Do Sleeping Pills Show In Urine Test?
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I have to have a drug screen for a new job. Do sleeping pills such as doxepin show up in urine test? How long does it stay in your system?

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Im on Doxepin and its no drug that can be abused unless you like very dry mouth and dehydration. I would take more than prescribed because I hate them but I have to have them for my depression and anxiety. I would love to go off them but my Dr insists I stay on them.

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First off, Doxepin isn't actually a sleeping pill, it is a tricyclic antidepressant and psychotropic medication. so it can be used to help with sleep issues, because it causes drowsiness and sedation as side effects.

And with that said, no, these types of substances are not tested for on standard drug tests. In addition, if you are taking something by prescription, you simply need to inform them of that, when you go in for testing.


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