A X Speckled

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Hey I found what appears o be Xanax in my sons room. They look speckled and don't have any numbers on them. They dont look very medicinal. I'm wondering if he Just got ripped off or if he has been ordering them from Mexico or Canada or something. That would raise more concern than if he just made a mistake

Filed under Xanax

My friend has been offered a purple football with speckles in it. I say it's not xanex but he swears it is. All she could read on the pill were the last 2 letters IN? What do you think? ## I'm not a pharmacist, but I know Xanax and I've never seen one speckled. It sounds like it might be an Adipex, which is a diet pill. ## With all the drugs out there and the various shapes, sizes, colors and imprints, it is impossible to identify it without knowing the entire imprint. ## not a chance ## i agree with jessica zippy goddess both jessica i'd say was just giving a good guess! ## A good guess, but without the markings on the pill, there is no way to know for sure. There are some Lortabs and other narcotics pills that meet that description as well, so it could even be one of t...

20 REPLIES Filed under Xanax

I found a light brown pill with darker brown speckles. It is oval shaped with no markings at all. It might be a diet pill because the persons room I found it in has been losing a lot of weight but i'm not sure. Any information would be helpful. ## I'm sorry, but if there are no markings, it is going to be difficult to determine exactly what this is. We can rule it out as being a U.S. manufactured prescription product, since they are all required to have markings to enable their identification, however, it could be any one of a large number of over the counter products, or even a foreign medication. Have you tried asking the person? Does anyone else know what this might be?


A round light red specled pill with no marking on them. They are the size of an asprin ## It's most likely going to be difficult to figure out what they are, since tablets without markings are most likely over the counter products. Learn more OTC drug details here. Where did you find it?


I found a clear capsule pill with brown, yellow, white and two different colors of orange speckles inside of it. It has no markings on it and I am just wondering if anyone knows what kind of pill this is? Thanks ## Without any markings, it may be difficult to get a positive identification. We can rule it out as being a U.S. prescription medication, since they are required to have imprints to enable their identification. That means it's most likely something that's available over the counter and I've personally had fiber supplement capsules that meet this description. Does anyone else have an idea of what this might be?


I found pink speckled round unmarked pills, in quasi-amateurish looking cellophane in a teenager's backpack. Illegal or just health nut stuff? ## If there are no markings, it may be difficult to discover exactly what these contain. Have you tried asking the teenager to whom the backpack belonged? ## Sounds like a B12 vitamin but as everyone has stated really no way to tell.

2 REPLIES Filed under Vitamins & Supplements

I have a football shaped Xanax with pml 1 on them. It is also a lavender colored and I think there's speckles on it. What mg are they? ## I've only found a little information on these, so I cannot guarantee it's correct, but from the details my search turned up, these are from Thailand. They are sold under the brand name Pharmax, the manufacturer is Pharmaland, which explains the PML logo and the number corresponds to the dosage. Thus PML 1 contains 1mg of Alprazolam. Learn more Pharmax details here. Where were they found/obtained? ## xanax should never have specs if they do please never take them and they are not from thailand they are actually coming via thailand from china ## Qualitest makes all kinds of speckled pills. When I was on the 1 mg footballs before getting uppe...

3 REPLIES Filed under Xanax

I found a dark pink speckled pill on my floor. Its round and on one side it has what believe is an A then a score then 117. I don't know what it is. I took it to a couple pharmacies and they didn't know either. Please help. ## Hello, Cruise! How are you? I'm sorry, but I haven't been able to find anything that matches this description, either. However, I'll keep looking and post back, when I have information for you. Does anyone else recognize this tablet?


I found a round dark green pill with A _215 on one side and blank on the other .its speckled as well.anybody know what it is. ## Based on your description, the closest match I could locate is a round green pill marked with "A 214" on one side and blank on the other. The "A" is sitting above a score line, with "214" underneath. There don't appear to be any specs as you mentioned, but is it possible that you could've misread the imprint? This particular pill is identified as Oxycodone hydrochloride 15 mg, used in the treatment of chronic pain. Manufacturer: Actavis National Drug Code (NDC): 52152-0214 You can learn more about this drug on the page for Oxycodone Details I hope this info helps! ## Small round light tan with speckles. Has letter A over 215 on ...

2 REPLIES Filed under Oxycodone

Okay so my mom found this pill in my sisters pocket its white and oval shaped and has orange speckles I have asked cvs Walgreens and poison control can't read any numbers on it becuz it was melted I really need to know. Its not red or pink its bright orange ## Okay found out that the red speckled turns orange after wet...its a 5 redso speckled I think vicodin. ## That is definately a medication called narco. It's hydrocodone (vicodine) and acetametaphin used for moderate-severe pain. It is also a narcotic, a synthetic opiate. I would have a chat with your sister and ask why she had this if she has no perscription... Could be a BIG RED FLAG in the area of opiate abuse/addiction. Opiate abuse will ruin her life. It makes ppl steal and lie to get what they need as the withdrawls ar...

4 REPLIES Filed under Vicodin

I have a speckled white pill with T-30m3 II printed on one side. What type of pill is this? ## white oval pill with T-3OM3 11 not sure of what type of pill this is ## white oval pill with T-3OM3 11 not sure of what type of pill this is ## Its a maximum strengh testosterone optimizer ## I have a white oval shape pill with T 20 one 1 side. Whats is it??

4 REPLIES Filed under Testosterone

weight loss elliptical pill green speckled ## I'm not finding anything that matches this. Are there any markings or logos on it? If it has markings, it is possilbe that it may be Phentermine, if it has none, then it is probably something available over the counter and it could be hard to narrow it down. Please post back and let me know about any possible imprint, thank you!

1 REPLY Filed under Phentermine

what are small round grey speckled pills with no markings? ## What color are the speckles? With no markings, it's going to be a bit difficult to try to narrow down what they contain. We can rule them out as being a U.S. prescription medication, since they are all required to have markings to enable their identification, however, they could be any one of a large number of over the counter products. Learn more OTC drug details here. There is also a small chance that it could be a foreign medication. Approximately how big is it? Would you say the size of an Aspirin, larger or smaller? Any other details you can provide may help to narrow it down.

1 REPLY Filed under Aspirin

white green speckled oval pill watson B ## Hello, Are you trying to identify a white green speckled oval pill with a WATSON B imprint- as well as a white red speckled oval pill with a WATSON L imprint? I searched for both just in case, but the imprint on both of those is pretty vague so I haven't had any luck. Are there any other imprints on the pill? Please post back if you have more information to add so I can further assist you!


I'm a Disabled Army Combat Veteran and I've had, to no surprise, a slew of different types of hydocodone, but recently the pills I've been issued have red or blue spots in them. I was told by my doctor that the spotted pills absorb into your body faster and therefore begin working faster and last longer, is this fact or fiction? ## Fiction! They are all regular release tablets that will take 15 to 20 minutes to start working and the speckles in some of them make no difference to that. That's just something that the manufacturer decided to do to their tablets to set them apart from the others available on the market. Learn more Vicodin details here. Any such colors and speckles are entirely up to whit and whim and mean nothing whatsoever to the actual absorbency rate of t...

2 REPLIES Filed under Hydrocodone

I was in a bad accident back in March of 2012, I was on a snow machine ( mobile for who call it that) and was hit by a large SUV. I had a shattered pelvis, broken hip and broken femur. I've found that the qualitest 5/325 white pills with red specks work best for me compared to other brands, but of late I've had to take more to feel a relief. I'm wondering if they make the same type just stronger. I don't know if it's the red specks they use in them that makes it different with others. I also just moved and am worried my new state won't have that brand even if I can't get a raised dose with my next doctor. I hate taking so many, wish I didn't have to take them at all to be honest. I have tried to go my normal route and stop taking them to lower my need for...

2 REPLIES Filed under Hydrocodone

I found a white pill with red speckles on it diamond imprint on it someone told me it was demeril from mid 1900s but finding it hard to believe ## I have my doubts that any pill would survive that long, since they usually start to crumble once they get old and begin to degrade. Learn more Demerol details here. That said, there is a company that uses the diamond logo on their products and they only manufacture over the counter medications, so I strongly suspect this is one of them. Learn more OTC drug details here. Where did you find it? ## A closed doctors office in a glass bottle ## Ectacsy

3 REPLIES Filed under Demerol

hi I have a round red pill that is speckled or spattered so the color of the pill is almost red and white and on one side it says Endo 048, im having trouble finding out what this is its mg and everything else any ideas?? ## Need to know what kind of pill this is. It's white, round with reddish specs. ## I've yet to come across any pills here that fit this description - However, I think your best bet may be to contact Endo Pharmaceuticals directly to find out if it's truly something they make or if this is a possible counterfeit? You can reach Endo's customer service department at 1-800-462-3636. There's also an email form on their webpage if you're not able to call. On a side note: I have seen phentermine as well as various forms of hydrocodone/apap fit similar ...

2 REPLIES Filed under Phentermine

Approx 15 mm long white capsule with one clear end cap outside is has brown spots inside contains white small balls ## Hi Steve, I just thought I'd ask, does the pill have any imprints or markings of any sort? Most prescription medications have an imprint(s) to ensure that the pill(s) can be identified. If it doesn't have an imprint, it could've been smudged off at some point or it could likely be a vitamin or other OTC medication. Please post back with more details regarding this pill, if at all possible. Thank you!

1 REPLY Filed under Vitamins & Supplements

I need help ID'ing this pill! Taupe-brown with black speckles. Capital S on one side and no markings on the other. Pretty large in size (larger than a #2 pencil eracer in diameter). ## Taupe Brown round pill with tiny black speckles and a "S" on one side. 6/16 in diameter,1/8" thick ## There are no listings in the U.S. prescription drug databases for this and with that obscure marking, I am guessing that it is probably an over the counter product. That leaves quite a few possibilities, but one that I have personally seen that matches this description are Sennoside laxatives, such as Senekot and its generic equivalents. Does anyone else recognize this?


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