How Long Does Methadone Stay In Your Urine (Page 17) (Top voted first)


I have taken 35mg of methadone today, and i have a urine drung test coming up, how long will it take to get out of my urine?

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MY ADVICE TO U IS NOT TO TAKE IT,PERIOD. if u want to use drugs recreationally thats ur right as far as im concerned,but methadone is very dangerous and unless u r opiate tolerant u need to go find a lortab or perc or something else b/c just one may kill you,and if u do take it do not mix w/ alcohol or ur just asking to die

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I have a disease that without taking methadone (8 yrs). I would be bed-ridden at 39 yrs old. The methadone has given me my LIFE BACK! I have been able to care for my now grown children. I am now 47 yrs old. Methadone is responsible for my ability to be PRESENT & ACTIVE in all 4 of my kids lives! Sorry to others who have not been helped.

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They can't test for methadone in. Standerd tests it's expensive and if you don't have history of opiate use they don't test for it

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I don't understand the horror stories of methadone withdrawals . I've been on 120mg a day for 13 years and I recently took a 3 week break while a good friend was quitting opiates for moral support. I only experienced MINOR discomfort . I had a pain mgmt Dr make me take a week break before and it was the same. Its as miserable as you tell yourself its going to be in my opinion.

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...... 30 pills a day???? Wow

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Yes i stop taking metadone on May 3 and started suboxen in June in the methadone was still in my urine

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I wanted to how how long it takes for Methadone to get out of your system? I took a 10mg Methadone and mind you I dont do it alot first time in almost a month today is the January 31st and I have a urine test on February 5th later in the day around 4ish... Please tell me if I will be okay??

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Never drank methadone before have a drug test friday will I pass

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Hunny hate to break it to you but "your husband didn't drop meds in the toilet" he either double or triple dosed on his meds or either sold some of them. He very well may be in pain I'm not saying he's isn't. Just by what you said he's an addict and that's the hard truth. For one you said he took the methadone for the withdrawals to subside, someone who truly takes pain meds bc they are in pain...... They take it to help the pain not subside withdrawal symptoms. I was an addict for 10 years had 7 back surgeries and was on all types of pain meds..... When I was in pain and already took my meds for the month it's hard to tell the pain from withdrawal. Another thing is why is he taking them standing right over the toilet unless he is sneaking a few more or hiding them from u that he is taking more...... He might dropped them down the toilet but hunny I promise you he's hooked on them to get high not to get out of pain. I'm just saying this to help you and him out bc it's the hard truth and it will eventually ruin his life and yours as well if it hasn't already. Type back on here in a year or so and tell me if it hasn't went downhill since then bc I promise you it will ...... It always starts as I dropped mine in the sink or down the toilet. Either way hunny OxyContin has a coating on it ..... The new ones the old ones it doesn't matter they have a coating on it bc OxyContin is time released ....... Oxycodone is instant release ..... The same drug that's in OxyContin except oxycodone is instant release. All he had to do was grab them out of the toilet real quick and just wipe them off...... It takes them 30 plus mins to dissolve in water. I'm telling you that's the addict brain at work telling you he lost them all down the toilet...... Get him help he needs it, or next month it will be someone stole them or the sink story or I left them in the hot car all day and they are ruined...... I have been clean for 3026 days and hunny believe we as addicts are master manipulators and we can do anything to get high and that means lie steal cheat ...... Anything ....... Just food for thought ...... I hate to see another couples life ruined by them damn pain pills

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@lady c....
I'm surprised you didn't test positive last time. You must have a super fast metabolism. If you have it available to you, start taking it as much as you can, especially the few days before your appointment

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I was on Methadone for 13 months on 80mg I started to go down slowly,I stopped at 3mg And haven't dose in three days when will I feel ok.I am not feeling that bad as if I stopped cold turkey.

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if u are doing dope it could be cut with it!

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how long dose methadone stay in urine

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I been told 7 days about your weight workout drink lots water

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No, you will probably go to jail for life.

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I stand-up for YOU! I could NOT function w/o methadone.

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Darvocet can show up as methadone unless they do a very specific test. Darvocet and Methadone have almost identical chemical structures. There is only one slight difference in the two.

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That's a simple one don't do drugs while you're pregnant

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since you have been taking such a high dose for 10 years it is possible for it to stay in your system for maybe 10 days but not 18 days i would ask for a retest GOOD LUCK TO YOU!

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Drug Urine Tox tests are qualitative. Not normally quantitative.

Meaning, you get a POS/NEG answer from the Lab/Dr.'s office, NOT #s.

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