Drug Detox At Home

70 Topics Found

I have a large and long opiate habit and no matter how long i wait to switch to subutex i go into heavy wd's. At times i should have been in the hospital. Any suggestions? ## Hello, Andrew! How are you? You do have to be in full withdrawal, already, before you can take it, even though it doesn't contain the Naloxone like Suboxone. The Buprenorphine itself tends to cling to the opiate receptors much stronger than other opiates do, so taking it to early can also cause you to go into full withdrawal. The FDA classifies this medication as an opiate, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation. How long have you usually waited to take it? What instructions did your doctor provide?

1 REPLY Filed under Naloxone

Hey I have searched and researched about different things I can obtain over the counter to make at home detoxing from opiates a bit more comfortable then cold turkey.. I live in Canada and some of the medications non prescription aren't avaiable here. And I was also wondering for those of you addicts on these forms to reply if you have experienced this first hand and can give me more insight please and thank you in advance for your help and information ## Hello, Missboo37! How are you? It would actually be best to do a slow taper with professional help from your doctor. The preferred method seems to be to have someone start skipping doses, while gradually lowering their dosage. When I went cold turkey off of pain management, I discovered that hot soaks in the tub were very helpful f...

1 REPLY Filed under Pain Relief

I have been addicted to hydrcodone for a year or more. how can i detox at home, even with a doctors assistance ## Hi Mark, Usually for drugs like this the safest way to stop taking them is to tapper off them, if possible. Some medications can be taken in fractions (actually cut into pieces) and these smaller pieces can be taken in place of the regular dose for a period of several weeks until the body is no longer dependent upon them. In my opinion, another key component to weaning off is to have your doctor make you a tapering schedule on a calendar in order track your progress and keep you on the right path to complete your goal within a specific time frame. Without a way to track your progress, tapering can sometimes be much more difficult than it needs to be. I hope this helps in any...

3 REPLIES Filed under Vicodin

After 31 months in a state correctional facility (for a non violent crime/ misdemeanors) I was released. I started taking Suboxone 8mg and have been since May 2011. I wanted to stop taking them but I knew the detox was not going to be easy and they don't really have a detox for suboxone except for Methadone and I do not ever want to go down that road again. I relapsed 14 day's ago and started shooting dope and have not taken a sub since. I'm going to now attempt to detox myself off the dope with suboxin. Today I ate 1 lorcet and one and a half vicodin and still feel sick. It has only been maybe an hour since I ate the vicodin and will wait awhile to take another. Tonight before bed around 10pm I will take another half of vicodin and tomarrow around 10am I will take a piece o...

6 REPLIES Filed under Suboxone

I have taken/abused roxicodone for four years. I am trying my best to detox and get on with my life drug free. I will be detoxing at home with my parents. I am a 26 year old male. We have on hand for the sickness I know I am about to face .... an anti diarrheal, a stool softner, multi vitamins for when I can't eat and advil for pain. I went to my Doctor today and he prescribed Suboxone (1 tab twice a day .. an extra if needed the first week). Also, a nurse at a rehab facility said to drink lots of water AND Gatorade to keep my electrolites in balance. I am not looking forward to this. I had my last roxis yesterday and was honest with the Doctor today. I will have someone nearby while I am sick to help with any needs. Is there anything you can offer as advice? Am I missing something ...

1 REPLY Filed under Roxicodone

I am currently addicted to hydromorphine an I do them IV. I been reading and searching a safe way at home to detox. I tried staying in a medical detox but failed a few times recently. I have purchased methadone pills on the street. Because I am sick and tired of always being sick, either looking for ways, and means to get my fix daily and I sat back and seriously decided enough was enough. The time an energy spent getting and doing them is ridiculous as anyone with this addiction knows. I am really just wondering if anyone personally knows how to effectively taper with the pills at home because I do not want to end up in a position where I am gonna be more sick at the end of the taper cause that will defeat my whole purpose of doing this. Any help or advice will be gladly accepted and t...

1 REPLY Filed under Methadone

My daughter is 38yrs old. Addicted to codine phosphate for the last 20 yrs. She is also a patient of major depressive disorder. She is denying to get admitted to an institution for detoxify.lives with 18 stray dogs. The dogs sleep on the same bed she sleeps. She is opting for a home detox now. Is it advisable for her ? Will she get any good result ? What should be best for her to get rod of codine phosphate ?

Doc/Chemist?Homeopath Questions to help withdrawals from Ritalin addiction ± 200mg a day 17 months insufflating/ questions general health. (Over the counter) Cold Turkey Detox (not titrating) Q1. Analgesics - (Ibuprofen,naproxen,acetaminophen). What is an 'analgesic'? How does this help recovery and how much do I take per day (& what time)? Q2.Antihistamine - Meclizine. How does this help recovery and how much do I take per day (& what time)? Q3.Loperamide Hydrochloride (Immodium AD)How does this help recovery and how much do I take per day (& what time)? Q4. What is an Anxyoltic? How does this help recovery and how much do I take per day (& what time)? Q5. What is a Neurotonic? How does this help recovery and how much do I take per day (& what time)? Q6...

Filed under Ritalin

After diagnosis of lupus... been on hydrocodone and percocets for 4 years now... up to 40 a day at 10mg.... to say the least I'm over that addiction. However... after thinking it through...I decided to start the process.... last night was the worst night of my life! From extreme stomach pain to violent diarrhea and vomiting... to chills sweat and again the runs... wow!.. now it's time again to think about taking 8mgs more of naltrexone....? Should I? Would you? ## Naltrexone only prevents you from taking opiates, because it prevents them from having an effect. It actually does nothing to help prevent the withdrawal effects. As a matter of fact, if you took it too close to having taken the last narcotics, so you weren't in full withdrawal, it may have thrown you into precipit...

2 REPLIES Filed under Naltrexone

About Me & A Question: After I stopped taking Dilaudid (prescribed) I got violently ill, freaked out and found myself at a for-profit methadone clinic. I was there for 6 months, my highest dose was 45 mg but I spent the majority of it at 30 mg. Even though I earned 3 take homes, I became VERY sick of driving in there 4 days a week and paying $450/month ($15 per day) and I wasn't there for the right reasons (because I freaked out from the previous withdrawal) so I started my detox and totally ignored their suggested schedule and did it my way (much faster). I've read nothing but horror stories about coming off methadone and the greedy people at my clinic told me I should drop 1 mg every 1-2 weeks. I dropped by 5 mg from 45mg until 20mg where I stayed for a month, then jumped ...

6 REPLIES Filed under Methadone

How to detox from home, I'm trying to get off these 30mg OPs I been prescribed for more than ten years, and I'm tired of the addiction,, please help me find a way to detox...... ## The only thing I can ever say helped me were a couple valium and LOTS of fluids, stay hydrated!!! Good luck!! ## A slow taper is usually best. However, the problem is that these are time released, so you can't cut or break them. How many do take each day? Have you consulted a medical professional for assistance? The FDA lists the typical withdrawal effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, fever, chills, rebound pain, depression and diarrhea.

2 REPLIES Filed under OxyContin

Hi my name is RADAMES and I'm detoxing soboxon ..I was trying to change my life and counted on the med to stop using drugs but now that my life has changed I decided to stop using soboxon ..went into a five day detox witch I was detoxed with methadone but now that I'm going on my fourth day home,,I still feel bad withdraws..I want to know what over the counter meds I could take that will help with the withdraws?? ## Hello, Radames! How are you? There isn't really anything over the counter that will help much. The issue here is that Methadone is actually much harder to stop and causes more severe withdrawal effects than Suboxone. Thus, doing a taper from the Suboxone would likely have been a lot easier. The FDA classifies these medications as opiates that are most commonly us...

1 REPLY Filed under Methadone

I've gone 4 days cold turkey with no alcohol at all ..previous to this I cut down to one drink a day for 3 days so pretty much in my world that's a week off drink..I've drank heavy for over 20 years anywhere anytime always a drink in my hand.. Apart from work I don't drink at work .. So a drink problem I'd say denial of actually being alcoholic.. Functional parent and holding it all together also always up for a good time with friends and always a fridge full of booze!! My sudden detox is for health reasons I feel my liver is crying out to me and I've just been struck down with Raynaud's phenomenon an it's chronic !! I'm goin for blood tests this week to see just what is goin on with the liver.. I'm guessing ALD .. Anyway apart from sleeping between

Filed under Doxy

I took my last sub a week ago as of today. And throughout that week took 3 total 10 MG Lortabs. I tried detoxing before but it was too harsh. I have been taking plenty of vitamins and excersising. I'm wondering how long until I'm in the clear? ## How are you doing? Did you experience any withdrawal problems? The FDA lists withdrawal symptoms as possibly including nausea, fever, chills, rebound pain and diarrhea. What dose were you taking? ## I'm okay. Took a Lortab the other day because I am just so tired of being depressed. I know I shouldn't have but the depression is the worst

2 REPLIES Filed under Suboxone

Wheres a chatroom? Where we csn all talk?ive come from 110 mls yo 25 mls of methadone on own, need help and suggestions, etc.ehat has worked for others ## Hi Faith! Just to let you know, you're not alone going through this. Many of people have gone through this including myself. I was on 110mgs of methadone and tapered down to 24mgs. I was on methadone due to pain and addiction issues. My problem was when I got down to 24mgs I was going through some pretty bad withdrawals. My doctor prescribed me suboxone to help with the withdrawals. The main thing is to taper VERY slowly so you feel the least bit of withdrawals. Methadone is a very strong medication and some people require a life time maintenance dose. I hope everything works out for you. You've come so far. Any other question...

23 REPLIES Filed under Methadone

Hi after a ten year opiate addiction I started to run out of money. I was highly functional for the 10 years home owner, business, wife, the hole nine. it was money and my own self torture that brought this to a halt. so 8 months ago I went to a treatment center in Florida not knowing if I would ever be normal again. I found myself completely incompasitated (I was in a wheel chair for two days) the dr there put me on a 5 day taper from 4 mil gram sub down to 2 in 5 days omg it worked within 3 weeks I was better and ready to go home. I felt better than I ever have so I went home and went to meetings. good things began to happen and as we do how quickly I forgot I was a sick person and stopped the meetings when the stress of everyday life came back 8 months later. I relapsed in a matter o...

1 REPLY Filed under Suboxone

been on dextro for 3 years. in addition I am taking paxil, clonazepam, & trazodone. I still feel extremely tired and listless. i wish I could be taken off this stuff. I am very familiar with detox; I used to run a social detox center. I am definitely scared of the detox process. I am a Veteran and they will not allow inpatient detox. Do I have any hope to ever get off this stuff? I am a 69 yo male, living alone. ## John, I fully understand your situation, I've helped 100s off benzo's etc. Healthy solutions at-home are realistic, lots of info, plus at home withdrawal progam ## this is to john, you have probably built up a tolerence to the dextro after 3yrs, but my main question is why does your Dr have you on 3 downers with that strong of an upper? a side effect of paxil is f...

4 REPLIES Filed under Dextroamphetamine

Had been in hospic for Aids. Doc thought I would die, but got better. Placed on 150 mg of methadone per day and 30 mg of morphine per hour (using 20 to 22 pills a day). Two weeks ago informed no pain clinic would treat me because of high dosages. Sent home for hospice two weeks ago and told they would begin the detox from methadone. Went from 150 to 140 to 130 to 125 to present dosage of 100mg of morphine and same amount of morphine. I would like to know what symptoms and side effects will I experience from detoxing this quickly from the methadone. ## Hi Anna! The withdrawals r TERRIBLE! I'm NOT trying 2 scare u, just being honest. U will feel like u have the worst flu, your whole body hurts bad , runny nose , sneezing , hot flashes and cold chills, u can't sit still. Not 2 ment...

22 REPLIES Filed under Methadone

Hello, I am looking for a Dr in or near Lancaster Ohio that can prescribe LIQUID methadone to me to get me off Suboxone. Here is a little background. I took percocets for recreation use for just over a year. In November of this year I will have been on 24mg of Suboxone a day for 2 years. Yes I have been on the subs twice as long as my addiction lasted. Don't get me wrong subs saved my ass but I am ready to close this chapter in my life and move on. I have tried several times to taper off subs and have just accepted that I do not have the will power to do so. I am a stay at home mom w an ADHD 9 yr old and a very busy 3 year old, if I have the subs I take them. So, here's where the liquid methadone comes in. There is very little "help" here in Lancaster/Columbus Ohio unles...

22 REPLIES Filed under Methadone

Can you take tuelonal pm for anxiety and sleep during detoxing suboconr ## Can you take Tylenol pm for anxiety and sleep while detoxing from suboxone ## Hi Teddy, From what I understand, neither Tylenol (Acetaminophen) nor Diphenhydramine (an anthistamine) act on opioid receptors or interact with suboxone in anyway. So personally I don't see how it could possibly interfere with suboxone being inside or outside of your system (during a detox) from a pharmacological point of view. However it would probably be a good idea to double check with your doctor anyways for that added peace of mind. Some alternative considerations that may also be worth looking into are, homeopathic sleep aids, melatonin, magnesium, various herbal preparations, ashwaghanda root, valerian root, white noise, med...

3 REPLIES Filed under Tylenol

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