How Do You Detox From Meth In One Day

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Can anyone tell me how long withdrawls last and how fast I should detox? I need to get off this stuff but I'm actually scared of how i will feel. Can anyone help? Advise me on the best way to do matter how long it takes. I'm not worried about detoxing quickly, just want to detox! ## Hi Gypsy63, Usually for drugs like this the safest way to stop taking them is to tapper off them, if possible. Some medications can be taken in fractions (actually cut into pieces) and these smaller pieces can be taken in place of the regular dose for a period of several weeks until the body is no longer dependent upon them. I would suggest setting up a time frame on a calendar as to how often and how much you decide to taper down your dose, until you feel comfortable going off of them comp...

7 REPLIES Filed under Methadone

I am 65 y/o male who has been on Rx opiates several years. I cheated when the Rx arrived early in the mail and had extra tablets. When taking codeine sulphate and long acting morphine the pills were shipped together. When the codeine was switched to Norco the meds were mailed separately. The VA is where I receive health care. The Norco was always sent out on day 31 taking up to 10 days to arrive even on 28 day & 30 months. The morphine was always overnighted and arrive on time. The time gap between shipments left me taking excessive amounts of one to cover for the other and visa-versa. At the end I would 30mg Norco QTH when out of morphine. I would crush 6, 30mg morphine tablets daily while out of the Norco. Of course I found myself without either drug for up to a week at a time goi...

2 REPLIES Filed under Methadone

I have been on Methadone for 1.5 years. I went on because I was pregnant and addicted to Oxycontin. My dose was 90 ml liquid Methadone diluted in O.J. I missed 3 days on accident, and got cut off (weekend, no dr). On Monday they gave me 30 ml again, then up to 40 ml, and held out at 50 ml for 3 months before allowing them to raise my dose. They pushed raising dose on my every time I saw my Councillor or Dr. I live in Canada and don't have to pay for Methadone. But when I missed 3 days, I tried to keep clean, I don't want that life again. I'm a mother now. When I was pregnant I puked my drink every time so my daughter was not born addicted,Thank God! Anyway, on day 3 I had to use, I felt 100x's worse sick/dying/pain/brain crazies etc... then I felt dope sick off any heroi...

3 REPLIES Filed under Methadone

I been on Methadone maintenance for 12 years. I was put on the 450. I tapered down very slowly 100 milligrams, and now I'm been detoxed involuntary by 5 milligrams a day for the next 21 days! I have never been so scared in my life. I know I'm going to be very sick!!! Does anyone know how to make this detox easier on me? Any prescription drugs or over the counter drugs, anything that will help? I've been clean for 12 years, I don't want to start over again!! Please help me!!

Filed under Methadone

hi, im 1 month and 3 weeks , cold turkey off methodone,,,, and all so come down with bells porsey,,,, probbley with stress,,,, I just feel ,, slugisish, tied, reslesness, fed up, and finding it hard to motervaite, my self, how long dose it last for,,,, any light at the end of the tunnel ## Dear Ieaf13, I use 2 b on methadone. I was on 110 then tapered down to 24. At that point, I couldn't take the withdrawals. I ended up going on suboxone. Thank God I felt better. As far as your situation, it takes awhile to stop withdrawing from methadone. It has a half life and lasts longer. U r probably still feeling some withdrawals. Sounds like it 2 me. And, u have your medical problem, too. Everybody is different, so, some people take longer than others 2 heal. I hope u feel better. Believe me...

2 REPLIES Filed under Methadone

I've been in my clinic 5 years with no problems, then all of a sudden my insurance is cut off and they never told me and I got a lil loud n upset so they kicked me out. I've never had any issues or been in trouble for discipline. I've also been clean for 2 years. ## Hey Im sorry that happened how are things going now? Well Im also in a program st Joseph methadone clinic in nyc and I also am having major problems with my counslor Tanya who gets off making me pee in front of people. Anyway I think we should both substitute cannabis for the methadone and start tapering. Eh? ## I feel extremely paranoid and anxious and irritable during methadone withdrawal, even coffee might set off a panic attack. Marijuana would make my anxiety way worse. I don't see how racing thoughts, a...

4 REPLIES Filed under Methadone

I use close to a gram a day of heroin. I want to quit and I have 100ml of liquid methadone. How should I go about detoxing? Please help soon. Inmm almost out of tar and I don't want to re-up. ## Please help! ## Start taking twenty to thirty ml daily as needed to not withdrawal and increase five to ten ml a day until you feel like your on a stable dose. You should also find a clinic to go to because you will run out of methadone and methadone withdrawals aren't easy. Good luck and the methadone really works. I'm a recovering heroin addict and I have been clean for two months using methadone(60ml a day) and also good luck again! ## im not sure 100mls off methadone is going to do it for you? you use up to a gram a day thats quite a habbit please dnt take offence as i am a recov...

6 REPLIES Filed under Methadone

I have been going to a Methadone clinic for four months now, taking 40 mg a day. I want to stop because I can't be like this all my life. I am a 51 year old male (very healthy). So what's the best way to detox from Methadone? Lowering the dosage? Or is there other options, like the so called fast detox (one day detox)? Or is there another way? Please help me find a way. Thank you very much. ## Hello I know how you feel. Your lucky bacause you are on such a low low dose. I would suggest 5mg every other week. If you feel sick request to remain at the same dose until your body gets use to it. NO MATTER WHAT DON'T GO BACK UP!! Drink Calomile tea,works wonders. Valuims are good to take at night, but remember those are additive too. I would sometimes mix Thera Fluix with the tea a...

9 REPLIES Filed under Methadone

I've been a H addict for a long time and switched to methadone about 6 years ago. I have tapered myself down from 100 mg to 6 mg. I know when I'm going into withdrawal, I am physically addicted not mentally, and I don't think I'm going into withdrawal from this low dose. I know the half-life of methadone is 36 hours but its about 31 hours since my last dose, waiting on purpose, and I feel fine. ## Hello, Robbin! Are you still doing well? Methadone is a funny drug, while it does cause severe addiction itself in many people that take it, there seems to be a small subset of people that just have no issues with it and can walk away quite easily. Learn more Methadone details here. You do need to be very careful, but it's possible that you may not have any problems, at all...

1 REPLY Filed under Methadone

I've been on methadone 15yrs. I need to get off. I'm in pain management for a back injury and the methadone is blocking my percocet. How can I get off methadone? ## I am on both Methadone and oxycodone for pain. As long as you take your oxycodone about 45 minutes before your dose of Methadone and eat about a half an hour after after you take your Methadone, your medication will work as it is supposed to. Follow the same pattern if you take several doses of both medications a day, like I do. Just always make sure you take the oxycodone first, because it sets the tone for the day. I alternate between both and it works amazing. Good luck.

1 REPLY Filed under Percocet

My docter gave me 50 mg setraline to help me with a methadone detox does that sound right? ## Hello, Lisa! How are you doing? Sertraline is an SSRI class antidepressant and while it may help a little with some anxiety and mood swings that you could experience, you'd need to be on it for 4 to 6 weeks for it to reach its full efficacy level. Learn more Sertraline details here. It may also cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, dry mouth and weight changes. Are you tapering off the Methadone slowly?

1 REPLY Filed under Sertraline

Yes !!! I was on 120 mg. - 180mg of methadone daily for 18 years and didn't thinkI I would ever be off methadone, but 24mg of soboxone did me good with little side effect or withdrawal. I did it in rehab and the fact is you have to be determined and dedicated. Suboxone/Subutex iwas developed in, I believe, France years ago and has been usrd succissfully in Europe for years being accepted by the FDA in 2003. Go for it. Wishing you the best. ## Hi to everyone who are wanting off methadone!!! I do not believe I could of progressed successfully without these FORUMS and SUBOXONE! I was in the METHADONE PRISON STATE OF MIND! I was on 210mgs.of methadone daily for 3yrs.with the prescription of four 1mg.xanax daily for 2yrs.well I woke up one day,remembering the reason I was on methadone wa...

4 REPLIES Filed under Suboxone

anything is possible I've been on methadone for 7 years and on 100mg and just decided to stop because i didn't want this for the rest of my life so its more about the strength of your mental health, having support and something to just take the edge of for the first few days.... well saying I'm of methadone I'm 6 days of 100mg and its nothing like i thought it would be... anyhow its the most evil s*** ever and really its a program for life even though they say "maintenance program" its crap one day you will have to detox if you want to have the life you dreamed of and that i have learnt is only when your ready. Anyway good to see I'm not the only one having this issue. male 35 ## Hey Luke. I'm geron. I'm can no longer afford the methadone clinic.. I...

2 REPLIES Filed under Methadone
Methadone Drug Index

Methadone, sold under the brand names Dolophine and Methadose among others, is a synthetic opioid agonist used for chronic pain and also for opioid dependence.[5] It is used to treat chronic pain, and it is also used to treat addiction to heroin or other opioids. [8][9] Prescribed for daily use, the medicine relieves cravings and removes withdrawal symptoms.[10] Detoxification using methadone can be accomplished in less than a m...

About Me & A Question: After I stopped taking Dilaudid (prescribed) I got violently ill, freaked out and found myself at a for-profit methadone clinic. I was there for 6 months, my highest dose was 45 mg but I spent the majority of it at 30 mg. Even though I earned 3 take homes, I became VERY sick of driving in there 4 days a week and paying $450/month ($15 per day) and I wasn't there for the right reasons (because I freaked out from the previous withdrawal) so I started my detox and totally ignored their suggested schedule and did it my way (much faster). I've read nothing but horror stories about coming off methadone and the greedy people at my clinic told me I should drop 1 mg every 1-2 weeks. I dropped by 5 mg from 45mg until 20mg where I stayed for a month, then jumped ...

6 REPLIES Filed under Methadone

Use Gabapentin to get off benzos. Go thru the methadone clinic to detox off methadone... I've done both and it works. ## Really?. How much methadone were you on...for how long were you on it and how many milagrams a week did they decrease your dose?

1 REPLY Filed under Gabapentin

Can anyone tell me how long withdrawls last and how fast I should detox? I need to get off this stuff but I'm actually scared of how i will feel. Can anyone help? Advise me on the best way to do matter how long it takes. I'm not worried about detoxing quickly, just want to detox! ## Have you considered seeking medical assistance with it? The reason I ask is because Methadone is known to cause severe withdrawals and have a very long detoxification period. That's why so many people end up on a lifetime maintenance dose of it and few end up ever stopping it entirely. Learn more Methadone details here. How much do you take daily? ## I am down to 55 mgs daily. I have considered this but not sure as to how to go about finding a doctor who would help me with this. The lif...

8 REPLIES Filed under Methadone

Looking for Dr to help me detox off of 50 mgs a day. I am currently going to a clinic and with working full time I cannot keep going every day, because of my new job. Does anyone know a dr in the Louisville area that will prescribe methadone?? Please help. I would greatly appreciate your time! ## Hello, Angel! How are you? Unfortunately, a private practice doctor would not be allowed to help you with this, it would be illegal for him to do so. You're only option is to remain at the clinic and ask them to help you taper off. The FDA classifies this medication as a This is an opiate, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation. The other alternative would be to see if you could switch to Subo...

1 REPLY Filed under Methadone

I'm on 30ml methadone daily and need to come off it in 1 week can I use tramadol as I have a few of them hope someone can help Thanks ## Tramadol will put you in severe withdrawal. Chemically, these two drugs do not mix! Tramadol is not an opioid. Tapering is the best solution. ## Hi, I've been taking h for 3 months now after a relapse. I had done a long detox from 90mls of methadone and was clean until xmas. ive been having 2-3 bags a day sometimes more sometimes less. I want to get clean and have 100mls of methadone. I want to do a quick detox. I had 1 bag early this morning and nothing since. I feel a little sick and legs a bit sore. Has anyone any ideas on how I can do this? Thanks ## Its not an opiate must ween slowly off methadone or under supervision get a different...

3 REPLIES Filed under Methadone

I have been a patient at compdrugs methadone clinic for 5 years. Never had dirty urines. I got 1 dirty 20 days ago and they took my dose from 185mg to 100 to nothing. 3 days. Is this legal and do I have a chance of fighting it. The doc. Dr. Alvin Pelt. is god at the clinic. Any ideas on what I can do would be welcome. Hopefully i can figure somethisg out b4 I blow my head off. Anyone out there whos gone thru a methadone withdrawal understands. Thanks all. ## This does not sound right, something is wrong in this situation. I suggest you contact your state methadone authority and file a complaint. Make sure you start a timeline and document it with as much info as you can remember, dates, times, names and what was said/what happened. You need to find which agency your clinic is accredited...

209 REPLIES Filed under Methadone

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