How Long Does It Take For These Meds To Go Through Your Body

54 Topics Found

I've been on various pain meds since I was 21 due to a VERY serious car accident where I broke my back and did a lot of other damage to my body. I've moved up through SEVERAL meds over the years, and have NEVER been fully pain free, but at times able to live life fairly normally, others not so much! I've been on methadone for a few years now and was actually doing pretty great! Didn't completely take away my pain, but made life liveable and side effects were something I could handle. But due to issues it was causing with my heart my pain doc just switched me from 10 mg 3x day to 30 mg of morphene er 3 times day. It's only been a week, but I'm MISERABLE! In a GREAT deal of pain, haven't slept in days, not only from being uncomfortable, but from withdrawal (I d...

2 REPLIES Filed under Methadone

How long would it take to go through a withdrawal from these opioid pain meds such as norcos??? ## Hello, Becky! How are you? It actually depends on how long you were taking it, how much you were taking each day and the way your body reacts to stopping, so there's no hard and fast rule to quote for you. It may take anywhere from a few days to over a month, or so. The FDA lists the withdrawal effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, fever, chills, headache, diarrhea, rebound pain and depression. How long was the person in question taking it and how much were they taking?

1 REPLY Filed under Norco

My doctor for my pain condition is sending me to pain clinics to find out what I have for sure first it was fibromylaga then it was arthritus in my whole body at the young age of 19, put me on the oxy neos since in canada there is no oxycotin no more he put me on percoset for brake through pain then kept raising my oxy dose by 10 mg each time and tried me on diluadids for my brake through pain med since the percoset i didint find was working he then put me on fentanyal 50 mcg because I didit think the Oxy neos were working but I dont thik I gave them a long enough chance since i should wait for my dose to get higher then 60 , my patches never stayed on my skin i always has to medical tape them on and so forth that's why i want to go back on the neos because i thought i would int be ...

2 REPLIES Filed under Fentanyl

This is a dangerous drug!! If you take heart meds and prescribed this medication, RUN!! I gained 15 lbs in 3 months. I was retaining water. I was swollen from my toes up to my upper thighs. My feet and toes were so swollen that I could not bend my toes downward. My feet were so sore that it was a struggle to walk! My stomach was bloated as this med stops acid from forming in your stomach that can cause GERD etc. What happens is food sits in your stomach and eventually rots and expelled. I felt so hungry and noticed my nails and hair pretty much stopped growing as the food doesn't get digested and sent throughout the body. My entire body was sore as if I suffered from fibro. My fingers, hands, arms and face were swollen. This was not an allergy. I needed home care as I could barely w...

Filed under Gastrointestinal

i use methadone pills from a year now and just want to get rid of the addiction. ## Dear Zayed, I use 2 b on methadone. I was on (110mg) a day. When it came time 2 taper, I went through horrible withdrawals. I made it down 2 (24mg). It was pure heck! The key is 2 do it VERY SLOWLY. There r also medications that can help. Such as clonodine and other meds. Maybe, an anti-anxiety med. talk 2 your Dr about it. Me, personally, I had 2 go on suboxone after I got that low. GOOD LUCK! It's a hard drug 2 get off. ## ya thats true really hard to get rid of it.. ## Dear Zayed , I think they can prescribe Tramadol 2. Hope this helps. ## I have been on Metadol for about 13 mths. only 17 mgs. 3 times a day and it is not doing anything for my chronic lower back pain and don't know what to do b...

7 REPLIES Filed under Methadone

I struggle with serious back problems, scaliosis, bulging discs, torn discs & arthritis in lower back. Ive been living with this for years so manage it well. After being prescribed soo many meds I found one gen-payne at bed time helps me through the night. For how long can I do this without damaging my body? ## Hello, Madelaine! How are you? There is no exact time frame that can be quoted, because it can vary from person to person, so you should only take it as long as your doctor says it is safe for you. The FDA warns that this medication carries the risk of being habit forming and could cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache, dry mouth and constipation. Is there anything else I can help with? ## Many thanks for the info Verwon. I can totally understand that it can...

2 REPLIES Filed under Arthritis

I stopped taking Topamax in July and subsequently starting dosing up with Lamictal. Two weeks ago I was at 150 mg and as of Friday, 8/24 at 175 mg. I had blood work done 8/24 and neurologist says my levels are too low and I'll lose my license. This happened with Topamax 2 years ago, Dr. asked why I wasn't taking it, I was! They asked me the same thing today, if I was taking my meds. Every day, same time. 75 mg in am; 100 mg in pm. Anyone have any ideas as to where its going? ## That is an odd situation. Are you also taking any specific supplements or certain OTC medications with this prescription? I've read a number of different posts on here from patients who say they take a pill and their body just doesn't absorb it. It simply passes through their digestive system into...

2 REPLIES Filed under Topamax

I have been on oxy 10 mg 3 times a day for three years. The doctor would like me to get off of oxy and try something else. I tried topiamate but it was making me hateful and tired. My husband told me to quit taking it, as I was not myself. I take effexior already, should I ask for Celebrex or cymbalta when I see him. I have severe pain throughout my body, neck and hip especially. I do not want to gain weight at all would rather lose 10 pounds. I have to see ## None of them are likely to be as effective as the Oxycodone, though I do understand why he wants you to try something else. Of the two that you mentioned, the Celebrex is the least likely to cause weight gain. Learn more Celebrex details here. Are those the only choices he gave you?

1 REPLY Filed under Cymbalta

I've been through so much with my body being damaged in a car accident in MAY of 2014, I broke my left eye socket. Also both arms and wrists, a worst of all I will never be able to run again. I have severe muscle cramping all over my body. I cant bend my left leg much more than 43%. I haven't had any luck here in Madison, Wi finding a provider to ease my pain. I also broke part of a bone off on my knee, its where my FEMUR meets the PATELLA. If anyone can assist in helping me find a DR near me who will listen to my story and be compassionate with prescribing narcotics, please send me a message.

It's been almost 2years since I have had any street drugs an now because of that my pain clinic won't give me no pain meds I've had this pain since 1989 I messed up one time they ordered the pain pump but my insurance company won't pay,I need help in where else to go or who else I can try in pain all through my body back to generated for operation you no anyone who can help family Dr won't prescribe me anything either saying she don't write pain meds but that's a lie I see other people getting stuff all the time I'm in Ambridge pa area. Send help

Filed under Oxycodone

tore my acl when i was 17 43 now and have pain in my knee every day doc here gives me tramadol what a joke cant live like this can anyone help ## Hello, Winsler! How are you doing? Sorry that you're in pain. Due to the new regulations that were put in place this year, if you require more potent medications for the long-term treatment of chronic pain, you'll need to see a pain management specialist. Have you asked your PCP about referring you to someone? ## any body know a doctor in tallahassee fla that will give me my pain meds and anxty meds my doctor is moving and need another one by the 1st of next month anybody have any ideas please tell me asap please and pain mang here will not do it and wil not take new patients so what go through the with drawl and be in alot of pain i t...

3 REPLIES Filed under Tramadol

I just started taking 2 (0.5MG each) in the morning and 2 at night yesterday, I'm NOT A BUSER!!!! I just needed to get off my pain meds after back surgery and cant get threw the methadone withdrawals so my doc gave me the clonazepam for withdrawals and being able to sleep. The anxiety and RLS was so bad I couldn't stand it. I just want to get through the methadone withdrawal "hump" and then off everything so how long can I take the clonazepam before my body will need to wean myself off that. Instead of just stopping it in a few weeks like I plan, just enough to get through the methadone withdrawals. Thanks! ## It normally takes about 4 to 6 weeks, before your body really adjusts to having any medication regularly. If you take it for that time period, or longer, then you ...

11 REPLIES Filed under Clonazepam

I have severe back n muscle spasms through my body due to severe car wrecks breaking horses n two very abusive relationships. I have been on three other meds that did not help n because of dumb a**es who just want a high n our so called government I'm almost bed ridden cause all the new bull s*** rules. I say if they want to kill themselves with pills let them but don't make those of us who take our meds right pay. its not fair. besides isn't that what they want, all the dumb people out of the way... I'm tired of three piece suits thinking they're better than me. I have an education n worked my ass off till I couldn't n now I'm being punished. I hope they get hurt n can't get what they need; not want but need. Americans better wake up or there is not goin...

2 REPLIES Filed under Soma

I'm tired of taking meds. I started taking xanax and vicodin to relieve anxiety but I want to stop. I just stopped gabapentin and seroquel the other day and I am miserable without the xanax and vicodin. I take 50 Mcg of cytomel and 60 of Prozac and haven't stopped that. I was fine for 15 years on Prozac alone but began drinking after 18 years of sobriety in 2005 and my body chemistry went haywire. I have been a guinea pig for meds ever since even though I now have 4 years of sobriety. Will I ever be ok? I started smoking again after 17 years and I want to quit but I am going nuts! Help! ## Hello, Bellor! How are you? I am very sorry about what you're going through. Vicodin doesn't relieve anxiety, it is a narcotic analgesic for pain and it's also very habit forming. ...

1 REPLY Filed under Vicodin

For about 3 years now I have been taking Omeprazole 20mg. 1x a day, made by Reddy's, and have been feeling fine. Recently our prescription provider through our insurance sent me my new prescription made by Sandoz maufacturers; they are white as opposed to the bluish/gray made by Reddy's. I don't think they are working the same, does that make sense? ## Hello, Martyz4! How are you? Sorry about the problem that you're having. Why have you been taking it for so long? Long-term use increases the risk of sudden hip fracture, which is why PPI's are usually only used for up to 4 months, at a time, then a break is taken. Learn more Omeprazole details here. And if you've been taking the same dosage for about 3 years, it could be that your body has just gotten used to the ...

2 REPLIES Filed under Omeprazole

Good day to all. I went to the hospital a few weeks ago with weird chest pains. Nothing was found even through stress test. One thing the did find is triglycerides were at 500 should be 150. They put me on fenofibrite I think this is how you spell it. But after 24 days my body aches all the time even when I take a pain pill. Also I am feeling so worn out. I sit down for 30 mins and I am asleep before I know it. Libido is kinda not there either. What in the world is going on? I also take BP meds for 3 years now. ## Hello, Vernon! How are you? I'm very sorry that you're feeling so miserable. However, these cholesterol lowering medications are very well known to cause such side effects, according to the FDA, you may also experience, nausea, dizziness and headache. Things may improv...

1 REPLY Filed under Fenofibrate

I was on zoloft/sertraline 100mg.for 3 years and began weaning myself slowly a few months ago (with Doctors recommendation) and have not had ANY pills for 32 days. Well it has been alot harded than I ever thought. I have been sick to my stomach almost daily since, and have alot of dizziness and these weird quick electric shock type feelings through my whole body at times. Not to mention I feel like im coming apart at the seams at times. EVERYTHING makes me cry, even NOTHING makes me cry. I began the meds when I miscarried twins because of sadness & stress but always was mentally pretty stable. I didnt think it would be a big deal quitting. Sometimes I feel like my brain is damaged since I stopped them.Does anyone know how long these withdraw symptoms can last? And anything I can do ...

1 REPLY Filed under Zoloft

Oxycodones are the best and worst things. They bring love and they bring hate. They saw me through the best times and gave the very worst. The ups and downs follow. But no matter how much i hate them I love them ten times more. And that's the problem. I think I might be dependent. Anyone else? ## If you think that is addiction you best never take methadone. The oxy is min. compared to some others. Never ever take any pain meds for a duration, or addict or not, your body will respond by dependence. Not good unless your having a surgery, chronic pain cannot work etc. If you were not an addict you are now. However, you can choose to sit through the withdraw periods and they will pass I promise you. Just keep busy and move forward. If you find yourself taking more yes you are an addict ...

3 REPLIES Filed under OxyContin

So I have been on Viibryd since the summer of 2012. The first few weeks were awful as my body adjusted- little sleep, nauseous constantly, diarrhea- but I knew that could be the case. I worked my way through the pack to 40mg and have been there ever since. I have been on so many meds I've lost track of them all. I have bipolar type 2, which means I am depressed almost all the time with occasional manic episodes. Before adding Viibryd, I had been on Abilify only. Now I take both as well as Klonopin when needed. I felt I had found my life saver with Viibryd!! I was myself for the first time in years: no depression, no crying spells, just me. This wonderful drug had saved me. Or so I thought.... after about a year, I hit a rough patch. It was the anniversary of my father's suicide ...

1 REPLY Filed under Viibryd

I had my infusion Mar 4 2015. I have experienced severe stomach pains, leg pains that wake me up at night, a horrible dry cough, near migraine type headaches, very severe weakness, trouble walking, constipation, had to have dental work that I usually have great teeth, some trouble sleeping. My rheumatologist did nothing to try to help me with the symptoms but my primary doctor gave me medication that help with the stomach pains, take Excedrin for Migraines and enteric aspirin for back and body, and other meds to try and find some comfort. I'm somewhat better than the few weeks after the infusion but still have a lot of problems. Hopefully this doesn't last for 6 months. ## Hello, Shirl! How are you? I'm so sorry about what you're going through. Everything you've list...

200 REPLIES Filed under Prolia

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