Name Of Drugs To Get Fat

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Am 27 years old. Enlight me on how to make body fat - the type of drugs and diet ## I need a medicine that will make me grow fat in a week. Place tell me the name of that medicine ## pleise give me full detail becouse to make body ............ ## I want the pill that can make me fat ## Hello, am thini i need mditiion that can make me fat,so pls i need help. ## Im very thin mam or sir say me what is fat medicine my age is19 weight is 40 plzzz i requst u ## Name of drugs that can make a woman grown fats in body


Pls I stay in nigeria and I want to b moderately fat can u give me d right medicine to take without any side effect to b fat. ## Hello, Shantel! How are you? All drugs carry the risk of causing side effects, additionally, it's very dangerous to be overweight. Unless you are underweight and suffering health effects from it, then trying to gain just to be fat is a very bad idea. Is there anything else I can help with? ## pls am too thiny can u tell me medicine that can make me grow fat in less than two weeks pls doctor am begging u b'cause people are making fun of me. ## Please doctoc l need yur help.lm too silm l want a medicine that can make me fat within 2 weeks people told me that lm too silm because of that l can't go out with my friends please doctor help me.thank yu.

3 REPLIES Filed under Diet / Weight Loss

Am getting slimmer which drugs and foods will i be taking to make me fat abit? ## Hi Ose, From a nutritional standpoint, the first thing I would suggest to anyone is eating less processed & more nutrient dense foods with little to no empty calories, so you can get the most out of each meal. Another option that might be useful to include, is to supplement with something that will increase your appetite. Depending on your state's laws, medical marijuana has potent appetite increasing properties; however there are other pills/products/supplements out there that can do pretty much the same thing without having to worry about the legality of your actions. If you need even more assistance, there are also other alternatives like high calorie weight gainer shakes sold online or at vario...

2 REPLIES Filed under Vitamins & Supplements

can Zopiclonebe used with Diazepaam ## If they are used together, you do have to proceed with caution, because both of these medications can cause depression of the central nervous system. Learn more Zopiclone details here. Learn more Diazepam details here. Thus, if the person is sensitive to the effects of medications, or takes too high of a dose, they could end up with shallow breathing, feeling very drowsy and sedated. If it goes to far, there is a chance that such effects could result in respiratory or cardiac failure that might be fatal. So, if you're going to take both, make sure the dosage has been carefully calibrated by a doctor and that you know to watch for any of the danger signs that I listed. Are there any other questions or comments?

1 REPLY Filed under Diazepam

What is the best drugs that can make me grow fat in two weeks? ## What medicine can i use to gain my weight people are insulting me dat am to slim. ## Pls pls tell me the name of medicin which will make me fat permanently.. ## sir I want to become fat help me with some medicines I am verry lean ## Hi,,,, what is the best medecine that can make me grow fat???.Pls tell me because im interesting. . ## Hi plz what is the name of the medicine that can make you look a little bit fat ,i want to gain weight plz ## Medicine name to make fat can you tell me the medicine name plz ## hi pleas tell me how I become fat in short time. I mean which medicine are good thanks . ## From a nutritional standpoint, the first thing I would suggest is to consult a dietician who can work with you on a more perso...

38 REPLIES Filed under Testosterone

Hi Doctor, Please am very slim guy due to that no woman like to make love with me so please I want u to help me to grow fat, I want know the type of drugs that can make me gain fat for me to find my life time partner. (Am 30years old now) Thank u for helping me) ## Hi Doctor am a very slim girl and my boy friend always complain please I want u to help me with the name of the drugs dt can make me fat pls. tanks sir ## am very slim.. very very thin..plzz I nid drug to make mi fat..plss am in Nigeria.. Wat drug du I use??

2 REPLIES Filed under DT

Hello. I'm 25 years old and a female. I have always ha weight issues. But I have tried everything! I have tried eating a lot of meals a day, eat plenty of protein and so on an so fourth. I have tried the ensure weight drinks, weight gain muscle drinks, breast enlargement pills to help gain fat, I take a woman vitamin daily (supposed to help weight gain) but nothing is helping! I'm so sick of everyone calling me skinny, or telling me I look sick or need to eat! I'm so depressed about my weight & hate going anywhere!! I'm 5'2 and weigh 102-105 ! I also have 4 children.... If you could help me, please email me back!!! Thanks! Katherine. ## Hello, Katherine! How are you doing? Sorry that you're so depressed. However, you are at a healthy body mass index for your ...

2 REPLIES Filed under Vitamins & Supplements

My brother died after taking Stivarga for one month. I want to know how many people this happened too. ## Hi Jean, Sorry to hear about what happen to your brother while taking Stivarga (regorafenib). However, it's hard to determine how many people this could've potentially happened to around the globe as a whole. According to the manufacturer's website for Stivarga, there were reportedly 275 deaths out of 505 patients taking the drug in clinical trials. The article went on to note that severe, fatal hepatotoxicity was an underlying cause of death sometimes observed during those trials. ## My husband died after taking this drug for 6 weeks :(

2 REPLIES Filed under Stivarga

My Father had an road accident with head injury in may 2012. he never felt convulsion at that time. he was unconscious for about a week. he was treated with Manitol and other medicines. He gained his memories slowly. But due to communication error at the initial treatment at the time accident the Dr understood that he had convulsions. He was discharged from the hospital after one month of treatment. But he is still being given Celetoin 100mg, folvite 5 mg, and levera 500 Mg. It was started with three times a day, after one year it was reduced to two times a day. now he is taking once a day for last 45 days. As he never had attack of epilepsy or any similar symptom. He is normal now. now he is feeling less dizziness now. can we stop his these medicines. ## Hello, Usp! How are you and you...

1 REPLY Filed under Folvite

I'm 23 year old female weighing 36 kgs , height is 4" I want to gain weight I've had no health problems ## Hi amanita, If you need assistance gaining weight in a healthy way, I think (from my own experience) that your best bet would probably be to focus on eating enough nutrient dense calories to from protein, carb, and fat sources together to make more wholesome meals. But if you have a hard time consuming more calories in one sitting, you can also choose to eat smaller portions more frequently throughout the day and/or rely on high calorie shakes in between meals. I've tried various approaches myself and those are just a couple examples that worked for me in the past. However, I'd still encourage you to speak with a dietician for that one-on-one personal assistance...


I want a medicatin name which make me fat n increas i size fastly ## i am very thin $ weakness plz help me ## i am thin $ weakness my body age -19 countinue ## I want to be very fat, old can u help me with the of medicine /drugs that I can take? ## Hello sir I am Ajit Dera I need help from you, I am really very very thin and that's why the other people laughed on me, so I need medicine that can make me increase my fat, I 23 years old boy and my weight is 50kg, just want to know a type of medicine that to become fatness i two/three weeks with no side effects....


Hey my fellow pals who understand what addiction is! So many of us have it and its the hardest thing to quit even if you WANT to! Right u know im right but dont blame yourself cuz statistics say that additive personalities are in our genes. We are the lucky ones that got it from your mom, father, grandfather, grandmother etc. Anyway what i guess i am trying to say that it down right fn sucks, its a big ass monkey on our backs and its NOT EASY to just STOP. Where do we get the strength and WILLPOWER?! I am sooooo mad at myself cuz i have been clean for many years. It started with 4 operations on my foot with no more pills of course i was so afraid of the withdrawal effect. So i went on a suboxone program. So what happens, i break 4 ribs and bruised my lung! Of course i needed painkillers...

PLEASE HELP ME TO GAIN WAIGHT CAPSUL.Hello Iam 30years old unmarried mail.height 5'6".weight 52kg.iam very week& thin.i've back pain since 4years.iwant fat & strong body so please tell me . ## Im in the same boat. Needing a pill to help me gain weight. ## i want to gain weight with a good structure hips and boots. I am 49 years of age but i weigh 35kgs. Please help me. What tablets can i start taking? I live in zambia. I don't work so I can't buy good food. ## Please am too skinny .I need a medicine that will help me grow fat .I seriously need it please help me out.


I went to the hospital weeks ago after I had a heart beat so faster,fln hot,seeing deem,fln uncomfortable to stand/sit. What I did was to sleep then I woke up and get better, the following day I went to hospa for medicAl check,they found out that I have no problem bt still insist to give me the drug written ASA 500mg so d@ I shld take quarter of it a day and F/S 200g I should take one a day saying its for the blood. The day I took the drugs I had running stomach, and after days it stopped,I dnt seize the drugs, iam still taking the drugs bt the problem now is that I fat too much with bad smell and have much abdominal pain, later go to toilet to defecate, I defecate not long after I eat and I defecate frequently. Now iam suspecting the drugs, should I stop taking the drugs or not? Please he

My father was prescribed Citicholine(Somazina). I found that 1000mg of Citicholine was too harsh from him. He is suffering from Thrombosis(Clotting) and but his condition is stable now. Also, Can somebody advise whats tyical time frame for Citicholine. They are really costly here. ## Is citicholine 500 mg per day sufficient for a stable condition. ## this site is not medical professionals, so we cannot guess what dosage is appropriate for his condition. Only his doctor can do that, have you spoken to them about it? In the U.S. Citicoline is not even classifed as a drug, it is a dietary supplement that is used in some energy drinks. It has been shown to increase mental focus and possibly improve memory. ## neurologist adviced my mother to take citicolin sodium 500 mg twice a day due to c...

3 REPLIES Filed under Citicoline

I am taking benicar along with atenalol for high blood pressure. Why do I need to take both. Can I just take one. I am trying to reduce my dependency on drugs ## Hello, Elanda! How are you? How high is your blood pressure? That is what the answer is dependent on. If it was very high, then multiple medications are quite often used to help lower it as fast as is safely possible and, once blood pressure is back under control, medications can be removed, or dosages lowered, as appropriate. Do you also watch what you eat to maintain a low-fat, low-sodium diet? ## Thanks for your reply. Normally my blood pressure is around 140/ 80 range. I started with atenalol and the Benicar was added later. Not sure why. I do watch my salt intake and try to watch what I eat.

2 REPLIES Filed under Benicar

Is Paradex a dangerous drug. If so, why. ## Paradex contains Paracetamol 325 mg + Dextropropoxyphene 50 mg. The reason that some may consider this a dangerous drug is because of the Propoxyphene. It is potentially habit forming, and if not taken carefully (or if mixed with certain things), can result in a fatal overdose. It is highly recommended that you follow a physician's orders very strictly when taking this drug. For more details about this medication, please see: Do you have any other questions or information to add? Please post back if you do... ## Taking Coumidin as directed 4 alternate days 10mg and 3 days 7.5 having INR's. How can I now be taking 'one pill twice daily' NO INR's. Where is the monitoring protection? ## What is the fatal dose? ## I have spinal...

9 REPLIES Filed under Paracetamol

I have fibromyligia and chronic fatig and have had sleep problems for over 26 years . I started with many different drugs, i was up to 400mg of trazadone at night for sleep. i hate the side effects and have tried for years to get off it. I can't. I am right now down to 225mg at night, but my body shakes and i am very nerves and cry easy if i don't have it. I am also on celexa. I want to get off it completly but do not no how. ## A very slow taper is usually the best solution for stopping a medication, such as Trazodone. Have you consulted your doctor? They should be able to help you set up a proper, and safe, tapering schedule. The FDA lists the Trazodone withdrawal effects as possibly including rebound depression, rebound pain, rebound anxiety, insomnia, nervousness, and seizur...

1 REPLY Filed under Trazodone

how can i tell? they were prescribed by my gp i have taken them had no oily stools or any side effects i had on alli.can you please tell me by chcking my box what to look for.i feel conned ## Are there any markings on them? That would be the easiest way to tell, if there's a logo or anything on them. Where they in a sealed container? Where did you purchase it? Learn more Alli details here. ## yes markings properly packed i got them on prescription but i have heard that a lot of fakes have got into nhs supplies xx ## I CANT SEE REPLY I MADE BUT I SAID YES MARKINGS GOT THEM FROM GP ON PRESCRIOTION BUT ITS BEEN SAID THAT FAKES HAVE INFILTRATED THE NHS SULLIES SO IM WORRIED HAVE TAKEN THEM FOR WEEKS NO RESULT NO SIDE EFFECTS I EVEN HAD TWO DAYS ON HIGH FAT TO SEE IF THEY WORKED NO RESUL...

3 REPLIES Filed under Orlistat

Hi doctor I need I drug that will make me get fat I look so small among my friends pls help me am 32yrs. Thanks ## Hello, Dre! How are you? Being fat is actually not healthy, it's very dangerous, because it taxes the heart and lungs, as well as other organs. How tall are you and how much do you weigh? ## Its not your job to tell someone what is healthy or not. I belive one doesnt need to do medicine to know the basics. If one requested for weight gain tablets. Refer them.stop making up stories and wasting everyones time.


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