont push it. No money.

I dont know why there seems to be so much misinformation about Nubain. Someone has it in for this drug. If you google it you will read so much BS. Not so funny story I had surgery and was using Nubain. The pain doctor just kept pumping me with morphine and couldnt figure out why it had no effect on me. DAH I am using Nubain!! Sad that even a pain doctor doesnt know Nubain.

So it blocks your MU receptors limiting your choices for pain drugs. There is no money in it. Drug companies want you addicted. You have to inject it. Thats why it is not used.

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My mother has quite a list of meds that she cannot take because she's had some form of reaction, some critical or serious, others not. One that's she's had a very critical reaction to was Stadol. The reaction was almost immediate at the Dr.'s office so they literally put her in an upside down position & gave an injection of something to counteract the effects of the Stadol. This happened many years ago. The other day she was given an injection of Nubain, for the first time, for a migraine & was taken home to sleep it off. Not long after she arrived home she started to having a reaction that caused her to become extremely paranoid & restless. She said she was almost like hallucinating things & felt an out of body out of control feeling an was absolutely more terrified than she's ever been in her life. I know that people whom take Methadone fot pain or opioid addiction cannot be given either of the two because it can cause automatic detoxification & withdrawals. My question is does Stadol & Nubain share any ingredients or properties? If my mother had a reaction to one should we then concur that she would have a reaction with the other?

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I am a chronic migraine sufferer. I have never had a good experience with a medication & have several reactions to them. Nubaine has been very helpful for me yet now in Missouri the doctors here would rather see their patients in pain & get a "kick" out of watching them suffer. I dont do drugs. If I were after Narcotics I wouldnt be askin for Nubain nor would I refuse Demerol etc. The doctors here say that Nubain "IS" a Narcotic & that the FDA has banned them from using it.

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Nubain contains the active ingredient Nalbuphine, which is still considered an opioid, though you are right, it is not classified as a narcotic and doesn't fall under the controlled substances act.

I am not sure why it isn't used more often, though it may be due to the fact that it was found much more effective in women and it can actually increase pain in men. This fact actually resulted in the U.K. drug agencies removing it from the market there.


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