How Long Does Oxycodone Stay In Ur System For Me To Pass A Urine Test? (Page 3) (Top voted first)


I need to know how many days a percocet, roxicodone or oxycodone stay in ur system for a urine test?

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I also get tested I did a perk 30 and a about a half of one and waited 4 days and still came back dirty so ill say it all varries I'm a 170 lb woman and I also am on the clinic for subs so I get tested weekly and now 2x I've twisted my problems with thinkin its 49-72 hour which is wrong because I did one on Sunday and failed on a weds and before I did one on a Thursday and failed agian on a weds ...big gap and I also did Molly and passed after 48 hours 2x ad my negative tests came up as oxymorophone as a narcotic not as a opio .....dont get it myself but don't ever trust what people say your body is different

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I was clean for 24 days then took 1 perk 30, next day took 2 perk 20s, next day took 1 perk 20, next day perk 30, and today perk 30. So how long does anybody think before im clean again and can pass a urine test for an outpatient program?

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I am very small, and had heard that if I drank lots of water, roxys would be out of my system in 72 hours - NOT TRUE!!! I took a drug test 4 days after I snorted a couple of roxys and FAILED!!!! Please be extra CAUTIOUS!! I was very shocked and upset.

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This is to help all types of questions for all. First of all....... if your having a drug test done for employment... and if you are on any medications what so ever...... take the bottle with you. Sometimes other meds can cause a false positive. Most test for employment only look for up to 5 different kinds of classes of drugs. Which can be a bunch to show up. It depends on the type of job your applying for. Usually the amount of pay will kinda of determine the type of test they give you.My son took a test once for a grocery store. They pay above average and I told him they would be using an advanced test. He did not listen. Got him come Golden seal and drank it. They used the salavia test. They told him that he failed right on the spot. Another person I knew found out she would have to submit a hair test. The thing was she never knew when it would happen. She worked with a temp agency until the test come back. The bottle of shampoo was over $100 a bottle and only her about 10 days. She had very long hair......and after $1,500 out of her own pocket she did one and passed but got fired in 2 weeks for being late for for work.

As far if your in pain management..... You need to take your bottles with you each time you go. They WILL test you from time to time...... to see if what they have prescribed you is in your system and ENOUGH of it is. Along with other drugs that are not supposed to be. If you fail it as far as not having enough.......or something else in your system... well its a 99 percent chance you will be dropped as a patient and not seen in that office again. And the wait to get in and to see another one will take at least a month if your lucky to get it that soon.And never with the same group of pain Drs you were seeing. Forget telling them you lost your medication or telling the truth that someone stole your meds...... they will more or less tell you..... oh well you have to suck it up until time. You cant blame them really. If they went on and prescribed them to you.....they would be licensed drug dealers. You know how they make you be seen often and you have to have a script in hand to have refills each time? Its law. Just make sure you see them again before your meds run out. I did that once and never again. I have a RX of Catapress, just in case mine or stolen or if I have taken to many before being seen again. It helps with withdrawals. If you have ever went though them you know how important it is to never run out not even for a day. The longest I have went was 5 day..... 3 of which were total hell. the 5th day I was more clear minded I have been in years. The 5th day was gonna be hard also but seen my Dr and told him I needed a bump in meds because I was taking way to much Tylenol with my Oxydocone. I was telling the truth. I can not take anything with Acetaminophen or Aspirin in it. Now finally how long it stays in your system.

No matter the dosage really. If its any of the name brands such as Oxy or Roxi etc.... they are all name for Oxycodone. It will take atleast 24 hours to 72 hours. It will depend on your weight. How much you drink to flush it out of your system....and your natural metabolism. I personally probably keep them in my body for an entire week. My Metabolism is slow always has been. I can drink allot of water or what ever but can tell it never flushes out well because of the color of my urine. And if you drink to much....... it will be to clean looking.... meaning it looks like water and not pee! Yep too clean. They will mark that in the remarks section. And it goes back again to the type of test they are using. If your doing Oxy and know your having a test within the next 2 days and your using it and are not supposed to ....... yep you have messed up and should know better to begin with. I know allot of people are in pain and need the meds........ then you should insist on going to a pain management Dr and getting your own Rx for it then. They will follow you and that is what everyone needs to have done. Gone are the days family Drs so this. They used to until it became an addiction. And if your on probation and doing this med..... you already know better.......... plain and simple. Its the fastest way to get put back in jail. What are you thinking? Your not. Good luck to everyone regarding this. If I can be put on this for over 6 years and go though 5 days of detoxing because of something stupid I did to myself i know anyone can. I hate being Opiate dependent but I am and I am not embarrassed. Its a part of my life. And if any one are on them without a script.... stop now. Its not that bad to detox from them. Go get a script for them if you truly need them. I am a disabled nurse and do know what I am talking about. So you honestly need a total of 72 hours to be clean from it. Good luck.

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With drawl is not that bad no. I was surprised myself when I had to go without for 5 days. Its all in your mind. Its because you did not take one when you normally do. On the 3rd day I woke up mind actually clear... I felt like I had the most peaceful sleep in years.

If your prescribed this medication and your taking it like you are supposed to ...... you will be fine. Are you trying to pass a drug test with only taking what your supposed to be? Or are you needing to quit it cold turkey? and show no evidence what so ever of it? With this med........ its easy to take another one..... and not think about it. I think that is where the abuse of it comes from. It does not make me high, Never has. I use it for chronic pain nothing else. I suppose that is the reason I do not get a high feeling from it. But yeah...... you will be fine as long as your taking it like your supposed to. And if your taking it without a script....... give your self at least 4 days totally being clean to make absolutely sure. Best of luck to you.

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Perk, oxy 36 hrs is safe # but cotton any extended release has a lot longer shelf life these are facts I hope that helps u

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I took 3 10mg oxys Friday and passed a drug test Monday I drank a lot of water and passed a 12 panel test

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No one ever says wet her they passed or not. I guess because when they fail they end up in cuffs or rehab. Here is my experience. I took 120mg of oxycontin on a Saturday night and took a lab ua on Friday morning. I didn't drink any extra fluids, I just went about my normal daily routine. My urine was dark yellow. This was sent to quest diagnostics. The most specific test screen they offer since it was for outpatient/parole. The even test for prescription meds like neurotin. Well I passed easily. I'm 170 pounds, active. If that helps anyone that needs to know. In 5 days my system was clear of 120mg oxycontin and it's metabolites.

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I had fractured a body part.. It was only for pain I, have no addiction and rarely take them...

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The link you posted doesn't appear to be working. I added "http:/­/­www." to it and the page still cannot be found. Would you be able to double check it and post back a working one if possible?

Thanks a lot for the information! :)

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They can now determine the difference between a oxycodone and loratab. I am proof. They no longer show up as just opiates.

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yes AND make sure you tell us how you did on test.
for me no matter how much opiates. up to but no more than 7 days and usually 72-96 hours tops.

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DEPENDS ON DRUG, i took roxies and clean on 4th day and im skinny fast metab.
i took dilaudid and this opiate be careful as i tested positive for over 6 days. mostly youll be ok on day 4-but drink lots of water and go midstream.

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I have got to give you credit. 1) You are honest. With yourself and everybody else. Snorting roxies..well, that's def not how they are supposed to be taken. But I know that ppl searching these websites for answers are using the stuff..and many maybe in the same way. 2) If we are searching the web for answers to questions like this it's bcuz we need answers from ppl that are the truth! I went thru the same set of circumstances..DWI, mandated urine screens (only mine were on Thursdays). Point being is that I know the feeling of using, abusing, & then thinking and worrying about 'What's going to happen? What's going to show up?' I def like how you confirmed the fact the question was asked over 2years ago, yet you still provided an answer.I would also like to add that some test can detect up to the ng..So pound need for those wacky remedies-they don't work anyway! I also have a small piece of info for anyone else looking up this question. Some opiates have changed their scheduling. Doctors can now call you in for a random drug screen. This is especially so if you are written one type but may use any other as the weekend warrior may. So, Please everyone, be safe.

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I have been doing alot of oxycodone and opiates almost every day last a couple days ago(tuesday night around 10 pm). My mom is giving me a home drug test sometime today. I drank alot of liquids. Not too much water, even though I know I should have. Mainly chocolate milk although that's probably not good? Anyways I need to know if this is going to show up on my drug screen today! Answers and advice please asap!

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I took an Oxycodone 10mg I've been clean for 8 months just one pill I drink alot of water I weigh 260 It was snorted not ingested how long will it stay in my system?

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I took roughly 45 mg of Roxy Sunday night at 10 is pm and just tested for a job this morning... I will know if I passed by Friday and post my results

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I had a spinal decompression and discectomy and was given 5mg oxycodones, to take every 4 hrs 1-2 as needed, given scripts weekly but never given enough to take 2 evry 4 hrs the full week until I got my next script so I started at 2 every 4 hrs, tapered down to 1 every 4 hrs to make it last week to week, ok so here is the question, I hadn't had any in 15 hours ad had to do a ua, which they sent out to a lab and came back saying negative for it in my, is that possible, or would it be negative given it was 15 hrs since my last dose of only 5mg I am a fluffy gal, weigh 227lbs, 5'6'',my dr cut me off cold turkey and quit my care, leaving me with collapsed disc L 3/4 cuz he never finished with putting hardware in after he caused it to collasp.....I feel there is something wrong with the ua and need advice as to where to turn cuz he told my primary and now no one will help me for my pain which is terrible and I have bladder leakage and my nuero never even noted it in my file, he told my sister" be happy she is walking now" I took a fall and he didn't note it either and his response was he wasn't a hip or leg dr, these remarks were all prior to any ua, he did a tlif on my l4/5, l5/s1 in 2011, all was great and he was kind dr and treated me well, but my health ins changed from Aetna to having state health, and I feel that's why he has changed towards me and my care, not to mention to leave my back as it is, have had spinal fluid leakage, spinal stenosis severely, and since the collapse mri says nerves are impinged from l3-s1, I can barley move and need serious advice please....

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It really does not matter if you took 100mg of Oxy, it just shows up under opiates on the drug test...

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Did you pass?

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