How Long Do I Have To Wait Take Suboxone After A Few Days Of Being On Just Morphine? (Top voted first)


I was previously on suboxone for three years and relapsed on morphine for about three days now and want to start my suboxone back up, but I'm not sure when to take it. I think I will try 1mg of Subs and see what happens in a few hours and if I'm sick I'll just take another morphine........crazy I thought I was good til they were in my hands again. The last morphine 30 I took was yesterday morning and the last 15 I took was at 11pm last night. Any suggestions?

22 Replies (2 Pages)

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Omgmomma again with some good news that may help someone else someday. I'm basically answering my own question because nobody else did, in fact it seems there is not much activity for 2014 here. Now I speak from my own experience after no body got back to me I decided that when it came to the"COW" method of determining how severe your withdrawl is I definitely was ready to take the suboxone even though it had only been 10 hrs. Please keep in mind everyone is different but as my question stated common sense told me that since I had been taking only 15 mg of morphine sulfate for weeks after Years and years of being on Thousands of mg after a constant taper for years and in constant steady withdrawl while taking just the 15 per day,my prediction that because I was in pretty bad withdrawl after 10 hrs, I was going to go for it. So I started with just 2 mg suboxone and ran a warm bath while I waited the anxiety started to ebb within minuets and i felt a slight tingling everywhere after about 15 min I stopped feeling so restless and was able to get into the tub and I felt relaxed but a bit dizzy by the time I got out of the tub and went to ly down I did feel a headache but it wasn't too horrible compared to what I was going through and I heard it could be a side affect. My restlessness was still there but not as bad and it had been an hr, no PWD! So I took 2 more mg that made a total of 4mg. Hello headache again! Verifying I was one of those who would have that side affect. Long story short I did not go in to full blown bad withdrawl. That 4 mg lasted 12 hrs before I began to feel some symptoms strangely though they were symptoms that I never had from morphine w.d's but more like the ones they say come with the precipitated w.d only mild which were LEG CRAMPS, NAUSEA,Sweating profusly, and the return of hot flashes that I have had completely under control for a year now on natural progesterone I'm using it more often Which is totally fine to do. ( I'm in menopause) I want to clarify however these symptoms although bothersome are completely manageable and a fair trade off. It is going on 48 hrs now and I have not taken any morphine and I have been able to stay at this same cycle of 4 mg every twelve hrs so 8 mg lasting 24 hrs. The above mentioned symptoms continue but are mild they just intensify when it's coming up on the 12 hr point then take the 4 (strip under tongue)by the way) my goal now is to taper off this sub as quickly as possible and if anybody replies I will keep you posted. Now I need to find out if my symptoms are from the morphine leaving my body, or if I'm taking too little, or too much of the sub. I can't figure it out because everybody says that the Suboxone should just take all of that away. I'm thinking the entire process is just affecting my hormones because I'm in menopause already anyway as every symptom im having are things I experienced before my menopause symptoms were under control. I'm going to only take 4 mg per day now and see how it goes.

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No it's not. I don't know about taking it after morphine sulfate, but if you take that sub too soon you'll want to go to the hospital. I went to the emergency room, but they do NOTHING for you. They give you f***ing Benadryl and put you on fluids. Imagine the worst WDs you've ever experienced and being stuck there...

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Hi. I know it's been almost a month since you posted this question but if you check out my posts from the last few days it might be helpful plus I am curious how you are doing. I actually have another update but they said it needed reviewing before it posts? So look for them. Not sure how this works exactly but I started posting the last day of September and will continue to update. Good luck hugs and peace omgmomma

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I took 15 mg of morphine a day for 3 days I don't with draw as I monitor my abuse be uase withdraw sucks I wanna try a sub it's been 6 hours can I take the sub or will I withdrawal

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I'm curious how you are doing. I see all of these new posts popping up about having t,o wait days and or weeks before going to the subs from morphine. Although there are situations where some are thrown into precipitated withdrawal from beginning too soon, usually as long as you are feeling strong withdrawal symptoms for over 10 hrs, you should be good to go on the sub's. I mean if someone waits weeks to begin a sub taper off of opiates, they would already be so far into withdrawal they may as well not take the sub's at all. Don't get me wrong there is such a thing as prolonged or even delayed withdrawal after someone stops opiates and in such cases they may seek treatment with sub's but the general rule to determine its safe is that your symptoms are strong and steady.

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The same exactly happened to me. Except, I put the fluid bag on wheels and walked around the ER and around and around and around. I nmust have walked miles. An experience I will never forget.

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Do not take the subs until you feel actual withdrawal symptoms if u take it to soon it will send u into withdrawal with is much worse I waited twenty four hours and it was

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Hi Courtney! Everyone is different, but the main thing is to wait until you are in withdrawals. If you don't wait, you could really be suffering from withdrawals even worse.

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I'm curious if the switch from say, morphine sulfate, to suboxone has to do with how long since your last dose as opposed to how long I have been in withdrawl because on such low dose? Example.. Been Titrating for a year from 1800mg a month to 600mg per mo and got all the way down to 15 mg per day this entire week been in withdrawl even when taking 15mg all week, in fact been in mild withdrawl for months but this weeks been bad. Today took my 15 10 hrs ago. I want to start my suboxone so badly, the withdrawl feels as bad as in the past when I ran out for 24 hrs. I.e. Chills sweat hot flashes, diarrhea, restless legs, crying anxiety ,clenching jaw shakes etc. I have more than 10 of the 15.'s left but I just want to start the suboxone. If I do, and it throws me into pwd worse case I could take the 15 and then know I need to wait longer. Anybody ? Thank you

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Take it in am u will b fine twelve hours

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U can take the suboxion u will not have ANY WITHDRAWLS ONLY BEING ON THAT LOW OF A DOSE FOR 3 DAYS..

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How long after taking a few days of morphine 60s can I take a suboxone? ??

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You should be fine to take it within 12 hours or so just wait til you feel the first signs of withdrawal honestly my uncle has to take morephine with his suboxone now for pain. He takes them 4 to 6 hours apart.

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Re: Courtney (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

YOU MUST WAIT AT LEAST 12hrs in between taking a saboxen & any opioid!!!!! It can literally kill you....almost have me a heart attack not waiting long enough once

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Re: jack (# 10) Expand Referenced Message

Please read carefully!! The above post is wrong!! It's not a scare tactic!! If you have any kind of serious opiate levels and don't wait @ least 12 to 24 hours, and then take 4-8mgs of suboxone, you will quickly/immediately go to into awful withdrawals! Use common sense!! The blocker in suboxone is exactly what "Emt ambulance attendants call "Narcan", which they use to restore breathing / bring junkies back to life!! If you "Must" take the suboxone "Early" for your sake , just cut little pieces & take it 1-2 mgs at a time!! Wait & see what happens for a 1/2 hour or so. . B4 you take more!! Of course, the size of your habit is critical in determining the consequences!!

Google search "1/2 life" of whatever and how much you guesstimate is still in your body! It's a b**** to wait, but reread this and use whatever common sense you have on reserve!!! And for whatever love you can gather for yourself or "Whoever or whatever" u can.... Pull every scam/trick you can to either switch to subutex (which has no "Blocker" at all) or f****n' quit!! For over 40 years I've been in this hell and please remember 3 things: 1.) as horrible as you feel, "Never challenge "Worse" because things can always get "There" = worse!... 2) I was clean for several years & was enjoying life! Then I relapsed because I started "Just hanging out 4 a couple hours around bars & junkies." because of "It does not matter!"... 3.) john lennon was "Spot tha f*** on" with that tune, "Whatever gets you through the night." some have a little scratching 'cute' monkey on their back, but keep f***n' around & you'll end up with a 990 lb. Gorilla, crushing ya. Just ask mine. Mr. End game. I'm a constant warning . A constant warning to take the other die-rection."

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Ty!! Ms. Tammy... I found this site 3 hours ago. I've been hip, slick and killing myself on installments, rarely miss a payment, for decades now. My response 2 your post was/is almost a reflex to finding a post that bluntly "Lays down the drill." I'm deadwood and it seems like parts of this caters to what dope-fiends share, a pathological obsession with finding even 1 person &/or sentence, to tell us what our inner, "Mr. F*** it" wants to hear. Everyone's chemistry differs but after many years of dancing with this 3-step m. F***er , I agree totally that 12 hours is the bare minimum to wait, to avoid playing chemical roulette. Anywho, I started out in the mid 1970s, from s. Fla. I got hurt very badly and that's all my inner gorilla needed to rationalize a very conscious effort through innumerable bad and selfish choices to plunder, use & abuse, all in the name of "F*** it!!"

But my direction here in closing is to stress that help does work. I know because I sought n received honest help from frequently dishonest people, years ago. But I was as hopeless as hopeless gets. Unknown winos n junkies would voice concern about my "Excessive consumption but I, through god's grace, out of nowhere got help!! I did it solely to get custody of my 2 year old son and I acted right and he never grew up with a "Loaded violent slob" 4 a dad!! But as soon as he was a young law student, I had only myself to care about and my track record of being righteously motivated, just for myself, is non-existent. But during those clean years, I saw mountains of "Solid proof" that hopeless f***s like me and countless others can & do live their way into a new way of good thinking. If you are thinking I'm preachy, I understand but I'm not. I'll be dead as julius caesar soon and at the end of the trail all I have is the same as you all.

Whatever good & whatever bad we have done and left way way behind. I'm a grandpa and I made it past 57 and I have kept my promise so my kiddios still never have seen me "Loaded and dead f****d face down in my own mud n blood." neither literally or figuratively. And I've never struck or bullied a child or a woman. I was raised right. I bought my 990 lb. Gorilla, his name is mr. Endgame. Bought 'em myself / my bad. My last words to any men out there. You don't have to "Pass a u/a" to do the right thing!!! And/or acknowledge 1 of the many others on this earth who are in dire need of kindness & / or neutralize a bully. Evil prevails when the good fail to act. Sincerely, the luckiest gator from "The swamp". Goodbye good souls, deadwood99 - *godspeed*

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Don't worry, I know 5 people that mix them on a daily basis and no weird withdrawal. I can't find anyone that has had that happen. I think it's a scare tactic

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I have been taking between 300/400mlg of morph everyday for about 2 years, i recentley got into a suboxon clinic, i have not stared my sub yet because im scared on the time frame i need to wait before switching to my subs and how much i need to take the first time, any advice would be greatly appreaceated. thank you

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Any advice please i see and here so many diff ways to go about it so im a little confused

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Sorry art. Your message alert went into my spam file. How did it go? Everyone is different but as my posts said for me, I was ok starting the sub after being on low low dose of morph for a few days and then none for 8 hrs. I think most importantly you just have to Be feeling the withdrawal before begining.

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