What To Take Clean Out System For Drug Test

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what is the best and fastest way to rid cocaine out of your system? ## Hi Tracey, Whether or not the substance is cocaine, the most effective way to clean out and detox your system (in my opinion) is to eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, stay hydrated (consistently pee clear), exercise at least an hour a day (rebounding, dancing, swimming, or breath work) to get your lymphatic system flowing, along with getting plenty of rest each night. Consistency is key here... I hope this information helps! ## That was great advice straight to point..but does the same go for crystal meth? ## meth is only in your system for 3 days. you cant clean it out. you sweat it out. ## i take 7.5 lortab a day and have been taking (3) 10/500 a day ,if i start back taking (1) 7.5 a day for a month will the leve...

21 REPLIES Filed under Cocaine

Hello everyone, here are the facts, this past sat, early sunday morning, I did about a gram and tad more of blow.( First time in a year)people saying a minimum of 2-3 days, so I do it becasue my drug test is not until this upcoming Monday giving me a full week, then all of a sudden I hear about this damn metabolite called benzodiazepines that can stay in your system for 30 days. What the hell is up, every second blog says I am ok, or I am screwed and I have asked a safety manager friend he said I would be fine, my other friend has a buddy who is RCMP officer who said all will be well in about 6 days, thats cutting it close. I am drinking milk thistle, pure cranberry juice, and pure blue berry juice. My friends all say they passed after 2 days/ And they call me paronoid. But like I alway...


I took a klonopin yesterday and I am also on ambien, I have a 10 panel on friday. Will they be able to detect it? I have the rx for ambien. ## I took a nucynta at, two methadone and one klonopin and I have a drug test in four weeks - will they show up in my system? ## I took a nucynta, two methadones and one kolonopin. I have a drug test in four weeks will thy show up? ## I took a 20 last Saturday night and had 5 days clean on that and had a UA on Thursday. Will I be clean after 5 days?

3 REPLIES Filed under Klonopin

Took one vicodin and i have a urine test tomorrow. What can i do? It's very urgent as my daughter is on the line. Plz help me. ## They have a plant that only grows down here in Texas called Palo Azul. If you boil it into a tea and drink it the day before your drug test you'll pass!! Trust me! My boyfriend is a pothead and uses it every month... ## I've taken a LOT of different drugs like methamphetamine, oxy, xanax, ect. I have a test tomorrow at 2pm. I went real hard over the past week ..please don't judge, I have my reasons why I did. My son died. I'm also on felony probation. I'll go to prison for 4yrs. So help me plz. ## So did u find something that worked? And how fast ## Drink acerta or certa idk from wallmart drink 70 oz of water n a gaterrade n mdew pee t...


i have 2 white round pills with nothing on them and i wanted to know if they will pass my drug test i have tomorrow. i took them before because i thought i had a drug test but i didn't ,so i took one in the morning and right away my body felt on fire i was turning red and it looked like my pores were opening up and my skin was burning..please someone let me know something soon ## If there are no markings on the tablets, it is going to be very difficult to identify these and tell you what you took. We can rule them out as being some type of U.S. prescription medication, since they are all required to have markings to enable their identification. However, they could be something that is available over the counter or a foreign medication. Where did you obtain them? ## if your skin was ...

6 REPLIES Filed under Niacin

I took herion, marijauana, and klonopins. if I take niacin that u get at gnc for 3 days will it all be out of ur system? I have a drug test coming up soon. after this I quit drugs but will it be out of my system in time to take a drug test Wednesday

Filed under Klonopins

I took 20mgs of percocet last night at about 8pm. i received an email from my work at 930 informing me that i have to take a UA today by 7pm. i immediately started.drinking a 1gallon jug of water with 4 packets of "emergen C" since i first found out about.the ua i have sat in the steem room for 20 minutes and worked out for 20 minutes and consumed 2gallons of water 2cups of coffee and a 12oz red bull. its now 1pm, 6 hours til deadline, i plans on consuming another 1/2 gallon of orange juice between now and then, and a few cups of coffee. i am 6ft 210lbs and workout daily with fast metabolism and BMI of 9%. and i have had no other drugs in my system other than aderall 25mgs and an rx sleep aid (non narcotic) both i have rx for. think ill make it? ## DRINK ALOT OF WATER!!!!!!! ## ...

7 REPLIES Filed under Percocet

What is the fastest way to clean your system from methamphetamine ## Baking soda fill up about 4 capsules and drink 3 bottles of water 3-4 hrs before your ua pee 1 time at home an hr before test than pee for ur is it will be clean ## Do you have experience with this ## I thought you have to pee 3 times, then it will be clean. ## Google stinger drink to detox and find out where they are sold locally. Anyone under 230 lbs just one $25 will do. 90-60 min before you test drink the stinger. Fill the same bottle 4x with water and drink. Pee 3 times before your screening and you will be good. Yes I do have experience and have used this method many times. ## I Got A U.A On Tuesday 01/19/16 At 11am Will Baking Soda And Water Work To Clean My System ? If So Wat Time Should I Start To Drink It ???...


I took a 1mg lorazepam a few times total over the last couple days. I weigh about 115 lbs. I have a urine drug test coming up for probation & need to find out 'about' how long it stays in your system for this test & future reference b/c until I get back into my doc I don't have a script & need them for my anxiety really bad so im having to take them around the drug screens until I get my script back. I know there isn't an exact answer but im just needing a round about idea so I know if im ok or need to buy something to clean my system. Please help w/ info if u can. Thank you. ## Lorazepam is a Benzodiazepine and they are usually detectable for approximately 6 weeks, after last dosing, in standard urine drug screens. As you are aware, there is no way to give a...

15 REPLIES Filed under Lorazepam

I took methamphetamine on Saturday. Need to pass p.o test on weds. My last use was two weeks ago. ## I took meth been but off week had little none few days. Took drug test showed meth and cocaine. I do not do coke. Not used anyone pipe. Told them about meth may show but coke NO WAY. Does anyone know how this is happening not once but 3 times? In recovery so I lie they say. Made me admit I did or kick me out. I used on fri maybe 1/3 gram n test wed can I pass and if coke shows what can I do to prove I am not have not done? Help anyone !! ## i have done meth for two days ...i have to drop in 11 days this is the first time i ever did it ...u think il pass ## Hi i got to take a drug test can u help me ## K follow this to the letter you should pass it no problem. do about 2 hrs before your t...

70 REPLIES Filed under Methamphetamine

If you take methamphetamine daily, what besides the 3 to 4 days of non use will help to clean it out of your system for a urine test? ## Sir, quite certainly not. You might be out of luck. ## If I smoked Chrystal Meth 5 hours prior to urine test, will I test positive on my first urine drop from my bladder? ## So is there any way to pass a Medtox EZ cup (Icup)?drug test and it also has adulteration.. On Feb 28th Shelly took one Xanax and 3 adderall.. 12 days later on March 12, Shelly failed for benzo's and amphetamine(12 days) later she failed. Is there anything besides TIME that can speed up the process? Desperately seeking a way around these things.. Does anyone have any possibilities? All opinions are welcome.. But water does not work.. OmniRed does not work.. Can't use synthe...

54 REPLIES Filed under Methamphetamine

I have a drug test tomorrow, i took methamphetamine last night. what can i take to clean my system out to pass? ## Last week Thur, fri math stop sat,sun ,Monday but took a dose today, got drug test, been taking water pills and drinking water and one 64 flz oz cranberry juice and drug test wed 3:30 pm will it clean my system or do I need to get the flush. I weigh 175 pounds. ## How did it turn out? ## I see/read a lot of questions asking how to have a clean UA for meth quick, but no one is responding how to do it in 2 - 3 days time with home remedies. ## i have done meth for two days ...i have to drop in 11 days this is the first time i ever did it ...u think il pass ## I took methamphetamine last nite and this morning I have to pee test today befor 8pm for tasc how much bakeing soda and...

33 REPLIES Filed under Methamphetamine

I have been on 300mg of morphine sulfate(immediate and extended release) for 3 years. I am a female, approximately 130 lbs and 5'4". How long would it take to have a clean blood drug screen and a clean urine drug screen? ## After you stop taking it, it will be approximately 4 days for urine and approximately 3 days for blood. The precise time frame can vary due to factors that are unique to each individual, but these are the average times for most people. Learn more drug testing details here. However, if you have a prescription, there is no need to worry, you simply need to inform them of that, when you go in for testing. Are there any other questions? ## To roy..I couldn't find my guestion that u reply ed to about passing a ua after I stopped taking morphine for two weeks a...

2 REPLIES Filed under Morphine

Can b-12, niacin and water clean your system of cocaine in 1 day? ## I used cocaine last night n have to test tomorrow will niacin vitamin B and cranberry pills water and cranberry juice help I've been taking it sent this morning ## today is Tuesday and I need to report on Wednesday. I want to come out clean for a UA cocaine? ## Did it work? ## Will cranberry juice water and niacine clean your system of cocaine? Editor's note: this thread has been locked because it violates our terms of use.

4 REPLIES Filed under Niacin

I used cocaine on monday at 9pm. i have a urine drug screen on wed at 230 pm.. what liquids are best o drink to speed up cleaning out my system ## Cocaine is usually detectable in urine for approximately 5 days after last use. Learn more drug test details here. Increased fluid intake may help, but the only guaranteed ways to test clean are either by not using such substances, or by the passage of time. Does anyone else have any suggestions that may help? ## The last day I had it was Saturday 3:15pm. I have a UA Wednesday after 5:00pm. I've been talking golden seal in the pill form. What do I need to pass this UA test? ## I used crack Friday night and stopped around midnight. I haven't used in a month and I only had around .3 or .4 grams! I got a drug test coming up on Monday aro...

3 REPLIES Filed under Cocaine

I have to take a urine test in a week, is there anything I can take to get rid of the xanax ## Gold Bond Powder ## Xanax is a benzo ad most drug test benzo do not pop up even if there in your system I had a friend who blacked out on Xanax at work and they took him to the hospital to drug test him to fire him and he doesn't do anything but Xanax so all he had was benzos in his system they were pissed when he passed the test and was clean of everything:) ## I've all ways here it can take up to 30 days four it to get out of our system and I fell my test and I did not take nune at all four 27 days and I did not pass my test benzo take a wall to get out of our system I need to no how long it takes to get subutex out of our system I've here so much I don't no how long it takes...

19 REPLIES Filed under Xanax

I took altogether about 15 lortabs this week counting today. I have a appt. at pain clinic on monday. I am on perc 10s but ran out. I have one i am going to take monday morning before urine test. Is there anything I can use to get lortab out of my system before monday at 3:15 pm? ## Hi Linda, If you were prescribed Lortabs then you have nothing to worry about. Just bring a copy of your prescription to the drug screening for verification. If this is not your prescription, then best option I can suggest would be to detox your system with fruits and vegetables. Specifically; lemons, watermelons, wheatgrass juice, and coconut water, are all excellent choices for detoxing and cleansing the body. If you want to take it a step further, I would fast on these foods until your test; given the tim...

5 REPLIES Filed under Lortab

how long does it take for cociane to leave your system to pass a swab drug test. ## Hi Jimzhuwfw, To answer your question, a saliva swab test can detect Cocaine anywhere from 1-10 days after your last dose. I hope this helps! ## So if I been clean for ten days will it be clear for a mouth swab would I pass it? ## So what you're saying is that I'll test positive if I've used in the past 10 days? ## I used 12 grams of cocaine and I have a urine in 17 days. Will I pass the test ## I have a oral swab tomorrow and I took crack cocaine. will I pass the drug test? what can I do to pass?

5 REPLIES Filed under Cocaine

I took 1 Mg of xanax on Friday and I have a ua test on Monday for probation will it be out of my system or what should I do please help! ## Xanax contains the active ingredient Alprazolam, which is a Benzodiazepine and this class of medications can be detectable in urine for as long as 6 weeks, after last dosing. Learn more Xanax details here. The precise time frame may vary from person to person and can be affect by your individual metabolism, overall health, fluid intake, activity levels and etc. but 6 weeks is the average for most people. And there are no guaranteed ways to clean it out of your system any faster. Are there any other comments or questions?

1 REPLY Filed under Xanax

I was wondering how long hydrocodone stays in your system for a urine test? I took three on Sunday before 2 and have a drug test Tuesday at 2. If I drink alot of water will it help. I have a prescription for ocycodone so that's all I want to show up. Thanks. ## I go to the methadone clinic and took 5 lortabs 3 days before my urinalysis and 5 two days before and then got tested. I am 5 foot and at 110 pounds and im active. Did I pass? I've been 8 months clean and im very disappointed in myself. Please help me, im worried. ## I took two hydro codons yesterday morning and need to it to still be in my Sytom this morning for a urine test will it still show up ## Dear Iee, it should show up positive. They usually last in you system for 2-3 days. So, you should b all set. Let us know h...

115 REPLIES Filed under Hydrocodone

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