Stop Making Estratest?
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I was told today to contact my dr to get my hormone meds change because they were no longer making estratest. Can you comfirm this?

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Have you found estratest? Does anybody know where I can find this? {edited for privacy}

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I had a hysterectomy (left one ovary) in 1985 and have taken methyltestosterone ever since then.
Forteo injections improved my bones (osteoporosis to osteopenia) and I was told to continue taking Estratest to prevent bone loss. I am almost seventy and still take the hormone. My skin looks young, and I am still retaining muscle. My endocrinologist doesn't want me to continue taking the meds. I do. What will happen to me if I am forced to quit Decreased Libido?
Overnight ageing? I still look young for my age.

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I was told that since testosterone has become a sheduled drug that they have stopped even making the form that was in Estratest. I am miserable on estridiol. gaining weight like a freaking fiend. I HATE THIS !

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I have been a firm believer in Estratest "HS" which stands for 1/2 Strength of the" DS", for Double Strength(a misnomer)! It confuses both MD and the Patient, let alone. PAs and NPs. The ovary makes Estrradiol(E2) and small amount of active Testiosterone, naturally! The Testes produce the same hormones but in reverse proportion. Progesterone comes into play for females as a vital part of ovulation and menses to prevent cancer of the Uterine lining. I invented a formula of ERT some 25 years ago, not fashionable then: the WEEK-DAY dosage schedule for Pre, Intra & Post Menopausal Estrogen Replacement. In women experiencing HYPO-E2 Vaginitis, I added 1/2 applicator of Estrace type Cream Twice weekly, Mon & Thurs. Hormonal Assays & Vaginal Cultures were taken to access ovarian-pituitary function & presence of a bacterial or STD component. There is still the great debate concerning Endometrial Overstimulation and the affect of any replacement hormone on the Female Breast. I continue to believe that for women with an intact Reproductive Organ System that there is no substitute for vigilant care! Ovaries, Cervix, Uterus, Breasts and the Pituitary-Adrenal and Thyroid Systems need Exams twice yearly. Ladies having had Hysterctomies and Oophoirectomies also mandate careful care with a few small adjustments. Also, do not forget the importance of the integrity of the urinary bladder system and the life saving PAP test. PHDragonasMD, NYS 224034

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As far as I know it's still around. I am on it now even tho my new Dr. wants me to quit! She has now cut my dose in half and I already feel badly. I feel horrible without it when I haven't had any since having had a total Hysterectomy in 1987 & have been on Estratest since 1995 when my one remaining Ovary finally shriveled up and disappeared. I went into immediate awful Menopause and the Estratest took away all my bad symptoms and have had no problems from it, in fact I truly believe it has kept me young, lessened the aging process and kept me from Osteoporosis. Now am having some slight high blood pressure spikes and she thinks the Estratest will cause me to have a heart attack.
Even though I have chronic Pain from PPS,CFID's, Fibromyalgia, Degenerative Disc and Joint Disease, Peripheral Neuropathy, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, IBS, Restless Leg Syndrome and Terrible Back Problems (top to bottom) so anything could be affecting my BP but I think the Estratest has been a "godsend" for me and I am going to fight to keep it after having all my meds arbitrarily cut in half due to The New Healthcare System that has caused me a nightmare for the past 7 months after being forced into some Managed Healthcare Plan, that then forced me to lose my Pain Management Doctor of 7 years, .... but I digress. Estratest is still with us and as far as I know there are no plans for it to go away!
But speaking of lies coming from Doctors I have had several Doctors assuming I am a moron..... tell me all kinds of things that are not true and I have filed complaints against them for it! We need to be proactive and well, self-educated when it comes to our health and our bodies. Being a Doctor does not give anyone the right to out and out lie to patients to have their way with our health issues!!! IMHO!!

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My generic pills changed again with this last refill(1-1-2010). Don't seem to work as well - many hot flashes. Pills look blue-green sez Breckrdg on label, but no strength other than HS.

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My Pharmacy told me it was discontinued. Does any one know why? Been using for a year and had great results in the sex and mood swings. It took me 5 years to find one that worked.

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I was told the same thing and was put on estradiol about 4 months ago. I have hot flashes all the time now and its the patch so I have ithching where the patch is put! Any new info please post!

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Yea I was told the same thing also went to the DR and the found 2 lumps in my breast, it sure did keep the hot flashes down but not sure what it done to my body..if you heal any bad thing about this pill let me know please

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Yes it has been discontinued. Today i got a refill because the pharmacy still has some left. My problem is the color of the tablets is not the same. I am confused as to the strength. These are light green with IP 78. The others were dark green with 1409 on them. I was on Estratest HS (half srength?). These new light green ones say DS (double strength?) My original light green ones say HS. Not sure what to do. Doctor isn't much help. He just says we need to put me on estrdial which has no testosterone and maybe use a cream, but I want to stay on these as long as I can, they work so well! I actually have an orgasm with these!! (I'm 61)

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