Is Ativan Used For Pain

73 Topics Found

I have severe pain in my back and migraines and I have a lot of severe spasms in my feet and legs that keep me up at night. Please advise whether ativan is used for pain? ## Ativan is a benzodizaepine that is most commonly used to treat anxiety and nervous disorders, though in some cases it can help with insomnia and preventing seizures. The FDA warns that it carries the risk of being habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache, and irritability. Is there anything else I can help with? ## Diana, No, Ativan (lorazepam) is an anti-anxiety agent. They are sometimes used as a muscle relaxant. They belong to a family of drugs commonly known as benzodiazepine's. This is a potent medication that carries a risk of abuse.

2 REPLIES Filed under Ativan

Ativan has been used along with opiates for pain control in burn patients and people with injuries that require long term pain control for a long time in other countries. Sadly not so much in the U.S. because we fall behind in the pain control medical treatment. I am Trauma Surgeon from originally outside the U.S. and for the last 20 years we have been using this method of treatment. Ativan should never be taken at more than 2 mg PO unless you are in the hospital with constant medical supervision (BP monitor, O2 sat, ECG monitor, etc.) especially with opiates. I usually start at .5 to 1 mg depending on the weight of the patient and the tolerance build up. The reason being you can build up a tolerance to Ativan very quickly and it will do no good in the treatment of your pain in a very s...

1 REPLY Filed under Ativan

I am unable to sleep at night. I have been taking 2mg Ativan for the past 5 weeks n started having severe headaches, pain in back n legs. But I m unable to sleep at night without Ativan. would Zolf help me sleep without severe side effects? Thanks

Filed under Ativan

I AMA having a very painful procedure today can I take 3 or 4 ativan just before to help me though it. I'm 65 and mostly healthy ## Very dangerous. You should NEVER take 3 or 4 under any circumstances! ## Hello I am having knee surgery in a few days. Is it ok to take my Ativan prior to surgery? If so how much is safe. I normally take 2 mg twice a day... ## Do not take anything, prior to surgery, or any medical procedure, without your doctor, or surgeons approval. Some medications may not be safe to mix with substances that may be administered to you during the procedure, which could result in dangerous, and possibly fatal, interactions. Ativan is a benzodiazepine, so it can cause side effects, such as dizziness, drowsiness, and sedation, combining that with pain relievers, or anesth...

3 REPLIES Filed under Ativan

As for the Kolonapin, valium and ativan. Over the past 4 years, ive used all three. First was valium 10mg tid. It help some with the anxiety but not enuf. It also helped a bit as a muscle relaxer. But my then dr changed me to ativan 1mg, tho he was against it. I changed dr's in sept 2013 who is a general prac, but also a pain mgmt dr. He didnt like the ativan either, mostly cuz I was getting 150 pillz a month so he recently ( dec 2013) switched me to kolonapin 1mg four times daily. I havent noticed major difference between them but so far the kolonapin is working best. As for pain, they only increase meds and dosage. Started with vicodin 5, 7.5 & 10mgs. Then old dr switched me to methodone 10mg 3x daily which didnt work at all, hence reason for changing drs. We looked at my inju...

8 REPLIES Filed under Klonopin

Jan 1st, I had a severe drug reaction in Las Vegas, had to go to the ER. The ER doc gave me Ativan IV. Then he sent me home on Ativan 1 mg, I was wondering when the pain would stop, also taking Cymbalta, Celexa, Darvocet, Tramadol, I started taking a half of Ativan 1mg a day, Ativan 1 mg before bedtime with my Cymbalta and I have been sleeping like a baby. It has controlled all my back pain and nerve pain down both legs and in both knee's. I am feeling good enought to take on the world. Try the Ativan with Cymbalta. It is a God's Blessing Thank you, Cinderella ## Taking the Cymbalt at bedtime with the Ativan does not keep y ou awake? They prescribed Trazadon for my sleep and told me to take Cymbalta in the a.m. boy, I am messed up but good. thanks

1 REPLY Filed under Cymbalta

I had the Prolia shot in May and caused many, many problems. I had never been so, so sick. It did not agree with my immune system. Now I have so much anxiety from that event and now cannot take Xanax. I have so much pain which I had never had before Prolia. My Doc put me on Gabapentin 3 times daily but this is way too much. What can be done for me. Prolia should be taken off the market! ## Xanax and Ativan are in the same family and are similar ## Why do you feel the Gabapentin is way too much? What dosage did your doctor prescribe? It is an anticonvulsant that is also used to treat anxiety, and certain types of nerve pain. The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, mood changes, and weight changes. As to what Eddy said, he is correct, they...

2 REPLIES Filed under Xanax

I have a 10 year old injury that required me to take various types of narcotics for pain control. However, my doc was arrested and lost his license to practice in calif and went to prison due to patients deaths..I immediately went into withdrawal from Norco 10/325 with dilapidated as a breakthrough med..a new doc and only doc in my area able to prescribe suboxone prescribed the sublingual strip of 8/2 three times daily with Ativan also 3 times doc had me on suboxone for 13 pain levels were off the chart!..mostly bed ridden and unable to live my life as I knew it..he kept me on suboxone for pain control which wasn't injury includes 21 knife wounds from a stalker/home intruder..nerve damage with post is the result.. Finally this doc decided suboxone is...

2 REPLIES Filed under Suboxone

Do not let your Dr. if U are 55+ refuse. I was on it for 4yrs. to helpme with severe back pain. Not realizing it drove me into a delerium. My GP kept giving it to me & I did not realizewhat it was doing. GABE was for pain in the nerves in my lower back.Pinched nerve.3 operations & could not relieve the pinched nerves lower back. ## if I'm drinking alcachofa and the doctor gave me Gabapentin to drink will this affect me

1 REPLY Filed under Ativan

I am a hospice nurse and the discussion has come up as to the shelf life of the narcotics that we use such as Ativan,Morphine, Dilaudid. Is there a blanket time that we can use for all narcotics that have expired expiration dates on the label. ## Okay first, Ativan is not a narcotic, it contains the active ingredient Lorazepam, which is a Benzodiazepine, so rather than treating pain, it is used to treat anxiety, nervous disorders and some severe cases of insomnia. Learn more: And second no, dispensing expired medications to your patients would be considered illegal under U.S. law. Are there any other questions? ## Calm down, Nurse Nancy geeesh ## Um. Yes, lorazepam IS a narcotic... Narcotic does not mean "illicit drug", that does not make any sense. The way that I see it, people...

9 REPLIES Filed under Ativan

Are there any alternative meds to Ativan, that don't cause weakness? ## well it all depends on you brain and body chemistry, there are many drugs in the benzodiazipine family including:valium(diazepam),clodapin(clozaepam), librium, even an old drug called mebrobate I don't even know if it is still available, What are you takeing it for I take it as anxiety, if that is the case ask your doc. there are many non controled substances such as:buspar,paxil,zoloft,ect that may help you. GOOD LUCK ## I use Ativan for Migraine Head aches , It works better than the exspensive Nuronton , also it relieves anxiety so I dont need an antidepressant any more and it helps me sleep at night , I have Degenerative Discs Desiease and pain is an big issue with me . why should I care if it may be addi...

8 REPLIES Filed under Ativan

What's the best between ativan and alzam ## There is no one better medication, we are all different, so it really depends on which one works best for you. The NIH warns that this class of medications carries the risk of being habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache, and irritability. Is there anything else I can help with? ## Have been taking ativan for 5 years after whiplash damage to merve in neck. My body cannot tolerate other meds lrescribed for this condition .... trepiline, lyrica, etc. I take 3x1mg ativan per day. However, it is not enough any more. What is worse , I have developed severe bruxism. Causes ringing in ears, ear pain, cramps over head, pain in left I. I want to stop taking it. What can I use. Normal pain meds do not help. Bee...

2 REPLIES Filed under Ativan

I have been prescribed Ativan for 22 years now. I have recently lost my health insurance and my doctor is way too expensive to keep seeing. I talked to them about this and they agreed to prescribe for the next three months for me. 2 mgs 3X daily. Now I am on my last ten Ativan and I have tried to cut back and am suffering terrible sweating, cramping and abdominal pain, diahrea, shaking(tremors). I don't know what to do at this point. I went to another doctor and he freaked and said there was no way he could prescribe Ativan for me- he would put me on Buspar or Paxil. I ran out the door. I have tried these medicines in the past and they make me feel drugged. The Ativan just makes me feel normal. When I first started taking this medication I was told I would be on it for the rest of m...

4 REPLIES Filed under Ativan

How much is too much? I've been realizing I'm taking higher and higher doses. I need help. How much is considered an overdose? ## I know what you mean, but the term overdose itself is explanatory. Anytime you take more of the prescribed dose is an overdose and you risk adverse reactions. It's a gamble each time. I know it's easier said than done, but if you need an adjustment, it's best to talk to your physician. I know that sounds very stuck up and not understanding but I do. I speak from experience that running out early is far worse than needing that adjustment to a higher dose. I wish they could adjust mine but because I'm on the max amount of opioids allowed they won't let me. They said pick your handicap - is it anxiety or is it pain? ## Robaxin is a mu...

2 REPLIES Filed under Robaxin

Looking for new things happening in the medical field about this drug. ## Ativan is NOT new, it was approved by the FDA and placed on the prescription drug market in 1977. The active ingredient is Lorazepam. This is a Benzodiazepine, so in the same class as Valium or Xanax and just as addictive. How long it takes to start working depends on your body and metabolism, it can range from 2 weeks to a month. Some of the most common side effects include: sedation, dizziness and weakness. ## Just been put on gabapentin for pelvic pain caused by interstitial cystitis. First week is 100 mg three times a day. Hard to believe but first three days felt like my old self but now pain is back. Was that unusual or does that happen. Also will it help me as time goes on My doctor wants to slowly increase...

3 REPLIES Filed under Ativan

Hi there ,I am going for a Ultra Sound guided Breast Core Needle Biopsy tomorrow after noon. The doctor had prescribed me 2 tablets of Ativan at .5 mg each. I had taken two before, and nothing happened. There was no drowsiness, nothing. I am extremely terrified about tomorrow, and need something for pain and anxiety. Would it be safe to take the 2 tabs (1 mg) of Ativan before bed, and the cyclo at 10mg right before the procedure? ## I wouldn't change what you are taking before the procedure, without checking with your doctor. Some medications may not be safe to have in your system, along with any medications they may use, such as anesthetics. Have you talked to your doctor about it?

1 REPLY Filed under Ativan

I have chronic back pain and have taken norco10 and 2mg ativan 4 x' s daily. I have new dr. Told me to cut ativan in half each mo from 8mg to 2. Now taking 1 mg ativan and 50 mg amityptoline before bed after severe aniety, panic, ecscuciating muscle stiffness and pain and headache, nausia. I have been taking pain and benzo' s for years. I have in bed for 3 days now. I also have torn ligaments in ankle and skipped pt today feeling too badly. If I stay on 1mg for 2 wks then go to half for 2 wks then zero but continue with amitryptoline to help pain, anxiety, insomnia and depression. I didn' t think I was depressed but doc tried ssri each mo for 4 mo but I had bad side effects. I did not know about paws until yesterday. Do you think I am doing this right? Advice appreciated, Sa...

1 REPLY Filed under Ativan

WILL ATIVAN 2MG AND COUGH SYRUP DAMAGE MY LIVER AS I AM SUFFERING FROM CHRONIC HEPATIC LIVER DAMAGE AND LOOSE MY LIFE ## Lorazepam active ingredient in Ativan may be safer than most benzodiazepines in patients with impaired liver function. Like oxazepam it does not require hepatic oxidation, but only hepatic glucuronidation into lorazepam-glucuronide. Therefore, impaired liver function is unlikely to result in lorazepam accumulation to an extent causing adverse reactions. To learn more click on the link below... I was not able to locate if Phensidyl is bad for your liver, that does not mean that it's not. I did find common side effects while taking Phencidly which are, confusion, dizziness, blurred vision, loss of physical coordination, stomach pain, numbness of fingers and toes, na...

1 REPLY Filed under Ativan

Need an pain clinic too treat my pain i have had 2 knee surgerys and taken 2-3 Norco 10 is not treating my pain i also have back pain ## Try TVPC/Spine and Neuro Center in Huntsville. Dr Morris Scherlis is my anesthesiologist and he is great. My only issue with them really is that for office visits I have to see one of his two staff members and the guy(Greg) is kind of an ass. Sorta condescending and suspicious of patients it seems. Also, I have a few other issues besides my back/sciatic pain and I was on several different meds for it including Ativan for anxiety/stress and ambien for sleeping problems due to my pain...I've weaned myself off both of them in the past year and done the same with my muscle relaxers. I was so sick of taking so much medication I just had to do something....

4 REPLIES Filed under Norco

My doctor prescribed tramadol hcl 50 mg for pain in my joints, muscle and back. I also take 1mg Ativan twice a day. Should I have any concerns? I am now age 71 with a 6-year-old heart transplant. My heart is 29 years old and well. ## According to FDA warnings, both of these medications carry the risk of being habit forming, and combining them may cause more intense side effects, which could include nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, lowered blood pressure, lowered heart rate, and shallow breathing. How have you been doing taking them both? Congratulations on being 71 years young!

1 REPLY Filed under Tramadol

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