How Long Dose Dilaudid Stay In Your System? (Page 4)
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My friend snorted a dilaudid and she has to take a drug screen for a job and she wants to know how long dose it stay in your urine

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@ Star. I have been addicted to pain meds and heroin on and off for almost 15 years. I have been clean and sober now since 2004. It took me going to jail ONE time to completely quit. I am from Baltimore city and the women's detention center is no joke. I am never going back there again. On a positive note, I have never felt better in my life. I have a good job now my family is well and I am re-married to someone who has never used any kind of drugs. It is possible to get clean and be happy, you just have to want it bad enough. I wish you all the luck in the world, and will pray for you to get clean.Good luck.

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I bumped my toe so I took 2 80mg OC'S. LOL. Shows how people take the easy path and how Dr's OVER prescribe pain meds.

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ah i jus wanyed to say i wanna quit but dnt noe how who can help me

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I've had chronic back pain for yrs. I'm 61 yrs old. Dr's state a surgery is not the answer and I've already had numerous other procedures done, I've scatica running down left leg since 1975 starting to get burning sensation in right thigh. I've also got chirrosis of the liver so I must be aware and carefull of what I take. Been on approx 40 -60 mg of methadone since 2001. I hate it. Dr. Gave me dilaudid 4 mg. I thought they would be like the old k 4's so I told pharm to give me "only" name brand dilaudid, which cost $130.00 for 86. Could have gotten the generic for $2.50 with my medicaid. The D's were made by purdue. The look like and cook like the old K 4's but brother there's a big difference. There;s nothing to them. Is there any dilaudid out there that are at least similar to the old K 4's. Or some other opiate that is clean (I have to watch what I inject or take due to my liver condition I do not use a vien anymore. Rather I muscle them in the but). I've found that even the "clean" tar can be taken that way and I get off better than if used in the vien. However, it took me a while to get use to that. Now I feel it going in the muscle within 2 minutes. I believe my Dr. will write for about anything I suggest, but what can I suggest that is clean & will break down absolutely clean, & produce the effect like the old K 4's. I had dilaudid in the hospital. In 2008 for broken foot. It went in the IV so it was liquid and it was great, definitely dealt with the pain and put my chin in my chest. Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated. I am not a drug addict. I do have a chemical dependance. Tho not by choice. Big difference. I am considering a laser surgery done in Germany. They take better care of a person so I am told, just have to get the funds togather. I pray it works so I can finally get off this methadone which has me about 75lbs overweight and all pain meds. Any suggestions would greatly be appreciated. Thanks Robert

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I ned to know I stop smoking pot last week I have UA the 28 th I also had taking dilaudid 30 mg ,fentanyl 75 mu and morphine tabs , I stop but I am in pain management I ran out of my percs and I was in pain ,they don't allowed me to use anything only percs,klonopin I also took valium I get my script 3 days do you guys think I would pass the test ? I stop pot for years I just start last month thank you I am new I need info

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how long would diladids stay in youre system,blood and urien if you were doing a drug test within 2 in a half months to 3 months ? would youre system be clean by than if say i did one diliadid 8 on this day and had to do a drug test in 2 in a half months to 3 months from now ?

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how long after injecting 2 dillaudids r they in ur system for im on probation n need to know please

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Yes you can safely drink

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some of these responses are hilarious!

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for a toothache my ass. probably on probation and your drug testing color came up the day after you took a D

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I toke 2-4mg. Dilaudid about a week in half ago for a toothach. How long will that show in my hair drug test. First and only time taking it.

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i would like to know how long it takes for dilaudid to get out of your sytem for a drug screen, blood test

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i ate 3 dilaudid because my cooter hurts

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I am about to start Subutex. It is 6pm now, my last dilaudid was at 6am 12 hours ago. The nurse said I can take the Subutex 24hours after the last opiate dose. Does this include dilaudid? I only took it for two days.

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sorry she took alot like 10-12 pills in one nite

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My friend took about - of dilaudids and i want to know how long does it stay in her system for.

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If you haven't been continuously taking it and your last dose was the night before, you should be fine. Thought it would be best to consult with a doctor or pharmacist, first.

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I was given dilaudid lastnight for a migrain and today is my sisters birthday, can I safetly drink today? Does anyone know?

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Crushing any pills could be fatal. My brother first started consuming pills and then went to snorting them after his tolerance built-up. He is ruining his family because of this addiction. Please tell your friend to stop, before she gets into big trouble with her health.

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the detoxitation of the human body depends on how hard she works , plays, works out, also the intake an explusion of liquids help, if she wants to pass drug screen if its urine eat 2 packages of sure-jell an drink 1 quart or more of water or orange juice, the sure-jell will temp. seal inside her bladder for like 4 hours, if they swab her mouth, hair test or blood test she s gonna fail

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