What Does Ud Tab Mean

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what does tab zyu mean

topiramate 50mg tab zyu ## Hello, Sally! How are you? That's an abbreviation for the manufacturer, or licensed distributor that provided the medication to your pharmacy, it stands for Zydus Pharmaceuticals. The FDA lists this medication as being used to prevent seizures and treat migraines. Typical side effects may include nausea, dizziness, diarrhea and weight loss. Is there anything else I can help with?...

Filed under Topiramate
what does 1 tab po daily mean

1 tab means by mouth, when a patient is awaiting an early morning procedure you may see a sign on the door nothing po ## Thanks for taking time to share this information. I find it rather common to see notes/signs on physician's doors when they're away from their desk. Although I still don't understand what "PO" even means in the context of which it was used. Would you be so kind as to elaborate a bit more on that and how it relates to taking 1 tablet daily? ## PO per os ("by mouth") It means by mouth. Take 1 tab or pill qd po means take one pill by mouth each day, Take 1 tab qid po means take one tablet four times a day by mouth, usually followed by every 6 hours. Some prescriptions are for treatment products that are applied such as a rub, ointment, or anal......

What does "take 3 tablets daily" mean

What does it mean to take three tablets daily? Do I take three at once or at three separate times a day (breakfast, lunch and dinner)? ## If all it says is to take "3 tablets daily" you should take them all at once, unless otherwise noted. Especially prednisone. Otherwise it would say "take 1 tablet 3 times a day (tid)", or "1 tablet up to 3 tablets daily as needed (prn)". ## Hi Sharlene, It depends if the more detailed instructions say "3 tablets once per day" or "1 tablet 3 times per day". If they indicate something more like one tablet at a time (3 times per day), this generally indicates 1 tablet every 8 hours (unless otherwise noted). So I think breakfast, lunch and dinner would be a good way to spread this out. Since 8 hours goes into 24 hou......

Filed under Prednisone
What does the "LEG" mean (20 MG TAB LEG)

What does the "LEG" mean on the prescription bottle immediately following the dosage (20 MG TAB LEG)? This was for acid reflux medication, nothing to do with legs. ## I found the answer. LEG means Lower Esophageal-Gastrointestinal (symptoms, treatment). The medication was for severe heartburn and acid reflux. ## Thanks for the helpful feedback Bruce! Just out of curiosity, which medication are you taking exactly? At first glance I was under the unique impression that LEG might've been an abbreviation for the active ingredient (since I don't normally see the indications mentioned on a prescription bottle - typically just the drug name in my experience), but what you have found certainly makes sense - especially if the medication was prescribed for a related condition. I h......

Filed under Heart Burn / Indigestion
What does "take 4 tablets per day" mean?

What is the meaning of "take 4 capsules per day"? (i.e. How far apart is the dosing schedule?) ## Generally, that would be every 6 hours, but it can depend on the specific medication being asked about. Can you post back with more details? In some cases, it may mean that you can take all 4, at once, it may mean two doses of two capsules, or even taking up to four a day but not always four if not necessary. For instance, I take a medication for nerve pain, and it is prescribed to be taken up to a certain number of times a day, but that doesn't mean it has to be taken so many hours apart, I can take them all at once at night, or take several throughout the day....

what does sertaline h 100 mg tab myla mean

i take sertaline 100 mg a friend takes a sertaline med, but her says on bottle sertaline h 100 mg tab myla what is the difference ## Sertraline H 100mg tab myla means its Sertraline Hydrochloride 100mg Tab. Myla stands for Mylan, the manufacturer. Your sertraline and hers are the same, her pharmacy label just has more detail printed on it. ## I take sertraline for anxiety. I have been on it for years. Could never lose weight but it calms me down. So is this med dangerous for taking it so long? ## Hello, Betty, not it is not particularly dangerous, as long as your doctor is monitoring your regularly. The FD lists the typical side effects of this medication as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, dry mouth, and weight changes. Is there anything else I can help with?...

Filed under Sertraline
What does eGFR on a comprehensive metabolic panel mean

I have my latest labs. I am able to decipher most of it but am confused about the term eGFR. ## From what I can discover, it helps measure how well your kidneys are working, one of the thing it measures it your creatine levels. It stands for: estimated glomerular filtration rate. Do you have any other questions? ## i have a eGFR >60 with persistent proteinuria is present. what this mean to my kidneys...

Filed under Creatine
pota chloride what does 20,meq er tab blu mean?

Can the side effects include stiffness & cramps in both hands? ## Hello, Paul! How are you? That means that they contain 20 milliequivalents per tablet, that's the dosage and the ER denotes them as being time released. The main side effect of this supplement, as listed by the FDA, is stomach pain and nausea, so it's best to take it with food. As to the stiffness and cramping, that is most likely caused by your potassium being low, but you should have it checked out, just in case. Is there anything else I can help with? ## I am taking lots chloride 10meg er cap for potassium but I still get leg and arm cramps. So I stopped taking them for a week no cramps. So what gives....

Filed under Nausea & Vomiting
Prednisone 20mg - 3 tablets once daily - what does this mean?

Hi. I have been prescribed prednisone 20 mg. On the bottle it says take 3 tablets once daily. Does this mean i take 3 at 1 time? ## Hello, Tiffany! How are you? Yes and it is a typical way for this medication to be prescribed, in order to give you a high dose to treat the relevant condition. The FDA lists the typical side effects of this steroid as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, acne, nervousness and insomnia. Is there anything else I can help with? ## 3tablet once daily ?? what does it mean ?? ## Crystal... I was prescribed Prednisone,my 1st day I took 3 pills 1 in the morning 1 at lunch 1 at night. Was I suppose to take them together? and if so, on the 2nd day it says take 2 pills a day for the next 3 day's, do I go ahead and take them at once everyday until I......

Filed under Prednisone
sludge in urine - what does it mean?

What does it mean when I took a urine test and it came back with sludge and blood in it. please if anyone knows anything about this let me know cause I have had my breast cancer and it hurts so bad in my chest also I tetain water so much that my feet and legs hurt to where they hurt do bad I barely can walk. Please help me to understand what sludge and blood in my urine and my intestines hurt to where I can't help using the restrom on myself. Thank You...

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