Best Generic Adderall Brands (Page 3) (Top voted first)


Is the round pink 30 mg Adderall generic name Sandoz/Eon with the markings of CDR 136 on one side more or less effective than the oval orange 30 mg Adderall generic name Barr/Teva with the markings of b974 on one side and 30 on the other side? What is the most effective/potent Adderall that is generic and 30 mg?

741 Replies (38 Pages)

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Folks, we know one thing for sure. That is that amphetamine is an old drug, and as such, it is easily manufactured, correctly. There is no excuse for this drug to be either weak or ineffective...other than profit. It should not vary in efficacy depending on which strength or formulation. Consistency should be very easy to achieve, as long as one is not messing with the formula to stretch (quarterly) profits, wherein leaving out (some of) the active ingredients and adding more of the fillers would certainly add up to more profits. Another thing to consider is that the bulk of the active ingredients are made in countries such as China and India. Places the FDA can not carry out spot inspections on. It takes the FDA time and govt approval to do an inspection. Thus, the FDA relies on "self-reporting" on the drugs. The FDA is using the "honor system" for the foreign drug manufacturers, when it comes to reporting. Do your own Google search, and also search for info on TEVA. They were one of the worst. Aurobindo was another horrible manufacturer. There is no excuse for inconsistency in this drug. Maybe 50 years ago, but not in this day and age.....the age of instant gratification and GREED.

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Re: Donna (# 655) Expand Referenced Message

Apparently the round pink pills by CorPharma have been discontinued. COR is no longer manufacturing them. This is so distressing because I loved that brand. No other brand works for me.

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I absolutely agree, the CVS brands are crap.

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I have searched the internet for more information about the generic adderall brands and I have one, unsurprising, conclusion. What works for one person does not work for everyone.
I have ADHD and my first prescription of adderall XR was filled using Actavis. My dosage was found by trial and error with this brand. I take 20mg in the am and 20mg at 1pm and I function like a "normal" person. When I refilled in September, I was given Global. This generic at the same dose does nothing for me except to make me extremely irritable. I am hyper and unfocused but also cranky and sad and angry, all the time.
I don't think this is a discussion of Actavis is better or worse. I think if I started out by taking Global I might have found a dose that works for me with this med and changing to any other would be an issue. It is difficult to say. What I can say for sure is that all generics ARE different. You cannot go based off of reviews but have to see what works for you. My local CVS is willing to order the brand preference that I need. Talk to your pharmacist if something doesn't seem right. Don't wait like I did - it made me have a miserable month :(

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FYI- for the hair loss issue be sure to get a complete Iron panel
blood test including your ferritin level. Search 'hair loss and ferritin level'.
There are many articles that say 'low' ferritin levels might be
causing hair loss.

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I have always gotten my adderall IR filled at Rite Aid and now that I am unemployed and have no insurance. I use an Rx Savings Card for a lower price on scripts and Walgreens so happened to be 20.00 cheaper so I had it filled there..... let me start with I always firmly believed generics were the same as name brand until I started in this script from Walgreens. I searched on the internet wondering if others felt different on Walgreens meds and found out that the manufactures can be different and I looked on my bottles and Walgreens says Teva and Rite Aid says Corepharma. I will make sure I get my Rx from Rite Aid from now on cause I feel nothing on these Teva pills! I take 10 mg 3x daily. This sucks that I have another 20 days on these! I take them for excessive daytime sleepiness and have been on adderall for 11 years. I have to take a 5 hr energy to get thru the day. Corepharma is better than Teva to me.

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I don't use the adderall for ADD. I am prescribed it for excessive daytime sleepiness. I was falling asleep driving. That is the scariest s*** ever!! I had a sleep study done and then had to stay over for the day to have an MSLT study done. Every 2 hours you have to take a nap for 15 minutes. I fell asleep within 4 minutes which they stated was very early which made me fall into the category for EDS. I must say adderall gave me a life. When my kids talk about their childhood with me they say you slept all the time. I was a single mother with two boys but to look back now I wasn't living. I was too tired to do anything. I thank God for adderall. People who abuse it piss me off because it really helps people with living their lives.

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I have taken the pink round 20 mg tablets three times a day..actually 2 were the most..effective..Now kroger had these peach round 20 mg tabs with a U30 stamp...They are a powder, crumbly..and three..pills..have zero effect..a waste of time and money...I'm lethargic, no doubt withdrawal from the other product...manufacturer is Auribindi, India...The pink pill's manufacturer was core pharma llc....How do I know when a pharmacy switches brands?.....devastating.

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John, I said eat better and workout more. It helps and I stand behind my comment but it doesn't fix everything. I have also experienced what you described as "a feeling you just can't shake." That feeling is hard to describe to others, but to us, it is undeniably a very real thing.
I fight it from time to time. Comes and goes. I'm approaching two years now on Adderall and I have come to accept that "that feeling you can't shake" is an unfortunate side-effect and is part of the package when a person begins to take Adderall.
I have had much success shaking it by taking (small at first) breaks from Adderall. Start with a day or two...stretching it to week is even better. My experience is that my body
"re-boots" and what I'm trying to get Adderall to do for returns.

For those new to Adderall, these are the current generics available:

1. CorePharma (sometimes called Impax or Global) by pharmacists. Bright, neon pink in color. Round in shape and scored with Cor 136 on it for the 30mg IR tablet.
2. Aurobindo (always found at CVS pharmacy in my state.)
Round in shape. Pale peach in color scored with U30 on it for the 20mg IR tablet.
3. Teva/Barr (usually called just Teva.)
Oval in shape. Pale orange/peach in color. Scored with b973 on the 30mg IR tablet.
4. Sandoz (sometimes called Eon) Hard to find now. Round in shape.
True orange in color. Scored with an odd looking E on top of 404 for the 30mg IR tablet. My experience is that while very effective, the weakest of all the generics for me. 30mg of Sandoz = 20 mg of all the others.
I found success with all of these by adjusting my dose up or down a little. Trial and error is the only way to arrive at your correct dose.

My personal Adderall experience is limited to IR tablets only. I like the minor control they give me of when I take the next dose. Some days I get 4 hours out of a 30mg IR dose..some days 5-6 hours.

Conclusion: My Adderall experience is that on some days, despite all my good habits and diligence, it simply feels like nothing. Placebo. Sugar pill. I have come to accept it, rather than fight it or waste energy trying to understand why. If it persists for 2-3 days, I then take at least a 1-3 day break from Adderall. It definitely helps. The break has always gotten me back on track with my Adderall.

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The difference between the generic adderall, people think they are all good or all seeing it out of like a borderline's eye..(joke) Each generic has fillers an binders that affect each person differently, and that is the main reason there are many different review's on this topic all over the board...some say the teva footballs an some say the pink cor pharma, some even say the opinion, being prescribed for the last two years...i have had pretty much every brand of pink cor pharma is the i just filled a script of them actually, (after reading that they are not making them any longer, apparently they are) 06/07/2017 is the date i filled them...and have filled them each month of the 2 years...(once i got teva footballs) & they were complete garbage...made me feel very ill, it was the fillers to blame they used...again, affecting each person differently...people really need to do their own research instead of "those are junk" uhh no there not junk just because the fillers affected your body in a different way than the next guy?...psh, shake my head..

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Teva is the absolute worst brand of Adderall. I only need 10mg of Sandoz to focus but need at least 25mg of Teva to feel any effect whatsoever. It's the weakest Adderall generic I've ever tried.

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I see you made this post yesterday, August 14th and I just want to say I filled my script yesterday at Walgreens, and found myself here because I noticed after taking the pill I feel depressed and irritable and the pill didn't work, may as well have taken a sugar pill. I also feel sleepy and I'm never sleepy in the daytime. I'm done with Teva. Teva has been my generic of choice when it comes to Adderall but my June, July and now August refills have only gotten progressively worse. I'm gonna have to give CorePharma or Sandoz a try next time. Thankfully, my friend is a pharmacist at CVS and she'll order whichever generic I need. F U Teva!

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They discontinued COREPHARMA that's why I'm here LOL! CRAZY I'm thinking SANDOZ/SHIRE is best at this point--EVERYTHING ELSE IS TERRIBLE and has gotten worse and worse? IDK so confused! and PISSED!

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Since prescribed Adderall for the first time about 9 or 10 months ago, I have found major inconsistencies in the generics no matter what pharmacy I use. I’m currently on 20mg x2 daily. The first script I filled was at a Walgreens and at this time I was being subscribed 10mg x2 daily, I received the blue Teva brand? Sorta football shaped, blue and sweet tasting. This generic gave me big time jitters, headache, dry mouth, etc. Since this was my first script I had nothing to compare it to so I figured these were normal side effects and hopefully they would pass as my body got adapted to the medication. Ok so the next month I fill my script at the same pharmacy, Walgreens, same prescription, 10mg x2 daily (IR btw) and this time I received a completely different generic. I thought they had given me the wrong medication. I searched the tablet and it was indeed generic for Adderall. I forget the manufacturer but I was skeptical at why I had received a totally different (appearance anyway) medication. After taking this particular generic for the entire month I noticed major differences in the performance of the drug, this time the side effects were amplified times ten! Super anxious, jittery, bad headaches and even heart palpitations with this particular generic, I wanna say the manufacturer name started with an A? Sorry I can’t remeber the specific name, anyway at some point I was bumped up to the 20mg IR x2daily and it seems that it doesn’t matter which pharmacy I go to, major retail or mom and pop, I never seem to receive the same generic each month. Every time I fill my script it seems that I receive a new version of the generic Adderall. How are there so many different manufacturers of this one drug and why are the inconsistencies so great?!! This is crazy to me that these generics vary as much as they do. There has to be something that we, as consumers can do to be heard and voice our concerns regarding this issue. I have talked with my Dr many, many times regarding this and she’s offered to prescribe me brand only or switch up my meds to something similar but one that may offer a prescription savings card to help with the cost (I think it was Eveekeo that I we tried?) needless to say that didn’t work out either. I’ve voiced the concerns to the pharmacist and inquired as to why the variations are so great and are there any current drug recalls pertaining to this med and I basically get dismissed or treated like some junkie drug addict looking to score. One particular pharmacist I recall speaking with about my concerns of the side effects, heart palpitations and numbness of my left arm/ hand, replied with “well ma’am, you are taking an amphetimine... what’d you expect?” Im so sick of being dismissed and treated like a criminal for expressing concern about a prescription that’s widely known to have less than par quality control in numerous manufacturers. It’s not fair that because of the type of drug it is, a controlled drug, that our concerns are not treated with the same level of respect and diligence as those of someone whom takes blood pressure meds or something of that nature. It’s apawling to me that with so many individuals being prescribed this medication are voicing concerns and yet to only fall upon deaf ears because nothing is being done to correct or rectify the situation on any level. I urge anyone who’s experienced these same issues to write to the FDA, voice your concerns and be relentless in doing so, otherwise we will continue to chase our tails and complain to one another on forums. Which there’s nothing wrong with I might add, but something needs to be done about this. It’s not ok and these companies manufacturing these sub par generics should be held to much a higher standard. Please voice your concerns to the FDA in hopes that at some point they have heard enough to launch an investigation into some of the these claims. Until then we’ll continue to play Russian Roulette, on a monthly basis.

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Re: ELLIE (# 507) Expand Referenced Message

Thanks. Ya I’ve been making a habit to call each pharmacy ahead of time to see what brand they carry. Just got a new script from my shrink yesterday. Walmart and CVS all typically carry the Barr/Teva while every single Rite Aide and most everywhere else is buying up this Aurobindo trash. Tell ya what, core pharma really shook up the industry by discontinuing. I’m starting to think there may be a conspiracy going on. Because of this whole opioid epidemic bs docs and the fda are petrified of all controlled medications at the moment. When it comes to stimulants, I’ve noticed that many docs have been gradually switching to the vigils or XR versions for less abuse potential. That being said, I find it odd that we lose two perennial powerhouse generic IR manufacturers of adderall (Core and Sandoz) within only a few months of each other. Leaving us with only trash Aurobindo or the hit and miss (depending on the person) Barr/Teva. Perhaps if enough people start having too many cough cough “adverse side effects,” to mixed amphetamine salts than they will have enough evidence to pull IR versions for good. Idk, just something I’ve been turning over in my mind a while. All I know is that what that the awful side effects I experienced with Aurobindo was not placebo affect. These generic manufacturers only have to demonstrate that their drug is within 25% bioequivalency of the brand name to be approved. To make matters worse, all these bioequivalency evaluations are carried about by the pharmaceutical companies about conflict of interest? Even on top of that, companies like Aurobindo manufacturer many of their medications over seas in India. Lmao, how much oversight from the FDA do you think they realistically have all the way over there in third world India? Not only that, they have poor infrastructure which makes me question the competency of their factory workers and high corruption which makes me question whether they have shadily manufactured a dangerous product with cheap fillers to save a buck. Ya, that crap's not going in my body and I’d advise everyone, for the sake of your health and peace of mind, stay away from Aurobindo Adderall. Furthermore, file a complaint with your pharmacist and the FDA. Sooner or later something has to be done about this. I feel completely taken advantage of by this bs shady company from India. In fact, the FDA recently served them warning letters about the quality of several of their factories in India.

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I have had experiences with:





All generic are IR

My opinion:

Although Teva has decreased recently in potency and efficacy, it is still stronger and more efficacious than any other generic

Warning: Mallinckrodt Is absolutely horrible. Avoid

No experience with Mylan

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Re: steve (# 658) Expand Referenced Message

Dude in my 40 years your medical advice seriously has to be the WORST I have heard. You are telling people to stay away from Adderall whilst promoting the use of Effexor GTF outta here!

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Freddy (# 629) --

You seem to metabolize the generics the same way I do. This Sandoz discontinuation and CorePharma no longer manufacturing, leaving no other therapeutic options. Any of the orange oval generics have absolutely NO EFFECT on me and the white Mallinkrodt, is a joke. I have no idea how these products are passing or what guidelines and regulations are in place. I don't know what to do. I called a representative from Epic today, this is who has bought out CorePharma and he said they are hoping to be releasing 30mg in May but it is still nothing definitive. Something due to the FDA and some other Class II regulations. Its unbelievable.

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Re: James (# 691) Expand Referenced Message

It's good to be able to exchange information with other folks on a forum. If not for message boards or forums - I would have questioned my own experiences.

Today my pharmacist called to discuss Teva being tapped out for now. It's not the right terminology but that's where she was getting my Adderall. It had been working. It was interesting how tentative she was over the phone - almost as if I'd raise cane about the whole swap-out of generic Adderall. Perhaps the pharmacist is aware of differences even though folks swear generics all have the same active ingredient.

Well, it's the fillers apparently that gave me headaches and nausea during the last Adderall drought. So I brought them home and can't read the tiny print and will have to use a magnifying glass late. Took 1 tablet about 15 minutes ago ---- in my before life, I'd question whether or not the Adderall was working even though I still felt like the same space cadet unmedicated. Now if this tablet is a dud - I plan to contact my psychiatrist and the pharmacist to report in detail the effects or non-effects if that's the case. I will not take sugar pills for 30 days until the next round. I would love to take some kind of action against pharmaceutical companies that churn out crap. Ok rant over ... we'll see what happens next.

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Re: Rcma (# 698) Expand Referenced Message

I've been taking TEVA 20mg amphetamine/dextroamphetamine for the past 5 years and have been to pharmacies all over the place giving me garbage substitutions from other manufacturers. I used to be able to rely on a local pharmacy to consistently turn out TEVA for my prescriptions every month, but they've come up short for the past few. Might you know any independent or retail pharmacies around or near Los Angeles County who reliably carry TEVA's generic for Adderall? Thank you in advance!

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