How Long Is Opioid Withdrawal

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I'm confused!!! In this thread, Gabapentin and Pregabapentin are said to be the same drug then someone else says no, they're difference. I CANNOT take Gabapentin as it makes me crazy and angry. Is Pregabapentin going to do the same??? Also is there ANYTHING else anyone can think of to get off of Oxycodone??? I've been addicted for 15 years and a heavy user due to true pain. The last time I ran out I almost died. Can someone please help me with any suggestion other than rehab or Suboxone to get off of this??? Thank you!!! ## Hello, Diva! How are you? I believe you have the names mixed up. They are Gabapentin and Pregabalin, they are both in the same drug class, but are different medications. Both are classified by the FDA as anticonvulsants that have been proven to help with ...

3 REPLIES Filed under Gabapentin

I am an opioid patient and when I can't get relief a friend told me that taking 400mgs of gabapentin helps the sickness. Is this true? ## Yes it does help, 600 pregab 2 times a day helped me a great deal. I have tried many times to come off opiates over 20 years in fact, never much success. But was able to come off completely with pregab just be warned, if taken for to long they are also addictive. ## Pregabapentin are stronger than gabapentin, and i meant 600mgs pregab, you can also use gabapentin it just depends how much opoid you are on, mine was a bad addiction. ## Gabapentin is an anticonvulsant that is also used to help treat certain types of nerve pain. ref: Medline Plus Gabapentin It may help with some withdrawal symptoms, but it is a prescription only medication, so you wou...

3 REPLIES Filed under Gabapentin

How long would it take to go through a withdrawal from these opioid pain meds such as norcos??? ## Hello, Becky! How are you? It actually depends on how long you were taking it, how much you were taking each day and the way your body reacts to stopping, so there's no hard and fast rule to quote for you. It may take anywhere from a few days to over a month, or so. The FDA lists the withdrawal effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, fever, chills, headache, diarrhea, rebound pain and depression. How long was the person in question taking it and how much were they taking?

1 REPLY Filed under Norco

WIll an alprazolam G 3721 pill help alleviate opioid withdrawal symptoms? I'm going through it right now. ## Hello, Mack! How are you? This tablet is manufactured by Greenstone Limited and they list it as containing 1mg of Alprazolam. The FDA warns that this medication carries the risk of being habit forming and could cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache and irritability. Yes, if your doctor approves of your taking it, it can help with some of the symptoms, such as anxiety, depression, insomnia and etc. that can occur with opioid withdrawal. Though it likely won't do much for rebound aches and pains. Is there anything else I can help with? ## This tablet is absolutely identical to Pfizer Xanax 1mg (see PDR, code UPJOHN 90) & is manufactured on the same pro...

2 REPLIES Filed under Alprazolam

Trying to avoid horrible opioid WD... I wanted to know if taking Librium for 3 days will help and if taking 20mg of methadone at the same time as Librium for only 3 days will give me WD from methadone? ## Be VERY careful when mixing Benzos (Librium) with methadone. My clinic specifically asked me if I was prescribed anyou Benzos before they would start me on methadone due to the severe drug interaction between the two. The combination of both depress your respiratory system and your central nervous system. There's been several documented deaths where people took both sometime during the day, went to bed, and never woke up again. I would definitely advise against using both at the same time unless you're under 24 hour medical surveillance, i.e., in a hospital setting.

1 REPLY Filed under Librium

I'm embarrassed so please forgive me. I've been taking 5mg Vicodin for Osteoarthritis for about a month then switched to 5mg Percocet for about another month, 4 times a day. I don't want to take either anymore so I asked to be taken off. My pain Doctor put me on .5mg of khlonopin and now I'm terrified of withdrawals. I haven't had any opioid in over 24 hours. What can I expect? What does khlonopin help with? I'm very scared so any information will be appreciated. Thanks. ## @Momof5, Sorry to hear about your challenges with osteoarthritis. As far as opioid withdrawals are concerned, the truth is that each individual may react differently based on a variety of factors... But seeing as you've only taken these drugs for 2 months, my personal opinion is that they ...

3 REPLIES Filed under Klonopin

I do want to warn everyone that is taking Benzodiazepines. Xanax, Clonazepam, Klonipin, Ativan, Valium, etc.. THIS IS A PSYCHOTIC DRUG! ONLY TO BE USED FOR 2-4 WEEKS. I was put on them for yrs. I had terrible anxiety... the more anxiety I had, the more the doctor was upping my dose! It was the Clonazepam causing it. I went to a detox, they cold turkey'd me ~ TAPER SLOWLY. You will have the worst withdrawals and they are not like an opioid withdrawal! it takes weeks to over a year to go through the withdrawals. Trust Me I was a victim of such. READ UP ON THEM. See sites like then join a benzo group. They should be treated like an opioid. They can be worse than them. ## They are treated like an opioid these days. Read EVERYTHING the pharmacy gives you with the meds. None ...

44 REPLIES Filed under Anxiety

In May the FDA issued a new drug that limits or reduced withdrawal symptoms. Has anyone used it? Does it help in cold turkey situations? Is it expensive? ## Hello Oshan, Could you be a bit more specific? Do you know what the new drugs name is or what the drug is that is causing the withdrawal symptoms in the first place? ## Are you by chance talking about Lucemyra (Lofexidine)?? It seems to match your description of being approved in May and having the same use. I'm sure it would be costly since it's being sold as a new drug name unless your insurance would subsidize it. According to GoodRx, it's close to $2,000 and that's with a coupon. "FDA approves the first non-opioid treatment for management of opioid withdrawal symptoms in adults For Immediate Release - May 16,...

2 REPLIES Filed under Lucemyra

Hello. I was on percocet, oxycodone, and opana for 4 yrs, then got on a suboxone treatment plan, and was stuck on the never ending train ride of trying to get off suboxone effectively and for good...... And I DID!! NOT 1 single withdrawal, none!!! And the god sent was Imodium (Loperamide) 2mg of an opioid (NOT OPIATE) little green (off brand) pill, saved my life, my sanity, my kids upbringing and my relationship w/everyone around me...... I tapered as small as I could as quick as i could (Dr office was shutting its door for good) I wanted to be done. Day ..1. of withdrawal I took 30mg of Imodium and I didn't feel bad, just no energy, no biggie, later that night i felt uneasy and restless, so I decided to take another 30mg and slept all through the night!!! Next morning day 2 woke up...

4 REPLIES Filed under Loperamide

What happens when someone decides to quit taking Morphine? What are signs to watch for? ## Since this is an opioid medication, they are known to cause withdrawal symptoms after consistent use. If you see the Morphine Details page under "Dependence and withdrawal", it states: "Stage I, 6 to 14 hours after last dose: Drug craving, anxiety, irritability, perspiration, and mild to moderate dysphoria... Stage II, 14 to 18 hours after last dose: Yawning, heavy perspiration, mild depression, lacrimation, crying, headaches, runny nose, dysphoria, also intensification of the above symptoms, "yen sleep" (a waking trance-like state) Stage III, 16 to 24 hours after last dose: Rhinorrhea (runny nose) and increase in other of the above, dilated pupils, goose bumps (a purported ori...

1 REPLY Filed under Morphine

I have been of Endcot for over a year. How do I get off of these? Safely w/out withdrawals? ## I haven't been able to locate information on what specific medications help with Endocet withdrawals. However I did find info regarding what one should do in the event of getting off this medication: "After chronic use, Endocet (oxycodone + acetaminophen tablets) tablets should not be discontinued abruptly when it is thought that the patient has become physically dependent on oxycodone. If the discontinuation of opioids is therapeutically indicated, gradual tapering of the drug over a 2-week period 'will prevent withdrawal symptoms'. The severity of the withdrawal syndrome depends primarily on the daily dosage of the opioid, the duration of therapy and medical status of the ind...

1 REPLY Filed under Endocet

Which opioid is less difficult to withdraw from first? Nabilone: 1mg x 4 times a day. or Kadian: 100 mg ER once a day. ## Hi shemas, Nabilone is actually in a class of medications called cannabinoids, not opioids. That said, Kadian (Morphine) would most-likely be the more difficult drug to withdrawal from. However, if you stop taking Nabilone suddenly, you may have withdrawal symptoms, so in my opinion it would still be wise to taper off this as well. How long have you been taking these medications for? ## I have been taking 100mg of kadian for over 5 years, Im terrified of the withdrawl especially since its been for such a long period, I don't know if Im addicted or not, I don't have an addictive personality. I was on Percodan for over a year due to extensive dental work. I use...

2 REPLIES Filed under Kadian

If a person is not getting enough Fentanyl in the prescribed patch, will they experience withdrawal symptoms? ## That's hard to say, were you switched to the FTC from some other opioid? Is the dosage equivalent to your former opioid. If not then yes, you will have W/Ds from this sudden drop in dosage strength. Inside the FTD box is a very comprehensive PI that includes an equivalency chart for other opioids, have a look at it and if you are being under-Rx'ed, show it to your Dr. so that he will increase your dosage strength. FTD, on it's own, will not produce W/Ds . . . Q ## It is possible to experience withdrawal symptoms anytime your dosage is suddenly lowered, or a medication is withdrawn. When it comes to an opiate, like Fentanyl, the FDA warns that the possible withdraw...

2 REPLIES Filed under Fentanyl

I've been on Hydrocodone/Acetaminophen 5/325 since 2000, for osteoarthritis. What is the best way to stop taking them? Do I slowly back out of them? I'm in my seventies and I fear the withdrawal symptoms will be too much for me. I'm also concerned that I will suddenly be told I won't be able to take them anymore. Due to the current attitude and caution about opioids, I skipped some doses in order to have extras, in case. I want to have some extra pills available so I can back out of this drug more slowly if this happens. I'd like to be able to stop taking them completely and still have a life and the ability to do things for myself. ## How often are you taking them ? If you are taking them several times a day, you can take 1/2 a tablet instead of a whole tablet for s...

6 REPLIES Filed under Hydrocodone

I need help. I'm getting a vivitrol shot in 2 days. I have taken opioids up until last night. I want information from anyone that has actually taken opioids up until around 65 hours before their shot, and if so, what were the side effects? Please I need help. I'm scared but I also need the shot. ## Yes, you need to be in full withdrawal, before getting the shot, or there is a risk of it putting you into dangerous precipitated withdrawals, which may include seizures, according to NIH warnings. Other side effects may include nausea, dizziness, headache, and stomach pain. It would be best to make sure your doctor is aware of the last time you took opiates, to make sure it is safe for you to be given this shot. Are you on any other medications? ## Hi, i don't know much about viv...

6 REPLIES Filed under Vivitrol

I am prescribed suboxone 8mg sublingual. I came home from work to find my wife had taken half a strip (4mg) after a stressful day. She does not use opioids and I am scared that she might not be used to it and I am not letting her out of my site. I am hiding the bottle from now on. She is coherent and has thrown up, but that happens every time she takes a norco, which she rarely does. Is 4mg safe for someone who doesn't use opioids? ## Hello, Mack! How is your wife doing? Has there been any change? It's actually hard to say because Suboxone contains Buprenorphine and Naloxone, so if she has taken any Norco in the past 3 days, it may have thrown her into precipitated withdrawals. Overall, the best thing to do would be to contact poison control or emergency services and get their a...

1 REPLY Filed under Suboxone

I do not see the answers to this question. You have to be in full blown withdrawals. I wanted something to get of 40 mg of oxycodone and then the doctor told me I could have withdrawals if I took too soon so your going to be in withdrawals anyway. Im scared. What kind of drug can you take so you don't get that opioid withdrawal syndrome. Wish sounds as about as scary as withdrawals ## Tunpuli, Well no matter how you proceed you will have to experience some level of Withdrawl Before you can transition to one of these ORT medications. It is highly advisable to seek care with a trained medical provider so they Can initiate treatment at the appropriate time.Good luck in this new Phase of your life. ## @tupuli, Re: "how long after taking zubsolv can you use opiate" With all due r...

6 REPLIES Filed under Zubsolv

I am starting Suboxone tomorrow. I normally take 4 x 40 mg Oxycodone per day and also take 5 to 6 Vicodin ES. I want to be successful starting the suboxone and I do not know how long I have to wait before I start taking it. I really need some help and I want to start asap but want to see if this works before I ask my dr for a refill --- My dependence is costing me financially and is ruining my life. ## Want off pain meds. 56, female, want info on cheapest alternative to suboxone and adderall. Feel the air sucked out of me. My passions now seem like chores. I've been happily married 41 years. I love horses, cats, dogs, and my work. I used to enjoy caring for them all but have found it hard lately. ## Suboxone will make your cravings and withdrawal effects pretty much be gone. I used ...

4 REPLIES Filed under Suboxone

So i got 2 8mg/2mg strips to try because i have a slight dependency to vicodin which i normally take 15 to 30mgs of a day for a little over a year for chronic skeletal back and neck pain do to sever early on set arthritis. So my question is if i take these 2 strips for the next 2 days (one per day half in the morning and the other in the afternoon/night before i go to bed so i can not be in pain when i sleep) how long after i take the last suboxone will an opioid drug like my vicodin, be able to start working in my body again for relieving my body pain? ## Well first, you need to be aware that you have to be in full withdrawal, before you take Suboxone, otherwise it can throw you into dangerous precipitated withdrawals, according to the NIH. Once you take it, it will take about 72 hours...

1 REPLY Filed under Suboxone

My hubby and I started suboxone 9/9/16. Been taking opioids for a few yrs and have a high tolerance. I waited 24hrs before taking the sub. 8mg starting out. It did not help with the withdrawal symptoms... My husband waited 36hrs before taking his (same dose) we both were miserable for 3 days... Taking one 8mg a day and still no relief. Ended up relapsing bc we couldn't take it anymore. Needing help to get back on track. Why didn't the sub help after taking three doses?? How long should we wait before taking the sub again? After we took opioids again we did get relief from withdraw symptoms... ## It would help if we knew how much opiate you have been taking and what exactly it was. For example.... Like 30mgs of IR morphine three times a day for five years. Sub will start to stack...

3 REPLIES Filed under Suboxone

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