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my wifes lisinopril-po 20mg tablets twice daily was changed by her Doctor to 40mg's of lisinopril-eq, and I am trying to understand what the difference is between P.O E.Q so I know exactly what this medicine is doing for her overall health. Thank You ## Hello, Slim! How are you? PO just means per os (orally), as in she's supposed to swallow the tablets and the eq means equivalent, as in the pharmacy can give her a generic or multiple tablets/capsules, as long as it is an equivalent dosage. For example, if the pharmacy doesn't have the 40mg on hand, they are allowed to give her 2 of the 20mg ones, or etc. as long as it equals the 40mgs that she's been directed to take. The FDA lists the typical side effects of this medication as possibly including nausea, dizziness, heada...

2 REPLIES Filed under Lisinopril

I have been on Vicodin 15mg every 6 hour for about 3yrs . My doc change me to MS Contin 15mg twice a day with 3 15mg of Vicodin for breakthrough pain. Why am I still have lot of pain? I suffer from serve fibromyalgia and djd diease of lumbar spine ## There is no 15mg of Vicodin, the maximum dosage currently available in the tablets is 10/325mg. Thus, depending on what you were taking, the dosage may no be equivalent. Can you please double check what you were taking and post back? The FDA classifies this medication as a This is a narcotic analgesic, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation. The ER stands for extended release, it designates it as being time released. ## Two Vicodin 7.5 mg eq 1...

2 REPLIES Filed under Vicodin

in the drug Rabeprazole 20mg IP tablets, what does IP stand for? ## The manufacturer, Intrapharm. Learn more Rabeprazole details here. Sometimes people have problems with products from certain manufacturers, due to the inactive ingredients used, or their doctor may recommend the ones from a certain company. Are there any other questions or comments?

1 REPLY Filed under Rabeprazole

is voltaren sr the same as diclofenac ec ## Hello, Frank! How are you? No, they are not the same going by that. The SR stands for sustained release, meaning that it is a time released formulation of the medication, but the EC just means that it is enteric coated, to help prevent it doing damage to your stomach, but there is nothing that designates it as being time released. Is there anything else I can help with?

1 REPLY Filed under Voltaren

I am taking setraline hydrochloride 25 mg per day and clonozepam mouth disolving tablets .5 at night. Now i want to know how to reduce this two medicine. Any one can help me. ## The withdrawal effects, if you have only been using them as prescribed, are not usually severe, they are mainly annoying. The problem with these types of medications, if you stop them cold turkey is the rebound effect, since your body has to adjust to no longer having them. This can result in worsened depression and anxiety. Have you talked to your doctor about reducing them, yet? In most cases, they should be tapered, slowly, to help avoid these symptoms. If neither are time released, then you can safely split the tablets and start taking less of them.

1 REPLY Filed under Antidepressant

Valsartan/HCTZ 320-25mg tab LUP ## Hello, Lazarus! How are you? That's an abbreviation for the manufacturer, which in this case is Lupin. The FDA lists the typical side effects of this medication as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, increased urination, hypotension and dehydration. Is there anything else I can help with? ## The bottle says LUP, yet the pill says LU. Thoughts?

2 REPLIES Filed under Valsartan

Ihave a newscript for levothroxine 50 MCG - things usually say MG ## Hi Linn, I definitely hear you on this one. Prescription drugs can be more confusing than algebra at times. Lol The difference of mcg vs mg is the measurement of each. MCG is the abbreviation of micrograms. MG is the abbreviation of milligram. You would need 1000 micrograms to make up 1 milligram. For your own reference: 50 mcg = 0.050 mg Learn More: Levothyroxine Details I hope this helps! :) ## Thank you. That clears up a lot. You are right, it is as bad as algebra which I also did not excel in. ## What is the difference between b12 5000mcg and b12 1000 mcg. I have been taking b12 1000mcg. And the bottle is empty so is it okay if I take b12 5000mcg ## Can you take too much B-12 ? Iam taking 1000 meg per day and get b...

6 REPLIES Filed under Levothyroxine

one side has 40 Mylan 216 Small round white pill ## Myl stands for the manufacturer, Mylan Pharmaceuticals, they list this tablet as containing 40mgs of Furosemide, which is a generic for Lasix. It is used to help remove excess fluid from the body to treat conditions, such as high blood pressure, edema, and heart failure. Are there any other questions?

1 REPLY Filed under Furosemide

I am wondering what the medication Mylan do. It is for a type of seizures, but what kind I am not sure. Thank you! ## <a href=' is actually the name of a pharmaceutical company. They manufacture numerous generic drugs. Do you have any specific medications from them? Their corporate home page is


Need to know what QUA and HER means on names of Medicene. ## Hi, Louise! How are you? Those are abbreviations for the relevant manufacturer, for instance, the QUA stands for Qualitest Pharmaceuticals. Is there anything else I can help with?

1 REPLY Filed under Isosorbide Mononitrate

what does TEV mean after TAB on medicine lable ## What does MGTEV stand for on darocet 100-650?The lable reads as Propoxyphen- APAP 100-650 MGTEV. Thanks! ## The first initials stand for the manufacturer, for example Teva Pharmaceuticals in the original post, and the TAB specifies that it is a tablet, according to FDA prescribing instructions. Regarding Valerie's post, Propoxyphene, in any form or combination, has been removed from the market, since it was found to cause a high risk of cardiac issues, and many overdose deaths. It was originally available under the name brand Darvocet. It was a very mild narcotic analgesic, the FDA warns that it carried the risk of being habit forming, and could cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache, dry mouth, and constipation. In ...

2 REPLIES Filed under Propoxyphene

In one of the chats someone was saying APAP stood for Acetaminophen & Propoxyphene, which makes sense considering the initials, and in all your other answers you say APAP stands for Acetaminophen (only). Why have you dropped the Propoxyphene from your other answers & what the heck is Propoxyphene anyway? I take a generically filled prescription of Fioricet & APAP is one of the listed ingredients. ## Hi Pamela - APAP is ONLY Acetaminophen (aka Tylenol) and has nothing to do with Propoxyphene. "Paracetamol, also known as acetaminophen or APAP, is a widely used over-the-counter pain medication and antipyretic (fever reducer)." [1] By the way, Darvocet propoxyphene was discontinued in the US in 2009: "In January 2009, an FDA advisory committee voted 14 to 12 against ...

1 REPLY Filed under Acetaminophen

Hie i started using Canex V 3 days ago along with metro and cifloc 500.i.m alredy near my period days can i start early becoz from wat i.m seeing its no longer spotting bt period ## Hello, Tatenda! How are you? Yes, it is possible for your cycle to become irregular, anytime you've been ill or had to take a medication. However, it would be best to have it checked out to be sure. The FDA lists spotting as one of the typical side effects of Canex V, so it could also just be due to that, even though it seems heavier, because it can irritate the cervix. Other side effects may include irritation and vaginal discharge. Is there anything else I can help with?


What does p.o.a.c. mean on prescription? ## Hello, Renee! How are you? That means it's to be taken orally, before meals, according to the FDA references. The p.o. stands for per os and the a.c. stands for ante cibim, by oral route and before eating, respectively. Is there anything else I can help with?


What does 10-5 mean on Lortabs? My prescription doesn't seem to be working for my pain and I was wondering if it meant Lortab 10 mg or Lortab 5 mg. So if it is 5 I can get a stronger MG ## What it seems to be is that your doctor was prescribing the tablets with 10mgs of Hydrocodone and 500mgs of Acetaminophen. I could be wrong, since I am not a medical professional, but I have seen it abbreviated this way before, from other similar posts. And no, a doctor cannot write it as an either/or prescription and let you pick which one you want, even if they tried, no pharmacy would fill it that way. More than likely, they will call your doctor to double check the prescription, to be certain of what exactly they are supposed to dispense to you. If your current dosage is not working for your p...

2 REPLIES Filed under Lortab

oval pill with ip and 272 on it what is it ## The pill in description is Sulfamethoxazole + Trimethoprim (800 mg - 160 mg). Sulfamethoxazole + Trimethoprim is a sulfonamide antibacterial combination of Trimethoprim and Sulfamethoxazole, in the ratio of 1 to 5, used in the treatment of a variety of bacterial infections. You can view a detailed description of the drug, by clicking on the link below... If you have any more questions or comments to add, please post back so I can further assist you.

1 REPLY Filed under Sulfamethoxazole

For Clavulin 250F, what does the F mean? ## Hi Kerrie, From what I could gather, the primarily noticable difference between "250F", in comparison with other brands that don't have the "F", is the ratio of ingredients in it's formula. For example: "F" has a ratio of 4:1 & "non Fs" have a ratio of 7:1 Clavulin-125F 
Each 5ÂmL of reconstituted suspension contains amoxicillin 125Âmg as the trihydrate and clavulanic acid 31.25Âmg as the potassium salt (in a ratio of 4:1). Clavulin-200
 Each 5ÂmL of reconstituted suspension contains amoxicillin 200Âmg as the trihydrate and clavulanic acid 28.5Âmg as the potassium salt (in a ratio of 7:1). Clavulin-250F Each 5ÂmL of reconstituted ...

1 REPLY Filed under Amoxicillin

i need to know that famynor does prevent from having a baby or what...i went to the clinic they gave me injection "depo" i was bleeding with alot of pain then they have me famynor but not telling me what does do exactly.plaea help..i dont want a baby now i just got a new job ## Yes, it is also a contraceptive that is used to help prevent pregnancy. The NIH lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, acne, weight changes, and mood changes. Is there anything else I can help with? ## I just want to know if it's possible to take famynor as a morning pill after having unprotected intercourse and how many pills must i take? Thank you.

2 REPLIES Filed under Birth Control / Contraceptive

The pill has N one on side and 60 on the other, What is this! ## Hello, Scooter! How are you? If it is a round, orange pill, it is listed as being 60mgs of Morphine in an extended release formulation that is manufactured by Teva Canada. The FDA classifies this medication as a narcotic analgesic, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation. Does this match the description of your pill?

1 REPLY Filed under Morphine

what does zapiz 05 do ## what does zapiz.5 do? ## Zapiz contains the active igredient Clonazepam, this is a Benzodiazepine, used to treat various conditions from anxiety disorders to insomnia. Some of the most common side effects include: nausea, drowsiness, irritability and sleepwalking. You can read more about this medication here: Is there anything else I can help you with? ## How does zapiz 0.5mg helps a distonia patients especially when there is disorder in limbs movement ## My wife is suffering rom Severe Depression since March 2009 has been treatedat N J by dr manisha Kamat of Philadelphia. Ablyfy 5mg 1 1/2 for first 15 days with remeron 15 mg 1 tb after dinner .Then She was treated at Bangalore Waccord Hospital Zoloft 15 mgNow she is under Dr Mrs Lahiri of N J ==Ablyfy 5 mg 1/2 ...

5 REPLIES Filed under Clonazepam

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