Ear Infection

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Ear Infection Drug Category

The ear is the organ that detects sound. It not only receives sound, but also aids in balance and body position. The ear is part of the auditory system. Often the entire organ is considered the ear, though it may also be considered just the visible portion. In most mammals, the visible ear is a flap of tissue that is also called the pinna (or auricle in humans) and is the first of many steps in hearing. Vertebrates have a pair of ears placed somewhat symmetrically on opposite sides of the hea...

can doxycycl hyc help clear ear infections ## Yes, Doxycycline is an antibiotic that is used to treat various types of infections, but it may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, non-allergic skin rash and diarrhea. Learn more: Has your doctor advised you to use it?

1 REPLY Filed under Doxycycline

Can I use sulfameth/trimethoprim for a ear infection ## Have you consulted a doctor to confirm that it is an infection? Sulfamethoxazole with Trimethoprim, the active ingredients in Bactrim, is an antibiotic that is used to treat various types of infections. It may cause side effects, such as nausea, headache, non-allergic skin rash and diarrhea. Learn more: Is there anything else I can help with? ## can i take sulfameth/tmp ds for a earache

2 REPLIES Filed under Trimethoprim

can I use neomycin-polymyxin in an month old? ## Hello, Linda! How are you? When it comes to a child that young, you shouldn't give them anything, without their doctor's approval. If it has been prescribed for them, please follow the provided dosing instructions. The FDA lists the typical side effects of these drops as possibly including ear redness, irritation and the ear feeling clogged. Is there anything else I can help with? ## Is it okay to use these ear drops on a 7month old baby? They seem to make my son in more pain, and I'm worried it will damage his hearing.

2 REPLIES Filed under Neomycin

Can Doxycycline be used to treat a middle ear infection? This is my second round of antibiotics. Was given Cefdinir first for 7 days & it helped but the infection is still hanging around. I dont want to keep taking multiple antibiotics. They were gonna give me Augmentin but I was concerned about my stomach because I heard it can be rough on the stomach. Will the Doxycycline help? Or should I have requested something else? ## It is an antibiotic that can be used to treat various types of bacterial infections. The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, diarrhea, and non-allergic skin rash. Is there anything else I can help with? ## Yes. They gave me Augmentin 875 to take and I only took 3 pills and could not take anymore. I believe those ...

2 REPLIES Filed under Doxycycline

Buro-sol has been removed from the Canadian market and states it's discontinued. I have used this product to manage a chronic infection that I have had for the past 45 years. Its the only medication that helped manage it. Not one specialist has been able to correct the reoccurring infection. Is there another close alternative that's availableL

Filed under Buro-Sol

I been on phentermine 37.5 for 3 weeks now I had to stop taking it for a week due to a bad sinus infection I didn't want to mix sinus medicine with phentermine im just curious can phentermine cause sinus infections and if so what can I take with it that wont make the phentermine not work right I don't want to take anything that is going to cancel the pill out!! the pills are really working I can actually keep up with my super active toddler!!! but the sinus infection is draining me!! ## Hello, Ginger! How are you? I'm sorry about the sinus infection. No, from what I've found in the detail FDA side effect listing, it hasn't been known to cause sinus infections. Its typical side effects usually include nausea, dizziness, headache, palpitations, loss of libido, dry mout...

2 REPLIES Filed under Phentermine

my taste buds are gone since last year may and i cant even smell anything. i have use zinc tablest for 3 weeks no improvement, now i'm scare to over dose them. i have also tried ent's but all the same. can i have something different or which brand for zinc must i use or i must drink what coz even my own urine i have tried it but still the same. pease help cos i even fast and pray all the time, eating healthy and all the raw veggies and fruits. even chinese herbs i have tried them.

Filed under Ear Care

I have swimmers ear and to make it better i have a bottle of neomycin and polymyxin b sulfates and hydrocortosone otic solution usp. I used it a couple times made my ear feel really clogged and over all just worse. My worry is that the liquids just being trapped in there and im adding more just making it worse anyone used this before and know?? Please help had the infection since sunday night ## Hello, Kylie! How are you? I've had swimmer's ear and used these drops. That feeling is normal, when you use them, because in order to reach the infected part of the ear, you have to fill the ear canal with them. According to the FDA, for the best effectiveness, you should keep your head tilted to the side for 5 minutes, before straightening it and allowing the ear to drain. However no, ...

2 REPLIES Filed under Neomycin

I don't even know where to start. I have sores all over my legs and arms that have gotten infected. Behind my right ear I drained a big cyst and a smaller cyst (which at the time I thought was a pimple), my gums have infection coming out and I had either one huge everywhere or a couple cysts in my vagina that have drained. Some of the sores have healed and others have gotten worse. The skin by the corners of my nails where they are dried and cracked are starting to release infection. Dr gave me Bactrim without a visit. I'm scared it is something worse than he believes it to be. ## Hello, Jamie! How are you? Has there been any change? You really need to have your doctor check these out and do a culture to see what is causing them. The FDA lists the typical Bactrim side effects as...

1 REPLY Filed under Bactrim

Daughter 28yrs. Dr prescribed Pulmison 20mg and Zelitrex 500mg. What is this for and are there sideeffects ## Hello, Martie! How is your daughter doing? All medications carry the risk of causing side effects. According to the U.S. FDA, she may experience nausea, dizziness, headache, acne, fluid retention, insomnia and weight gain. These medications are used to help clear up the infection and treat the inflammation that such an infection may cause.

1 REPLY Filed under Ear Care

IS ZITHROMAX FOR EAR INFECTIONS? ## my son is 4 years old , he has fever , cough , and runny nose the doctor told me that this is an ear infection & gave me zithromax . ## Zithromax, which contains the active ingredient Azithromycin, is a broad spectrum antibiotic that can be used to treat various types of bacterial infections. Please make sure to take it as prescribed, and finish the full course of treatment. The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, diarrhea, and non-allergic skin rash. What dosages have been prescribed?

2 REPLIES Filed under Zithromax

I was prescribed this 4 days ago for a horrible ear infection brought on by a sinus infection, and no relief. I am wondering if it's not bacterial and maybe should be prescribed something different to relieve the pressure and pain? ## Amoxicillin with Clavulanic Acid, the active ingredients in Augmentin, is an antibiotic that is used to treat certain types of infections. However, it can take 5 to 7 days to reach its full effect and will not work as a pain reliever. And, as with any medication, it doesn't always work for everyone that tries it, so if your pain, or infection have not improved, you should contact your doctor. Are there any other questions or comments?

1 REPLY Filed under Amoxicillin

I have 500mg Amoxicillin capsules for an ear infection and they are pink and blue. Last time I had an ear infection the capsules were red and yellow. I'm wondering if these were a different dosage, its been a few years but I believe they were slightly smaller. I'm hoping the ones I have now are a higher dose because it took a 4 week course to clear it up last time, and now I have a 2 month old daughter and have to stick cotton balls in my ears when she cries or I black out for a second from the pain. Last time my ear drum ruptured, I'm really hoping I've caught this early enough to prevent that happening because that kind of pain was atleast 100x worse than labor. ## Based on the colors which you are describing for the capsules it sounds like you have the Amoxil brand of...

16 REPLIES Filed under Amoxicillin

I'm on Augmentin twice a day. I was just wondering if there is anything else I can do to speed things up to get rid of this ear infection? ## Not really, you just need to give the antibiotic time to do its work. How long have you been taking it? The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, non-allergic skin rash, and diarrhea. ## I take amoxicillin for ear infections and it always works ## Melted warm coconut oil has always helped me get rid of outer ear infections. Works for dogs too. Drip it into the ear, massage and wait 5 minutes. Drain.

3 REPLIES Filed under Amoxicillin

Do doxytet work in curing ear infections if not wat can I get? ## Oral antibiotics can work, but they are generally not as fast and effective as the liquid antibiotics drops that you actually put in the ear. Learn more Doxytet details here. Was this the antibiotic prescribed for you to use? Learn more ear infection details here. The other advantage of the ear drops is that many of them also contain small amounts of steroids that can help with any inflammation and pain that you may be experiencing.

1 REPLY Filed under Antibiotics

Is Azitromicina the correct antibiotic for an ear infection? ## i had ear discharge . doc told me to have T.infectum and signoflam and and neosporin ointment . please tell me each' s function . and pharmacist gave me ampilox instead of t . infectum saying it is also antibacterial . ## Yes, it is a commonly prescribed antibiotic for treating ear infections. There's a study [1] which points to its effectiveness with even a single dose, and you usually don't have to take it as long as a penicillin antibiotic.

2 REPLIES Filed under Azithromycin

I have an ear infection with a totally blocked ear. I also have some nitrofurantoin left over from a uti. Will this antibiotic help my ear infections ## Hello, Diana! How are you? You need to see your doctor to have the presence of an infection confirmed and, if you do have one, they'll need to prescribe you a full course of an appropriate antibiotic to treat it. And you should always finish the full course of any prescribed antibiotic, to avoid the risk of developing antibiotic resistant bacteria. Is there anything else I can help with?

1 REPLY Filed under Nitrofurantoin

Hello, is Pliva 334 good for treating ear infections in adults? I have 6 pills of it and wanted to know if it will be effective! ## This medication is an antibiotic that is commonly used to treat bacterial infections. The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, and stomach pain. 6 pills would not likely be enough. Has your doctor instructed you to take it? Are you on any other medications?

1 REPLY Filed under Antibiotics

my 6 yr old has an ear infection that wont go away. he has tried several antibiotics. i wld like to no of a good and strong antibiotic that he can use. ## This may be something to talk to your doctor about, given your son's age. I do know that Amoxicillin is commonly prescribed for ear infections, and in most cases it gets the job done. In combination with an antibiotic, I would recommend infusing garlic with unrefined organic olive oil and rubbing that on the infected ear. Also another natural remedy would be putting warmed up rubbing alcohol on a cotton swab and put it in the ear for roughly 15 minutes. A lot of people find this method to be very effective. Hope this helps!

1 REPLY Filed under Amoxicillin

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