Can A Saliva Drug Test Detect The Difference Between Vicodin & Percocet (Top voted first)


I have been looking everywhere for the answer to my question & have not found it & I really need to know. I have been going to a pain management clinic now for 3 years. I have multiple herniated discs in my back causing stenosis. Anyways, I have been prescribed percocet 10/325 6x per day for the duration of my care with the clinic. The last appointment I had they drug tested me. I was not able to urinate so they gave me a saliva drug test. The weekend prior to my test I had run out early & was able to get some vicodin & oxycontin thru a friend to fill in so I wouldnt go thru withdrawal & be in pain the whole weekend. I know from past experience that they were able to detect the difference between the percocet & vicodin in my urine sample, that was when I received a warning, now if they detect it again I will lose my rx. I need to know if they can detect the difference in saliva...Also can they detect the levels in saliva? The oxycontin I was taking was basically my whole days alloted dose in 1 dose that I took multiple times in the day, so I know that the levels would be way more than there should be too. Also if its not too much to ask will they be able to know that I not only took vicodin but oxycontin too? I know that its the same ingredient as the percocet minus the acetominaphen but I didnt know if they could detect the controlled release vs immediate release. Thank you in advance for your assistance!

4 Replies

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Can they tell the difference on a mouth swab between hydrocodone and oxycotin

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They can tell the difference between the Hydrocodone in the Vicodin and the Oxycodone, but they can't specifically tell if you took a regular release formulation of the Oxycodone, or a time released.

As to the levels, yes, they can also detect those if they perform the right type of test .



Is there anything else I can help with?

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Yes they can tell the difference because Vicodin is hydrocodone and Percocet is oxycodone. 1 will show up as an opiate and the other will show as an opioid.

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Yes they can tell the difference in a ua or saliva test between Percocet (oxycodone/apap) and Vicodin (hydrocodone/apap) The narcotic in each is completely different. I am sure your doctor at that pain clinic is using the good test that differentiates between which narcotics. And no, they are not going to be able to detect the oxycodone sr pill as being different from the percocet. The binders that do to slow release are not checked for and couldn't be because it could be from anything. It takes 3 days for Vicodin to wash out of my but I have a fast metabolism and drink a lot of water. If you Took the Oxycodone SR tabs last you 3 or 4 days from the test date you will be fine.

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